• #27
Apollo is just trying to find reasons not to do a 130 mile bike ride.
I bet him £8 he doesn't do it!
134.43 to be exact!
I'm game for this - will sign up this week. Good training for prulondonride100..
• #28
Signed up - worried if I don't get a few audaxes more under my belt this year I'l get ceremonially stripped of my AC Hackney jersey.
• #29
Also entered, and paid, yes, I handed over cash moneys.
Fox, you owe me £8.
• #30
No I don't, you don't get the £8 till you've got your brevet card validated!
(Audax rules)
I must actually enter myself tomorrow or it would be somewhat ironic...
• #31
82/200 places sold
We are getting 2 applications/day
So it looks like we'll sell out a few weeks before the ride
• #32
Fees paid, nice cheap ride
- amey
- JB
- Shannonball.
4.keanulooser - esstee
- allensea
- 'dan (stamping your brevet cards at West Wratting)
- JB
- Tonyme
- amey
• #33
I'm in. Looking forward to it. Hopefully legs will be in better shape by then!
- amey
- JB
- Shannonball.
4.keanulooser - esstee
- allensea
- 'dan (stamping your brevet cards at West Wratting)
- Tonyme
- ShutUpLegs (Joe)
- amey
• #34
anyone doing this ride fixed?
• #35
Im rolling fixed, as is my mate Roland.
- amey
- JB
- Shannonball.
4.keanulooser - esstee
- allensea
- 'dan (stamping your brevet cards at West Wratting)
- Tonyme
- ShutUpLegs (Joe)
- Funkt
- Roland
- amey
• #36
Hi funkt, good to hear! I am seriously tempted. What gear ratio are you planning to use?
• #37
This is where I am track me.
http://livetrack.garmin.com/session/5de3fd47-36b1-480d-9f4a-02567fb76bad/token/89FAED34FC5196425A14B5E58B79A6E -
• #38
125/200 places sold
• #39
Hi Kacper - seem to be happiest in 48:19... managed 7 Swains reps on that the other night so think I can tackle the Essex rollers ok ;-)
• #40
161/200 places sold now
• #41
Looks interesting this, bloody far though. Never ridden more than 120km in one go.
• #42
Just booked two spots for me mates :)
• #43
Completely forgot that I have a wedding that weekend, so I won't be partaking, which is a great shame. Hadn't got a place yet, luckily.
• #44
Anyone know...If I buy a ticket can I transfer it to another name if I decide I can't go?
• #45
165/200 places sold
Best to email the organiser secretary@islington.cc and ask for a refund you find you are unable to take part. No refunds within two weeks of the event. No transfers at any time.
• #46
10 places left - when they're gone, they're gone
• #47
Nabbed one, first audax for me.
• #48
I've had my pass for this revoked by my Mum, it seems I have to be home that weekend.
I'll drop you a line Mr Shannon.
• #49
Just one place available now
• #50
The Garmin link way way above seems to be busted - is there another one available?
^ Now that is trolling.