• #27
Welcome to the wonderful world of organizing on LFGSS.....
• #28
I can't do the 16th, because I am obtuse.
• #29
Wait, the 16th?
• #31
I can't do the 16th =(
Yes I can! It's very far away, but I'm still in.
• #32
North London Hills
2011 Season opener. Onwards and upwards!- FridayMarch26th
- Shaun Palmer
- damo
- 6pt
- Fox
- yasi333
- Rich
I'd like to get on board for this if you'll have me...
Though my participation is pending being able to see through both eyes at the start of January (long 'n' boring story).
- FridayMarch26th
• #33
North London Hills
2011 Season opener. Onwards and upwards!- FridayMarch26th
- Shaun Palmer
- damo
- 6pt
- Fox
- yasi333
- Rich
- fussballclub
- FridayMarch26th
• #34
any room for 1 more? I know you wanted to keap it a small group.
North London Hills
2011 Season opener. Onwards and upwards!- FridayMarch26th
- Shaun Palmer
- damo
- 6pt
- Fox
- yasi333
- Rich
- fussballclub
- ian (conker)
- FridayMarch26th
• #35
North London Hills
2011 Season opener. Onwards and upwards!- FridayMarch26th
- Shaun Palmer
- damo
- 6pt
- Fox
- yasi333
- Rich
- fussballclub
- ian (conker)
Cool cool, I reckon we'll be fine. Best cap it here though.
- FridayMarch26th
• #36
Hills! Hurrah for hills.
• #37
hills, hills, hills, were looking for a good time...
• #38
Can we start from archway? or is that really cheeky?
• #39
I reckon we'll be starting from St Pancras, which isn't too far away from you.
Archway will be encountered eventually, so we could hook up en route, but you'd miss out on a couple of Camden-y bits at the start.
• #40
Be strong. Don't wobble over start points.
• #41
St Pancras would also be presumably easier for those coming from the south, you could get the thameslink and save your legs?
• #42
I'd like in on this, surely 10 is a nice round number to cap no?
• #43
St Pancras would also be presumably easier for those coming from the south, you could get the thameslink and save your legs?
Not sure Thameslink runs over the weekend....
(that's the one from St P. via Streatham?)Plus, we're from the South. We'd treat it as a warm up.
• #44
I'd like in on this, surely 10 is a nice round number to cap no?
Why capping? Are trains involved?
• #45
Think it's a safety thing. There were only 10 (ish) doing the South London version. Traffic made it pretty grim...
• #46
I thought because it was cool.
• #48
"Find out - tonight - on BBC TWO."
• #50
Very good.
North London Hills
2011 Season opener. Onwards and upwards!