• #752
What time?
• #753
7pm please.
• #754
Okay, let me throw this out here.
I know there is a tradition of sanctifying throwin games in London. But to uphold the informal practice whereby throwins always get priority over league games has the unfortunate effect of downgrading the league games.
Consider how hard it is to coordinate the schedules of six people. Then consider that each league game ideally would have a line ref and two goal refs (plus spectators!). This means to make a league game happen takes nine people. Now, to suggest that league games should happen at, say, Newington on a Tuesday so throwins can happen unimpeded at Mitch, means that there will need to be 15 people ready to play/ref. In the winter we are lucky if we can get 12 people.
Do we really want to work like this? It makes more sense to me to allow one league game per throwin session. That would make sure not only that each game gets reffed, but also that there are spectators. Or is throwin time really that critical that people can't allow half an hour for a league game to be played?
Personally, I think that league games should be encouraged at throwins, because it ensures a crowd and helps generate enthusiasm for the league.
• #755
I think if league players, especially in cases with large number of peoples, excuse themselves from throw-ins and only play their three 10 minute games (which will probably end up being shorter than throw-ins anyway), it's not that big of a deal. But I can see other people thinking differently. And I can also see myself not really caring that much. I have polo debate fatigue.
• #756
I'd counter that Dr Chukkie by saying that some of us don't get to play polo as often as we'd like due to work commitments so any time we get to play polo is held quite dear - established throw-in times means that I can definitely know that there is a fixed time that I am able to play polo, if that is superceded by league games then that is an erosion of that time…
There's a heck of a lot of people playing the polo that are not in the league and chipping away at that time doesn't seem to be that fair
the London polo scene doesn't exist primarily to create teams that can compete at tourneys, that's just a great side-effect
//Not being argumentative, just putting a different spin on it from a different perspective//
• #757
I'm with you Wayne, I was planning on playing tonight, now I wont be. It's not a big deal, I'll play thursday instead I think, but still, it's a little frustrating.
• #758
Good point, Wayne. I'll concede that. I just think there is a short of knee-jerk hostility toward league games at throwins. But your point stands.
Would anyone like to ref the JAK v. Degeneration at Newington tonight?
• #759
Just to reiterate: there isn't a league game @ Mitch tonight.
• #760
JAKasses, where do you want to play tonight? Newt or Broadway. Either is fine with me.
• #761
Anyone want to ref?
• #762
Will try and swing by for some throw-ins if you're at Newt... Happy to goal ref if I can make it... I'm suffering from polo withdrawals...
• #763
I guess its different at NE as there are more dedicated throw-in opportunities (i.e tues and thurs) and i can see Vidals point. But at Newington, we have one night a week - many of south players only night of polo a week. Its not a massive issue if we have two courts (don't bank on that though..)
but the problem is not just setting aside half an hour to watch/ref a fixture.. it is if those 6 people who would normally play on a wednesday decide to take the game elsewhere meaning not enough players left for throw-ins. I guess this will probably be the case at Mitch tonight?
• #764
Max's point about asking if anyone minds was a good one.
• #765
JAKasses, where do you want to play tonight? Newt or Broadway. Either is fine with me.
What time can you all start, still 8pm?
When do the lights go off at Newington?
• #766
• #767
Max's point about asking if anyone minds was a good one.
Accepted. In Degeneration's defence, it was JAK's idea to play at Mitch.
• #768
• #769
I'm free from any time, Andy. I think it was Bill who was working late?
• #770
Change of venue confirmed -
Match will be at Newington tonight at 8pm.
Who's up for reffing? You still good Max?
• #771
Yeah, we should have realised that playing @ Mitch would be a problem.
• #772
All settled now.
Kerfuffle over.
• #773
I'm free from any time, Andy. I think it was Bill who was working late?
True. Working til 7.30.
• #774
I guess its different at NE as there are more dedicated throw-in opportunities (i.e tues and thurs) and i can see Vidals point. But at Newington, we have one night a week - many of south players only night of polo a week. Its not a massive issue if we have two courts (don't bank on that though..)
but the problem is not just setting aside half an hour to watch/ref a fixture.. it is if those 6 people who would normally play on a wednesday decide to take the game elsewhere meaning not enough players left for throw-ins. I guess this will probably be the case at Mitch tonight?
I was going to mention this. I was mostly thinking about NE games when I made my point. Souths has one regular game per week that always happens, and often only one game, so we have to be careful about that time. But NE plays like 5 days per week. Anyway, I take the general point about protecting throwin time, especially for non-league players.
• #775
Accepted. In Degeneration's defence, it was JAK's idea to play at Mitch.
Not true. Andy I and discussed it together. We floated it out there without asking first as a sort of test to see what would happen, under the obviously mistaken impression that perhaps the NE crew would not mind.
There really is no defense for Degeneration.
Rusties Vs Heytrhop, 9th Dec, Newt.