• #23377
Really? Unless you were naked and on roller skis I'd not have thought that kind of behaviour would've warranted a sleepy glance in most of London, especially Brixton.
• #23378
Unless you were naked and on roller skis
• #23379
I'm always surprised at the amount of people I see at this time of year commuting in what appears to be exactly what they wear in the depths of winter.
• #23380
Shorts and t shirt?
• #23381
saw a guy on a brompton with full waterproofs and cycling gloves this morning. I naturally assumed he was a boxer trying to sweat off a few lbs before a close pre-match weigh in.
• #23382
I guess people just have 'commuter uniform' and wear it no matter what, adjusting pace to stop heat death
• #23383
I see a lot of this too and it baffles me. Full-on autumn/winter flouro jackets, which I can only imagine their owners feel compelled to wear in order to reduce the risk of not being seen.
Surely at 6pm on a clear, sunny June evening the greater risk is of heat exhaustion...
• #23384
Not if you're doing 10mph for 20min.
• #23385
On my Sunday ride I saw:
Woolly hat under helmet
Full length bib tights
Rain jacketsThese were people on road bikes out in the countryside and it was thirty degrees. So not just prommuters
• #23386
Heat acclimation training or perhaps just in denial about the fact that the UK might actually have a proper fucking summer for once.
• #23387
I was really baffled to see a guy who had bib shorts and a summer jersey but then a insulated liner under his helmet and gloves.
• #23388
I think that's the case. that's just reminded me that my flatmate has his uniform and doesn't waver no matter what the weather. Crazy guy- then again he's one of them types that's cold all the time. smh
• #23389
They physically cannot adjust pace because most of them are stuck in the big ring and top gear and never change it. Unless they drop cadence to 30 RPM
• #23390
A helmet alone isn't enough protection, liner adds more padding/protection for when they eventually get heatstroke and slump over the bars to crash.
• #23391
If the helmet makes you unbearably hot at least when you faint and fall over you're wearing a helmet.
• #23392
I like how people are worried about people suffering heat stroke in England.
• #23393
I've legit had 3 emails about it, 2 from people on here.
• #23394
• #23395
Heat or helmets?
I just spent weeks riding through 40C+ with long hair and an low-vent aero helmet and didn't die. #championsarentborntheyrecooked
• #23396
You need to stop using google.co.uk if you want to find out. I think only other countries have it. Try a google.com.au
• #23397
Heat. This seems to be the favourite link with 2 out of 3 sending it.
• #23398
• #23399
The maximum temp over here is still not higher than the overnight minimum where I grew up.
There is less aircon in homes here (then again I never had aircon at home or in my car in Oz) but there's also people being dumb not knowing how to cool down, watering their lawns at 2pm, leaving all their curtains open for full sun to come in, not opening windows to allow breeze in, going for a run at midday and not drinking anything like some kind of 1920s water-is-evil knob. -
• #23400
I just rode home through South London and I think they might be trying to tell me something...
Seriously though, the singing was joyous. Looking forward to the next match.
Think I got some funny looks for singing 'All I Care About Is Love' from the musical Chicago while rolling through sunny Brixton this morning.