• #77
Just getting internal server error messages
On which page? I've added some more error tracing stuff, but knowing the URL you were trying is always helpful.
• #78
How do you change your e-mail address associated with your account on Persona? I only seem to be getting the option of deleting my existing address on the 'Account Manager' page (https://login.persona.org/), which it tells me would then cancel my account. I thought it should at least be possible to edit the existing address, or to add another address and then delete the old one? Or do I have to go through the rigmarole of creating a different Persona account and then associating that with a Microcosm account?
• #79
Nice one, I just signed in using my email that was ready registered, and the new format site recognised my 'alkali' name and also my seagull avatar. I am very simple and like this.
Please keep DJ banned ;-)
• #80
The import seems to have gone a bit weird,
Here is an old thread I made
Nothing remarkable there...
Now the version on microcosm:
What on earth are all those iPhone photos doing in my last post? I certainly didn't take them.It appears that some attachments have been associated to the post. I'll look into it.
Will I be able to log in without going via the third party persona.org shit?
We do not have an internal auth package and are using external auth. Persona is far more secure than anything we could add, whilst preventing anyone else from knowing what websites you are using.
How do you change your e-mail address associated with your account on Persona? I only seem to be getting the option of deleting my existing address on the 'Account Manager' page (https://login.persona.org/), which it tells me would then cancel my account. I thought it should at least be possible to edit the existing address, or to add another address and then delete the old one? Or do I have to go through the rigmarole of creating a different Persona account and then associating that with a Microcosm account?
Persona will let you register and use multiple email accounts. This is effectively alias management, you're signed into Persona once and can choose which account you want to use when signing in to a website/service.
Microcosm simply classes an email as an account... that's it. So if you use a different email, you'll get a different account.
If you want to change the email used by Microcosm, change your email on LFGSS immediately as we are going to wipe the test data and re-import once all bugs are closed. Whatever LFGSS thinks is what will fly.
• #81
Will I be able to log in without going via the third party persona.org shit?
We do not have an internal auth package and are using external auth. Persona is far more secure than anything we could add, whilst preventing anyone else from knowing what websites you are using.
Well, persona.org will know I'm using lfgss, and they'll know I'm using whatever other sites use persona.org for log in. This seems like exactly the kind of thing we'd all like to avoid. Sure, NSA/GCHQ can join the dots pretty much at will, but using a common login for everything, which is presumably the aim, just makes it easy for everybody else (i.e. crooks and advertisers, if there's a difference) to do the same.
• #82
Well, persona.org will know I'm using lfgss, and they'll know I'm using whatever other sites use persona.org for log in. This seems like exactly the kind of thing we'd all like to avoid. Sure, NSA/GCHQ can join the dots pretty much at will, but using a common login for everything, which is presumably the aim, just makes it easy for everybody else (i.e. crooks and advertisers, if there's a difference) to do the same.
From the persona web site:
Persona preserves your privacy
Persona does not track your activity around the Web. It creates a wall between signing you in and what you do once you're there. The history of what sites you visit is stored only on your own computer.
Persona is proudly non-profit for you
Persona is developed by Mozilla, a not-for-profit company trusted throughout the Web community. Our goal is to create technologies that balance an open Web platform with people's privacy.
• #83
Thats what they want you to think sheeple
• #84
• #85
Well, if you prefer we could use Facebook Connect or Google Plus.
There are real difficulties in creating a security layer for authentication, not least that vBulletin has been hacked so many times it's beyond funny.
The big reasons we're using Persona:
- They have dedicated and skilled security people working on just this, your data is safe
- They are as obsessed by privacy as I am (which is likely more than 99% of people are)
- Microcosm has different needs from vBulletin, namely the auth needs to also allow it to work on mobile apps and devices - we couldn't just use something similar, we'd have to rebuild to include a whole raft of new requirements
- If we built our own, what we would build would look almost exactly like Persona
- Persona is open-source and there is the ability for us to self-host in future, which would remove even Mozilla from the equation
The issues relating to Persona:
- Poor support for really old clients and some incognito modes on some mobile devices (which prevent cookies or anything being used and state management is virtually impossible)
- To be greeted with another set of terms and services confuses people
- Do you trust Mozilla? Though eventually we could run our own instance
All in, the advantages massively outweigh the disadvantages, and our needs prevent us from using a method similar to vBulletin.
One of the biggest requirements: How can we authenticate you, when we don't trust the client.
As in... Microcosm is an API that wants an authenticated user, Microweb is a website that implements the API and presents the go.lfgss.com site to you. Other people could run Microweb, customised to their needs. How do we ensure that third parties running instances of Microweb get a usable system without ever being granted access to your password?
Answer: Use something almost exactly like Persona... or Persona.
Given that it would've taken another 3 months to build something of near equal quality, and the security would still be in doubt... Persona wins.
- They have dedicated and skilled security people working on just this, your data is safe
• #86
The import seems to have gone a bit weird,
Here is an old thread I made
Nothing remarkable there...
Now the version on microcosm:
What on earth are all those iPhone photos doing in my last post? I certainly didn't take them.This is fixed in the importer and will be reflected in the final import.
• #87
This may have been answered already but I haven't seen it. How will you handle the cross-over period between here and the microcosm version? It took days to copy all the current stuff across, will you do another copy to bring along the new content or will there be missing posts? And how will posts that have been made on the microcosm site in the mean time act if you add more content from the old site? etc.
• #88
Just found this answer:
• #89
Yup, and processes are already running on lfgss.com to put the data into a state that is as close as possible to how we need it to perform the export and import.
This will reduce the time significantly.
The import will be faster this time, not least because we know the steps involved and will be monitoring it quite a lot.
• #90
Just looked for the Norwich forum (forum38 usually) but doesn't look like it's there? Will it get imported later on?
• #91
Norwich is gone. You need to move on.
• #92
dst > dtm
• #93
is there a way to make text smaller? I've zoomed out to 75% but then im wasting space around the sides
default text is way too big
• #94
move away from the VDU
• #95
. solved
• #96
If you want to change the email used by Microcosm, change your email on LFGSS immediately as we are going to wipe the test data and re-import once all bugs are closed. Whatever LFGSS thinks is what will fly.
I updated my email on here yesterday. Hopefully I can still log in on the other side.
Good luck!
• #97
just logged in, Liking it a lot, although I just followed the ladies forum and now the fucking football thread is in my following list wtf? I've had that on ignore for years!
make it go away! -
• #98
Unfollow the football thread. You must've interacted with it at some point.
But... then again... the import will put that back, so do unfollow it on Monday or Tuesday.
• #99
I'm trying to log in into the new LFGSS version with the same email and password that I can use for microcosm, but it gives me internal server error.
Then I reset safari and from outside I see, in the "Online now", that marcom is online, but I'm not, well, not from the inside. -
• #100
Blank(ish) last page?
Just getting internal server error messages