• #1402
Aww shit. Poor bumcat. :(
• #1403
Too old and frail to do anything about it. Not long to go I guess.
• #1404
She could have another 4 or 5 years...
• #1405
cats hang around forever... I certainly hope my fucker will...
• #1406
Not by the way she's deteriorated over the past couple of weeks. Drastic behavior change
• #1407
Sorry to hear that Oz.
• #1408
cats hang around forever... I certainly hope my fucker will...
I read up on this recently. While of course nothing lives forever, some do get to 19-21. We have all probably come across at least one haggard, blind, dribbling and/or cantankerous moggy that lives to be 23 or older. On average though, they live to 13.Presumably, that average is brought down by poorly looked after animals and accidental deaths.
Whenever or however they go, it's the pits :(
• #1409
It's a bit shit and I don't really have time for a kitten. I'm out of the house from 7 till 7 for work.
I'm thinking of getting a gecko when she's gone. They're strangely similar.
• #1410
oh I have extremely horrible experience of how my family treated and attempted to treat my 2 previous pets, to a point that I can't let go and will never forget or forgive. First it happened somewhat 15 years ago that my dog 'died' under supisious circumstance was disposed of in a skip. I never saw the body and last time I saw him he was an old but health bastard. Patch is mine, not ours. I insist on this. When I was a kid, I might not have had control over things under my name, but now I do. My cat is MINE!
How is a gecko similar to a cat??? Geckos kind of freak me...
• #1411
Admittedly they don't like stroking but they cuddle up to you. I can't think of any off the top of my head right now but they're cool.
• #1412
Fast forward to the last 10 seconds or so for mean cat's action.
• #1413
• #1415
^ This never fails to make me laugh.
• #1416
One of ours is such a colossal asshole at doing that. Climbs up on everything, waits till you're present in the room, give you a blank stare, then just pushes ONE thing off in slow motion. He looks you dead in the eyes after that like "...that's right.....that just happened...biatch"......
• #1418
Don't know if reep, but this deserves a place here
https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Clissold+Park,+Green+Lanes,+London&hl=en&ll=51.555298,-0.093317&spn=0.000674,0.001725&sll=51.528642,-0.101599&sspn=0.341745,0.883026&oq=clissold+p&hq=Clissold+Park,+Green+Lanes,+London&t=m&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.555298,-0.093912&panoid=0LYKPqeZMH50YD2hzIE_wQ&cbp=12,253.73,,0,0 -
• #1419
• #1421
Well thats that
• #1422
Any change?
• #1423
Gone. Burying her next weekend.
• #1424
oh my god! I thought she was still doing OK yesterday... did she just fall asleep or something? I am so sorry mate.
• #1425
Shit, so sorry to hear that.
Not sure, bro took her there. I'll ask him for more details, sounds like if it does grow in the next month then they might remove. She is about 15yrs old