• #10352
Fanny is a legend, back to her normal cheery self after getting hit by a car a while back.. I think she's happy there are a few more people back on the trains now.
• #10353
Tough morning so far
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• #10354
That damn mouse is still active!
• #10355
Hate to say it mate you might have to do poison...
• #10356
I was gonna go with more traps and poison at the same time last week... might have to. But consumer stuff isn’t that good, I heard.
Any recommendation?
Patch is on guard in the kitchen now so the mouse is there somewhere.
• #10357
consumer stuff isn’t that good
Yeah, most domestic mice these days are resilient to it. Also you're running the risk of secondary poisoning if Patch does kill said mouse. Traps are your best bet, if you know what the mouse has been eating then bait them with that.
• #10358
Traps with peanut butter on worked for us
• #10359
Yup, me too. Get the humane traps and then if yuh want to be kind take them and release them in a park a mile or so away.
• #10360
I have put down multiple traps already with different food... it just doesn’t like it!!! 😠😠😠
• #10361
Watched a bit of Tom and Jerry last night. Have you tried smelly swiss cheese?
• #10362
Only cartoon mouse likes cheese?
• #10363
I am pretty sure the mouse has been eating historical crumbs of various stuff over the last 3 weeks... 🧐
• #10364
Yeah you’ve got to try to eradicate all the mouse food sources. Only then will it venture into a trap I assume?
• #10365
I have a feeling this mouse is going to cost me dearly!
• #10366
There was an old woman who swallowed a fly...
• #10367
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• #10368
• #10369
Your only solution is to get another more deadly cat.
• #10370
Or get a snake, then a mongoose, then a bear etc.
• #10371
Have baited traps before and caught the cat....but that one was quite special.
• #10372
A bear sounds like a good idea. Would it eat me too?
• #10373
Totally gutted, Cleo got hit by a car yesterday and has neurological damage along with broken hips/rear leg, she’s been at the vets 24 hours and Mrs Hammer is going to say goodbye now.
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• #10374
oh shit.
so sorry to hear this.
• #10375
Poor kitty, feel bad for her and you guys.
At least she'll get to pass in company and without pain.
Fanny is on twitter, and it amuses me that people seem happy that the train is delayed if Fanny comes and sits with or usually on them.
Will admit I do detour to Gypsy Hill station if I can, just to say hello to the cat.