• #627
How do I actually say hi to people - I'm (slightly drunk and) struggling to find out how to explain that I'm not a stalker ...
• #629
Anyone added mark zuckerberg?
• #630
missmouse has
• #631
i have not read this whole thead, but can someone please describe what google+ is in retarded terms for me?
• #632
All you need to know.
• #633
Is it time for comedy persona's yet?
• #634
All you need to know.
+rss stuff (sparks)
• #635
theres an iphone app out now, better than the web app. so now i can more easily ignore G+ on the go.
• #636
Anyone added mark zuckerberg?
missmouse has
eh, what? am i in trouble?
• #637
Is there a Blackberry App yet?
• #638
iphone app no worky on 3g :(
• #639
eh, what? am i in trouble?
I may be mistaken. Someone in my circles has Mr.Z in their circles
Is it just coincidence that FB has messed up over the past week. It's all over the shop for me
• #640
OK so I'm still not really sure what you're all on about, but last night's visit to West Drinks has enlightened me of one small fact, that seems rather large to me.
To anyone that cares: If you think you are communicating with me on googleplus, think again. It aint me. I'm told there's someone called benscully or something. Maybe he's getting all my freelance work too?!!
• #641
i know another skully from another forum. maybe it's him?
• #642
Well he rides this bike:
• #643
used to,
Skully, we met having fish'n'chips once with Graham and Damo. We had a conversation about the fact that you call your self Skully, and your first name is Ben. It's all got rather confusing indeed.
I don't have that bike any more either.
• #644
I'm not trying to be Skully, or even attempting to steal his Persona or Freelance work.
I'm Ben Scully, it's the name I was given, and Skully's last name is not Scully, although I can't remember what it is.
@Skully, I don't know what to say, I didn't chose my first or last name, but I'm not going to change it. I have my online Moniker on my G+ account, but some people aren't clocking that. also My profile picture doesn't look like you either.
• #645
I liked Google+
I got it.
• #646
The only person I could find was Robert Scoble, pretty sure he isn't you;
• #647
No, a mere 'acquaintance' who side of the family fucked off to the other side of the pond.
Does that mean my profile is not public or summat?
• #648
^ Added.
• #650
^ Added.
Oh yes - I can upload photos directly to the G+ app.
Oof, thinking that I almost switched to Android - saved by the skin of the teeth :-)