• #3527
Good day, bad traffic on CS8 ..
• #3528
dark -
• #3529
Wet, dark and hot. I got the bus in
It then broke down -
• #3530
wet, forgot socks. 5/10
• #3531
Dry arse/feet, wet arm warmers/gloves/shirt, should have worn jacket.
Loads of fun though.
• #3532
All dry apart from cuffs of trousers.
<3 ploughing through rivers of standing water.
9.5/10 -
• #3533
Drove to work, dry and warm everything, minimal traffic.
Had to wake up at 05:50.2/10
• #3534
Classic event in the only 'safe' segregated cycle lane section on my whole journey. The cyclist ahead of me wearing jeans, trainers and a hoodie nips out of the segregated lane at a gap in the 'kerb' to avoid a big puddle ahead of him. I carry on, ride through the puddle and I'm now alongside him - the kerb separates us - I'm still in the segregated cycle lane. He dives back in at the next gap in the kerb and hits me! We both come off and get very wet and he gets an earful of abuse from me. And a cheery smile of course...fellow cyclists in the rain and all that.....
• #3535
Last night's commute home - scared the absolute shit out of a truck driver when he pulled out of a side road onto the main road I was riding on because the traffic in the left hand lane had stopped/signalled to let him out, I was coming down the outside lane (turning right ahead) and had already started braking but the driver must have though I was going into the side of him. Arms up behind the side windoow as if to brace for the impact as well, dunno how much he thinks a Pompino + rider weighs but I don't think I'd have done him/his truck much harm. Amused me though at least, made up for having to slow down. Tailwind the rest of the way and pulled an accidental awesome stoppy that wove between a few cars to get to the asl, 9/10.
This morning - Bastard of a headwind. Cycling Scotland conference on in the velodrome so expected to have loads of fluro clad promuters joining me on the road but it must have been too wet/cold for them as there was nobody on the road and only about 10 bikes in the racks when I got in. Losers. 5/10.
• #3536
So very wet.
Full length guards and a rain cape.
Yet still so very, very wet.
Fun ride though. Would do again.
• #3537
Coasting through the lake like puddles with my feet in the air as if I were still an 8 year old. Great start to a Friday. 9/10.
• #3538
It was great until I arrived in the office to discover that my backpack isn't very waterproof anymore. Now I smell a bit like a Labrador
• #3539
Water-proof trousers & jacket, felt like a 90's game when you've got the bullet proof cheat on. All dry (apart from the ankles of my socks), toasty warm, many skids.
• #3540
Squadra time. Such boil, many bag, wow
• #3541
Going out tonight so took the tube and serendipitously avoided the rain.
Left keys to office in bike bag so had to wait for boss to let me in.
5/10 -
• #3542
Surprisingly not as wet as expected; gore jackets are ace; spare socks and clothes at work; minimal noddage ..
• #3543
Jacket withstood all rain. Socks sodden. Grey water wrung out into sink. Very few dicks about because they are made of Beroccas and dissolve in the rain.
The only real downside was that my scuds got soaked through so I'm sitting here commando.
• #3545
Last night waiting at lights, mountain bike warrior barrels through everyone just as light turns green, 30 seconds later and myself and a few others have caught up to him, and he is now in the centre of 4 or 5 people. What does he decide to do? Spit over his shoulder. Some of which hits me in the face. I get level with him (road is very quiet, ends in dead end with cycle path over pavement) and ask him if he just spat. Replies that he did, I tell him to be more aware of his surroundings because he's just spat in my face. He apologises. I cycle off ahead, but 30 seconds later he catches up to me and says "What, mate, what?!". Have to explain again (I think he thought I was originally telling him off for spitting in general), all he can muster now is a sheepish "it was an accident".
Poured water out of my shoes this morning.
• #3546
This morning, I had one bus driver stop to let me out of a side road, which cheered me up, only to have that bastard who drives a number 49 in the mornings try to first ram me and then side swipe me on the Shepherds Bush roundabout. Mixed commute.
• #3547
Waited until the rain stopped. Cycled in via a shop to pick up cake 9.5/10
• #3548
My nice dry change of clothes got wet. I think I need a new bag. 6/10, looked like a drowned rat giving an important presentation at this morning's meeting.
• #3549
Can we agree on format for maximum irony pls? Emoji usage encouraged.
Review ending with two dots^ .. (max 30 words)
Score out of 10 in italics
^© TeenSlain
• #3550
Couldn't find a gif for Guy Martin's efforts (which would more accurately display this morning's commute).
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