• #152
I quite like Leamington... Mind, I grew up in Coventry.
• #153
resurrecting this thread for future birmingham is/is not shit talk...
Not that Im really into football, but Im guessing a lot of people across this country as well as abroad had they eyes fixated on us (for a positive reason) because of this:
• #154
Team? Shit
From? Shit place
Cup? Shit.:)
• #155
Football is shit
• #156
- Kelly's Heroes Oddball - Negative Waves[/ame] -
• #157
Football is shit
• #158
A cool bike publication...
• #159
Sorry, just one more. Look at the building that was opposite the town hall - the Old Library - it was stunning, yet demolished. Demolished because it couldn't hold enough books. So sad. Why is it that Birmingham and the folks who run it will always prefer to replace something completely instead of utilizing what already exists? I could name a plethora of great buildings that are no longer here, replaced by domes and metal and fake 'futurism'.... I could go on about this for hours but I won't. rant over!
One of my bugbears about Birmingham (and most of the West Midlands). So much history here, but the councils always seem very quick to get rid of it - especially anything to do with industry.
Such a shame as when done right re-appointed buildings are amazing - Custard Factory in Brum, Lighthouse in Wolvo are both great spaces.
• #160
i went to Birmingham for the first time in DEcember last year, and was pleasantly surprised by the place. I was expecting a Reading, but found something more akin to a large European city instead. Not Paris or Berlin, obviously, but perhaps a Frankfurt or even slightly better.
The thing that struck me was ; it was the only city i've ever been to in the UK that felt like a large city in it's own right ; a place big enough not to be a subsidiary or London, which is what your Readings etc feel like.
• #161
The thing that struck me was ; it was the only city i've ever been to in the UK that felt like a large city in it's own right ; a place big enough not to be a subsidiary or London, which is what your Readings etc feel like.
It's a proper city like London, in that it's a place made up of lots of little villages that have been absorbed as time went on.
As with London the best stuff seems to be out of the centre too. -
• #162
Food rides and riding in the rain (and liking it).
• #163
No one has really mentioned Brooks yet, making saddles in the city since 1866.
I own two Brooks saddles, but strangely I keep having to remind myself that they're made in Smethwick. I don't immediately asscoiate them as being from Brum.
Is it the cities fault for not celebrating one of their major manufacturing success stories ? How many other manufacturers are left in the city that started nearly 150 years ago ? Certainly no bike ones.
• #164
In light of recent social events, turnouts etc. I'm thinking there's hope in Birmingham.
Aaaaaaaah. Who am I kidding. It's fucking shit. :)
• #165
^^I've just fallen out with my Brooks. The seat of my jeans finally gave way. At work. In an important meeting.
• #166
Birmingham's a shit'ole
• #167
In light of recent social events, turnouts etc. I'm thinking there's hope in Birmingham.
Aaaaaaaah. Who am I kidding. It's fucking shit. :)
I will post notes of my trip down south this weekend and get back to you on that
• #168
yeah - i'm not sure what you are up to down in the beautiful south, but have a good one mate.
• #169
I know of worse shitholes
So shitholish i point blank refused to park my motorpike on the road even in daylight.
'its going in your garden or i am going home!'
i prefer this place to London.
• #170
Birmingham makes me think of Pajamas, has he returned to the Brummie motherland?
• #171
Birmingham makes me think of Pajamas, has he returned to the Brummie motherland?
nope, stop stirring.
Birmingham's a shit'ole
fook off toffee.
• #172
The only good thing about Birmingham is the M6 toll road to stop me driving through the fuckin place!
• #173
where do you reside from then?
• #174
where do you reside from then?
• #175
yahm saft....
No, I think it's just a reflection on the fact most places are shit holes to an extent, Coventry has no exceptions :). Lincoln is awesome.