• #327
sounds awesome
• #328
league BM? bullshit.
• #329
I guess league 3 is already kinda BM for some.
• #330
Thanks KA,
Awesome tournament, killer german efficiency as always! The team uniforms really raised the bar for tournaments of this size..
Massive thanks to Oli for letting us kip on his floor, and putting up with us.
Massive thanks to Coach too, he did a sterling job, we have a lot to learn! BM training should still happen, i think it has been great for london polo in general.
See where you're coming from RE: BM league B and Matt, but let's face it, it's hard enough getting 6 people's schedules to align let alone 20!
• #331
yeh probs right, like the idea of us having a BM specific night though.
• #332
League BM, seriously, how the would that work, sounds so retarded.
lets explore the idea first before dismissing totally. i see some possible benefits.
if league teams were made up of say 5 players, it would mean...
1) number of teams would be consolidated so we could have one league and less fixtures.
2) more likely teams would be able to arrange fixtures weekly due to having player availability flexibility...ie higher chance of atleast 3 players being available each week
3) those who would normally be league subs due to commitment issues, still get to be part of a team and be involved in league as they can be a teams 4 or 5th option
4) teams would have ability to coach themselves better due to always having a member by the touch line during the game who can influence teams performance and still get involved by subbing in
5) we could have 1 x 30 min game and allow players to switch in to keep game dynamicOf course, theres more to discuss and id rather talk details in person with those interested in L4. But for me, Id love to build a cosmic squad. It would make the team more dynamic and also share responsibilities of playing in the league which at times is hard to commit to.
• #333
Ditto to all the awesome weekend stuff said. Thanks Oli. Thanks London. Thanks Coach.
It was also pretty interesting. When London lost what it had trained towards (some real bad moments on the first and second day) we really struggled. People reverted to the throw-in style of play, which just wasn't doing anything in most cases. When we played as the team we'd trained to play as, we did much better - even if we didn't win, we stopped some great teams from trouncing us (9-6 against the Swiss, the first half of the Germany game).
• #334
Im not saying we should have bm teams of 10 players, but basically allow league teams to be bigger than just 3 players...its very rigid, especially when it comes to arranging fixtures and developing team progression. If we gave options for teams to use subs during games, it would make things more dynamic.
cosmic are scouting for players with full back and solid goal keeper experience.
• #335
^ interesting idea MAT.
when is the Zombie vs Malice BM going to happen?
• #336
Great tournament, thanks Karlsruhe!
I had a lot of fun, playing against loads of great players was really enjoyable.
Watching some intense, long and exciting games was awesome.Thanks Stefan, Flo and Oli for somewhere to stay.
• #337
the league is an opportunity to adapt organized team polo to the needs of our big scene and other commitments in life.
the only issue with consolidating teams is when 3 man tourneys occur. Who will rep? Although if league teams were teams of 6 they could then split in half for other team commitments (Euros, Worlds ect)...Cosmic A and B
• #338
move league discussion somewhere else!
• #339
nice mat, sorry josh. #joshgotverystrictandggerman
• #342
yup, much fun in KH overall, although BM in a team of 10 is a bit hit and miss.
5 sounds like a good number.
Mark and Rupert snored way loud, apart from that smooth sailing, thanks KH, see you next year. -
• #343
Wait. You are complaining about sharing accommodation with Rupert and me?
• #344
Shhh, i deny everything on the last evening.
• #345
Ha! Good luck with that!
• #346
Because of my new bike
Ha, you boys played well.
I think we may have been a bit complacent going into the fixture. -
• #347
Wait! Is that Mo in goal? Fuckers cheated!
• #348
Shhh, i deny everything on the last evening.
At least you weren't almost arrested (Yorgo!).
• #349
• #350
At least you weren't almost arrested (Yorgo!).
or missed your flights back like manchester ROE!
League BM, seriously, how the would that work, sounds so retarded.