• #277
Dicki. Lovely looking spot. Why would you do this - ornament, or a crop?
• #278
it's a new lawn
i tried leaving the lawn to go au naturel the last 2 summers to see what would grow appear
not very sucessful so decided to restart
dug over two spades deep then griddled the top foot of soil removed all stones above gravel size
the soil is so fine now the grass should have no excuses !it looked better 5 years ago
• #279
Ah, mixed grasses. Cool.
• #280
Prairie planting, dead trendy. Nice hollyhocks.
• #281
• #282
I did a gardening, made some window boxes
• #283
sweet fence
close enough to being straight as makes no difference
could we get a close up of the gardening -
• #284
I set up a new plant box a couple of weekends ago. It's doing well. I have about a dozen flowers popping out in one of my boxes (and a handful more bulbs which should show themselves in the next few weeks). Also have three tomato plants coming up. The other 5 or 6 got chomped on by the cat while they were indoors. Will need to plant more.
I'm pretty much a farmer.
• #285
Our house is full of seedlings at the moment.
• #286
spring is a great time if you have time to spend in the garden, loads to do and new life appearing everywhere -
• #287
well not as soon as i'd hoped as i couldn't upload to flickr but
• #288
Last autumn Edie was obsessed with collecting conkers and adding them to a pile in the garden for squirrels to come and eat.
So far I must've pulled up 25 small conker trees from various beds and pots we have.
• #289
sweet fence
close enough to being straight as makes no difference
could we get a close up of the gardeningHeh, we're on a slight hill, nothing's straight in the whole house.
No close ups I'm afraid, this is more Mrs G's thing, I provided some creative consultancy (the colour of the boxes and the flowers), basically I liked the white flowers with the little yellow bit in the middle because they look like fried eggs
• #290
you probably dug over the beds and transported the horse manure
• #291
Our house is full of seedlings at the moment.
This. How big a seedling is too big for modules and should be potted?
• #292
Sowed some seeds in my heated propagator at the weekend.
Got tomatoes, squash, courgettes, purple sprouting broccoli (which have grown like mad in a few days), peppers and chilies
Very excited, it's been a while since I've had access to a garden to grow my own.
• #293
Howard, I think about potting my seedlings on when they reach as high as the pot is deep. Then about two weeks later I actually get round to doing it...
• #294
Does anyone know where to get reclaimed wood to build up raised beds?
I would prefer to avoid railways sleepers, as they're all too often covered in grimness.
And then what can I fill them with - I don't have ready access to soil.
The plan is to have a raised bed against the fence, which is nicely sheltered and a good sun tap, and plant out the tomatoes, courgettes, aubergines, chilies, and a heap of herbs that have been propagating for the past few weeks on various windowsills.
• #295
Where do you live TW2? Urban farms often have soil for cheap (Hackney City and Spitalfields do, anyway).
• #296
Howard, I think about potting my seedlings on when they reach as high as the pot is deep. Then about two weeks later I actually get round to doing it...
Guess I'd better get on with potting them then :)
• #297
Scaffolding planks are a good alternative. We've recently used a place in Peckham, who specialises in reclaimed timber, and he delivered for an extra fee.
• #298
TW2 look for big wooden pallets (sourced from builders yards etc), can be dismantled a bit to make beds
I got my soil from sainsburys online grocery shop last year, the delivery man hated me.
• #299
wow very posh
sainsbury's soil
never knew such a thing existed ! -
• #300
They sold bags of it online and I didn't have a car so easier to get them to deliver it with the rest of my shopping!
finally got round to sowing my oats* this afternoon
been a while since i last did it
2 weeks till a healthy stubble and a first trim