• #2052
Violent bastards! I blame the parents. Do you live in the country or is this bloodbath an urban haul?
• #2053
Little town called Abingdon , so bit of both really .
• #2054
• #2055
Pocket's haul so far: a bee and a slug. Neither dead.
• #2056
Gomez eats butterflies, snatches them out of the air, and once when he was a kitten he saved us from a huge spider that was in the bath.
I have no evidence to suggest he has ever managed to kill anything else.
• #2057
I have not seen a single spider since Patch has moved in... keep seeing cobweb here and there though...
• #2058
Have you only had patch for the winter?
• #2059
she arrived at the beginning of Sept, it was still failry hot then... and I used to have spiders all year round... you know those long thin legs ones...
• #2060
I can usually call out in an excited voice to mine and she will come running as it usually means there is either some food or an insect to kill at the end of it.
Only problem with her is she sits there tapping the damn thing and spiders dont wait around. So many times i've called her over to kill a spider and she will pat it and it will just run away with her sitting there all confused looking at me 'like where did it go'?
Dumb cat.
• #2061
Basil just brought in TWO little birds. Chicks, I guess. One was still alive, upset the missus a bit. Sat behind the curtain growling his head off when I tried to get them off him. He's a mean little bastard.
• #2062
Stayed at my friend's place last night. Well, he is house sitting his parents' place in Eltham. Anyway, they have 4 cats, who I have met many times, and they are all awesome in their own little way. Except for when they are just being cats.
I had to sleep on the sofa bed in the living room, which means I am basically invading their domain for the night. There's an older cat who has the most forlorn look on her face, constantly, on a par with grumpy cat but forlorn rather than grumpy. She basically believes that this allows her to do whatever the fuck she wants, whenever she wants. She decided she wants to spend the night patrolling the back of the sofa bed, you know the bit that the cushions go against, acts like a headboard when you've got it unfolded. Except she's not very good at balancing, so no less than 10 times during the night, I wake up to the cat falling off from it's patrol, on to my face.
There's a pair of ginger cats who are sisters and they just do their own thing and there's nothing stopping them. One decided it wanted to sleep on my legs, which I didn't have a huge problem with, but usually if you want to move, you start moving your legs and the cat takes the hint and fucks off. Not this cat, she uses some sort of gymbal stability device to stay balanced on you, no matter what you do, so short of launching her in the air in the middle of the night, there's fuck all I can do about her.
05:00 I wake up to the "mysterious" one of the troop, who spends most of her time wandering outdoors, but she's just returned to jump onto the kitchen work surface and roll about in some drying pots and pans, sending them crashing to the floor, waking me up with a start. I hear meowing so I get up to investigate in case one of them has hurt themselves, but she's just sitting in a pan that has landed on the floor the right way up, meowing. She's fine, it's worked out pretty well for her, the pan's landed within reach of food that get's left out overnight, so her butt is in the pan, and her front paws are out and she's snacking and meowing alternately.
On my way back to bed I see the fourth cat sitting on the front door mat, batting a rat about. She's taken to bringing back treats over the last few weeks apparently. There must be a new rat infestation nearby. This doesn't affect me so I leave her to it. Ahhh bed, let me just drift off for a couple more hours before I have to get up. CCCRRRRRUUUUNNNNCCCHHHHH!!!! What is that. Eyes straight open again. CCRRRUUUNNNCCHHHH. CRRRRUUUNNNCCHHHH. Cat with rat is chewing straight through the head. In one mouthful. She has literally bitten the head off the rat, Ozzy Osbourne style, and is sitting there crunching it down with a look of content on it's face. Headphones in, fucking cats.
• #2063
• #2064
CCCRRRRRUUUUNNNNCCCHHHHH!!!! What is that. Eyes straight open again. CCRRRUUUNNNCCHHHH. CRRRRUUUNNNCCHHHH. Cat with rat is chewing straight through the head. In one mouthful. She has literally bitten the head off the rat, Ozzy Osbourne style, and is sitting there crunching it down with a look of content on it's face. .
Metal as fuck \m/
• #2065
• #2066
• #2067
Pocket's haul so far: a bee and a slug. Neither dead.
Aaawwwww, bless.I've killed more than that and I'm practically a Jain!
• #2068
The way she looks at squirrels with a glint in her eye I think she's nearer survivalist than Jain. It's a matter of time / skill.
• #2069
^ and luck? :)
• #2070
Happy 2nd Birthday to Gomez the Destroyer.
• #2071
Hahahahaha Lovely
• #2072
Mmmm...Dreamies, salmon and chicken? Happy birthday Gomez!
• #2073
Happy Birthday Gomez!
And here they are resting . My little Maine Coon tag team
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