• #1327
Not getting anything for this link or a Google search for the name
• #1328
Not getting anything for this link or a Google search for the name
I think Oliver is making a joke.... lol
To be fair, I was hopeful myself and clicked on it
• #1329
Yes, it was just a joke at ChainBreaker's expense.
That he clicked on it has just made my day, obviously. :)
• #1330
Looking outwards through the Orion arm of the galaxy for ten minutes last night
1 Attachment
• #1331
Great pic 👍🏼
• #1332
And Orion setting behind neighbour’s apple tree, lit with a bike light
1 Attachment
• #1333
1 Attachment
• #1334
Lovely image. Single exposure?
• #1335
How, please? -
• #1336
• #1337
Two exposures, one to catch the sunlit part of the moon, then inverted and superimposed on a longer exposure to show features on the night-time part of the moon. Pleased to see stars showing.
• #1338
Would love to have a go at comping that slightly differently if you were happy to share the separate images?
• #1339
Happy to share when I get back to the relevant PC. I am not clever enough with image manipulation to make this really work, but the raw material (the moon) really helps by just being great to look at.
• #1340
Aah, the inversion caught me, I love the effect. I was in Camden market yesterday, I reckon I could have flogged a few prints!
• #1341
Here’s one I made earlier (30 Dec 2019 at about 6.38pm)
1 Attachment
• #1342
Like it. Rocket moon.
• #1343
I just had an interesting effect while taking a timelapse of the sun. I don't think it's actually from the sun since the images are only 1 second apart.
1 Attachment
• #1344
mystery solved, it's the refraction from the hot air of jets flying past. That view was in the direction of Heathrow and it happened a couple of times.
2 Attachments
• #1345
Brilliant shots! When do we see the finished time-lapse?
• #1346
apart from the jets flying past there is not much happening
• #1347
Cool image, and yeah, a solar flare of that magnitude would make headline news! That second image shows a streak around 10 times the diameter of the Earth. Which would be something truly ominous!
• #1348
Ooh love a good timelapse. What sort of filters did you use to get a proper exposure?
• #1349
I don't have any ND filters large enough for this lens. This was just f20 at 1/1600sec.
• #1350
This one's good: