• #2952
I literally crawl out of bed in the morning, tendons snapping, knees buckling and lower back throbbing. It takes at least half an hour of standing for anything resembling a range of movement. I live in total fear of what the next few decades are going to gift me.
• #2953
How else do you think velocio funds the forum,
but from commissions from firms targetting the Silver Pound? -
• #2954
Had to see an osteopath and went through my greatest hits, falling off stuff, out of stuff, onto stuff, being hit, kicked, what bones got broken, what made me all twisted up that way…it dawned on me that I had lived an active life and I’ll take the aches and pains over diabetes or whatever sedentary shit is supposed to kill you these days
• #2955
So, I've been on amlopidine for a week now and it has seemingly done nothing to lower my BP. Anyone else on it? Does it take a while to start working?
• #2956
I had a similar thing last year when I went to see a physiotherapist, and went through my history of broken bones, scar damage, tendon damage, neuropathy and bursitis, and listed the bits of me that don't quite work as intended as a result of the damage. It did occur to me, briefly, that it would've been nice to get to this stage in life without being quite so battered. But it also occurred to me that, given my penchant for adrenaline-fueled high speed and high risk activities, the chances of that were unrealistically slim. And upon further reflection, and thinking back to the times when I've been moments or centimetres away from an entirely self-inflicted albeit accidental death, of a sometimes rather unpleasant variety, I decided that overall it could've been a hell of a lot worse.
• #2957
Yep, like having immaculate health with no cause for concern whatsoever.
On a state pension.
In Swindon.
• #2958
I think I have tinnitus. Sounds like one ear is ocean side.
• #2959
I'd give it a bit longer, still no change? Are you on anything else for BP?
• #2960
That's always the first sign of an ear infection (or a cue to visit the nurse for an ear syringe) for me.
Tinnitus is a high pitched sound you can't get rid of, like after you've been to a loud hippety-hoppety-poppety concert.
• #2961
I hope not.
• #2962
I sincerely hope it's not Tinnitus. I have severe Tinnitus and slight hearing loss and it's totally fucking shit
• #2963
Getting hearing aids seems to have reduced my tinnitus.
• #2964
I have some
I should wear them
I don't 😑 -
• #2965
Not wearing mine today either
• #2966
It’s only my own internet led diagnosis. I should book a doctor’s appointment.
• #2967
I dug them out and am wearing them
• #2968
Speak up.
• #2969
Easy mate
• #2970
Been a couple of weeks now and no difference. No, not on anything else for anything.
• #2971
IIRC my BP came down almost straight away when I started taking Ramipril, definitely go back and see your doc. Mine went back up again so my GP added Amlodipine to my meds cocktail.
• #2972
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.
Live fast, live long, leave a highly-modded corpse IMO. Bodies are for using
• #2973
Bodies are for using
The coroner did not take the same view when I was caught in the morgue that time...
• #2974
Someone has watched the Neon Demon recently
• #2975
Um, nope. No idea what that is. Currently half way through Madalorian S3 and Boy Swallows Universe. I'm just wrong in the head. (not in a horny for deaduns way)
That's hardly limited to rugby or middle age. Every rider I've chatted to on the start line had a bad back/knee/wrist or alternatively was coughing up blood/had their arm amputated on Thursday. Have you ever met a cyclist who's admitted to a great week of training and whose legs feel brilliant?