• #827
Yeah that's kind of their thing! That's like moaning that you can't get a Big Mac in Byron
• #828
I've not been to a Byron half cut. If ever i do and they don't have any Big Macs on hand, words will be had've.
• #829
• #830
• #831
You could have a whole spoons ride, hitting some of the more interesting spoons dotted about the city.
• #832
I quite liked the Knights Templar when it wasn't heaving with suits. Good historic building with some nice nooks at the back.
I once ordered a sausage and chips at the bar when it was thick with people. It beat me back to my table.
• #833
Friday mornings in the Harold Wilson, Huddersfield after the first lecture of the day. To bring it back to politics...
• #834
+1 for Sam Smiths. The beer is cheaper than water at Sinclair's in Manchester. It must be cheaper than air in Tadcaster.
• #835
Gatehouse in Highate is a destination spoons, lots of sweary old men and there's a theatre upstairs.
• #836
For anyone struggling to understand why those wretched jocks have done what they have done, Alex Thomson puts it into simple words for you. Spoiler - the 'nationalism, baaaad, booooo!' narrative is lazy horseshit.
• #837
If I ever eat in a spoons I normally go the burger. Sounds obvious, boring even. Not so. You can spec an extra pate or chicken breast for a £1. There doesn't seem to be a maximum number you can have either.
I reckon an extra chicken breast for £1 is pretty good going. So far the most I've had in one burger is 3.
• #838
the crown and sceptre on top of brixton hill is good use to meet a mate in there, good selection of beer staff were always nice and mostly families out having a drink and a meal, wish they would ditch the TV in the wall though.
Im really missing London pubs though - esp my old local the Marquis in stockwell, one of the last backstreet pubs in the area.
• #839
george galloway has lost his expenses account is pretty pissed about it
rumours are he's after the London Mayoral expenses account next
• #840
Has the nation revolted yet?
• #841
Not yet, but the Tories are going after human rights first, just in case.
• #842
With Snoopers' Charter for desert, in case the revolt goes dark.
• #843
Are there any conservatives on here?
• #844
Yes, there are, but they prefer to talk about other things.
• #845
Does anyone know where I can get the results for the whole country as a nice spreadsheet?
Like the one from here - http://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/general-election-results-2015 but for the whole country?
• #846
Best I can find with a quick google:-
Just set the delimiter to be ;
Bundles SNP / Plaid as the NAT(ional party) column.
Details of columns here: http://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/flatfile.html (which is where it was linked from).
• #847
Well that's worked out well for Farage http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-32696505
I'm fairly sure this was a plot-line from Coupling in the dim and distant past
• #848
oh no! i was hoping his resignation would mean we were finally rid of all the witless bigots that support UKIP.
• #849
Perfect. Thanks ever so much!
Met up with some of the wifes family last week, they forced us to eat in Garfunkles; I'm not being snobby when I say it was fucking inedible