• #802
there's a provisional UK divide route floating around on certain bikepacking forums
it's a bit boring in the middle, but would be an amazing race -
• #803
https://www.gbdivide.net/ 40-rider "mass start" sets off in a couple of weeks
• #804
How’ve I never come across that. Anyone know the people behind it?
• #805
Yeah, its the Racing Collective which is a group of people doing cool grassroots races/events all over the UK
• #806
this is a different route. more boring. less singletrack.
• #807
Regardless, it is the closest thing the UK currently has and will be worth following
• #808
Great podcast and this particular episode on Nick Skarajew, who's racing SS this year.
https://www.spreaker.com/user/thehiddenathletepodcast/nick-skarajew-final -
• #809
No there is another race starting next year in 2020. Gbdivide.
No idea who's organising it or the route.
• #810
just having a look through the riders list and spotted a strava 'foe' of mine!
Teaboy, from Takely,....him and I have had some KOM tussles.....is he onnhere?
• #812
Yeah hes pretty much nuts. And nails hard.
No sleeping is not the best way to me, in such a long race. Also looks like he slowed pace as a result and didnt gain much ground over the time he hadn't stopped.
• #813
Yeah, the ones behind him are now into their second sleep, surely when he does sleep, he will need a good long ish sleep, and the others will gain on him significantly. Still, his pace is pretty incredible...
• #814
Josh slept and is almost at the same route mile.
Josh is going well. -
• #815
Josh is off route, missed turning maybe, I can't really remember that area as I rode it at night...
I hope he realises and backtracks and doesn't just try to rejoin the route on his current road, else he's DQed.
• #816
"Sofiane Sehili is still leading and has not yet slept 48 hours into the race."
• #817
Lael said she wanted the record. She's normally a slower starter. Wonder what she can do.
• #818
Josh has missed the rh turn up the rocky track that goes up and over to the Llama cabin. Easy to do as the main Stemple pass forestry road runs off down a hill and then up to Stemple pass.
• #819
How can you tell? All his points seem to be on the route?
• #820
Josh Ibbett?
1 Attachment
• #821
Doesn't look right to me
1 Attachment
• #822
Better explanation with this view. Its an easily missed track. I missed it (bimbling not racing)
1 Attachment
• #823
If you're racing, why wouldn't you have off course warnings turned on? He's just wasted himself a lot of time...
Also weird that his tracker has stopped updating
• #824
Ahh, thought you meant Kato. Forgot about JI :)
• #825
I was thinking of Kato
Reckon something like this would ever get string together into a raceable route for the UK? Save loads of air miles.