• #31077
I've asked my friend Iain, who is the official keeper of what constitutes a chipper at the pro level. His response;
• #31078
Here's his previous official version, as approved by the UCI.
• #31079
wtf is a chipper
I miss veloriders before it went to shit. Was a chipper coined on there?
• #31080
Chipper was coined long before Legro, McClown et al worked out how to use the internet
• #31081
wtf is tour de suisse
• #31082
Retired? Either way, If ISUN have the media profile and decent results of EF this time next year then I’m sure they will be very happy.
• #31083
Number 1 blood bag harvesting race of the bad old days.
• #31084
It was in common use when I started racing, over thirty years ago, mainly as a derogatory term for riders who got lots of points, but did so by racing small races with weaker fields.
• #31085
OG EF, not newfound media savvy EF.
EF changed when Bettiol won Falnders.
• #31086
I wouldn't insult the race if I was in UAE either. Might not make it out alive.
• #31087
I think they only kill migrant workers from the Indian sub-continent and local women who get modern ideas. White people are fine, generally.
But if you ride for a team promoting Israel I think you have to be very careful about what you say in public relating to the Arab states.
• #31088
Maybe Froome’s performance a political protest.
• #31089
Looks like that media training worked really well then - https://cyclingtips.com/2021/02/simmons-i-dont-feel-like-i-deserved-the-suspension/
• #31090
Since when has Kirby being doing all these slurping noises as part of his commentary? Or am I just noticing now?
• #31091
He's defo been doing them for a while as it drives me insane but then I have misophonia so probably more noticeable to me.
• #31092
Wanty Group gloves look like goalies mitts
• #31093
ominous group forming here
• #31094
massive effort from pidders to bridge. lovely stuff
• #31095
Pidcock nose breathing LOL
• #31096
the racist guy in front !
• #31097
I've run out of beer #poorpacingstrategy
• #31098
great anticlimax commenting by GCN. they need to practice a bit
• #31099
Quality on gcn+ is a bit shit
• #31100
Anticlimax in the race as well. Climate change sucks, too hot and no wind.
A meaningless race whose results will be in a paper that will be used to wrap chips tomorrow.