• #102
Looks good Fin. Rules in general or specifically for this league? Either way, would be good for everyone to read these babies...
Certain situations in Bham polo always irk me so I'd be glad to play 'proper' rules.
#mini Bill
• #103
too much time on his hands
What about a list of fish based bands?
• #104
on it
• #106
What about a list of fish based bands?
oh god. 980 miles of that wore thin, I don't think I can take anymore...
• #107
Have a look at this spreadsheet/scoreboard (editable) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As71TBbp8s2QdE1IbEJ3UFA4Vlpka1JVVmdYVVVoM3c
Also we need to discuss a set of rules and principles for the league.
Bumping this - Team 5 - Polotov Cocktails
• #108
oh cod. 980 miles of that wore fin, I don't think I can hake anymore...
Jess that's not how you play
• #109
In Goalious Basterds
thats a neat one..
• #110
Bumping this - Team 5 - Polotov Cocktails
Team 4 - 'Asim to be vinning'
• #111
Bumping this - Team 5 - Polotov Cocktails
dislike, prefer 2 birds 1 stone.
• #112
I vote Neil for Team rep
dislike, prefer 2 birds 1 stone.
The team rep has spoken!
• #113
Fin + Salmon + GILLard = The Fishermen
• #114
The team rep has spoken!
Team rep... not dictator! If there's a dictators role available it's mine and I'll fight you for it.
• #115
Rumour has it that Andy is going to be back next weekend, so if Stu is around, that would be a great time to get their teams' awkward fixture out of the way....
If they can't muster a team, we should still try to get one of Andy's team's games played.
• #116
this will be a clusterfuck due to peoples commitments..but it can be done..
• #117
Next Sunday morning i will mostly be... in Bristol, with a hangover, sorry
• #118
I fell, I have broken ribs, I rode 10 miles back to my car with said bust ribs. I will not be touching a bike for weeks. :(
• #119
must be a hard life being awesome.
• #120
bumped into steve earlier tonight, he said he may be at polo tomorrow, but was flying to Denmark on Thursday, I said 'when are you back?' he said: 'Maybe before chrsitmas' ...
... could be a while before we get a league game together, our best bet is Hanson Vs No polo for old men - on the 27th
• #121
must be a hard life being awesome.
something you will never know, at anything, ever, ever.
Brave on a forum arn't you Simon
• #122
I just like to associate with a better class of people than yourself, with out fallling to insults and dergatory comments on a forum regarding my private life. Your a fine one to talk about being brave on a forum after your last spout of abuse, could not say anything to my face last Sunday? Pointless anyway as you would have been ignored. Go away and be awesome in your own little world...and keep upsetting anyone you ever assoicate with along the way......
• #123
Yeah! Team rivalry!
• #124
I fell, I have broken ribs, I rode 10 miles back to my car with said bust ribs. I will not be touching a bike for weeks. :(
Can I now nominate DAN LJ SUPER SUB!
• #125
Man a morning of mechanicals, Lucas' chain coming off, my crank arm not staying on, Stu's pedal giving way and on the way home Dan's car wheel also gave up so we had to jack it up and change to the spare in the boot..
Good polo today again though, Claudbutler has improved a lot after his two week hiatus, and was great to see Stu back on the court. I may be out Wednesday, but will start the list anyway.
Wednesday 23rd 6pm Lebanese Bakery
OK yeah wheel use that.
since you guys have chosen a film-related pun for your team name I took the opportunity to list a few others in case somebody else would like to use one. Yeah Thursday nights in.
The shortshaft redemption
The Goalfather
Pulp Friction
Schindler's missed
Lord of the swings
The Silence of the fans
Pass of Glory
Double tap Indemnity
Raging Ball
full metal sprocket
In Goalious Bastards
No polo for old men
Touch-pass-said-he and a sudden-dan-skid
There will be beer
Ben (pass it) Hur
Good Wheel Hunting
Dial EMM for Murder
Shotter Island