• #6377
so you pulled out in front of him
it can't take 20 seconds to get going
and at least one other person overtook you
General rules (159 to 161)
Before moving off you should
- use all mirrors to check the road is clear
- look round to check the blind spots (the areas you are unable to see in the mirrors)
- signal if necessary before moving out
- look round for a final check.
Move off only when it is safe to do so.
- use all mirrors to check the road is clear
• #6378
i'll rmb to bring my indicating lights and a neon sign saying dont undertake me at the speed of traffic, also i will rmb not to under take a bus on the slow lane....
oh and a mirror too -
• #6379
it can't take 20 seconds to get going
U wot m8?
• #6380
i'll rmb to bring my indicating lights and a neon sign saying dont undertake me at the speed of traffic, also i will rmb not to under take a bus on the slow lane....
oh and a mirror tooBicycles is considered as a vehicles under the law, so it applied to you.
Just suck it up and admitted responsibility, even thought he (probably) ride like a dick.
• #6381
20 second is exactly the same as going really slowly.
• #6382
i never said it took 20 second to get me going, he said i took 20 second to get me going,
but on that note i will look 3 times the next time i set off :) -
• #6383
Good idea I tend to do the same as well, you never know when James appeared spontaneously.
• #6384
Some guy this morning, trying to race anyone from Farrindon Road crossing from Margery Street through to TCR..... Everywhere he could he overtook people, if he rode in a regular position it would'nt make a difference, but when he's got knees out wide, elbows like clipped wings he looked more like Crazy Legs Crane after a speed hit. Then through the Cycle lane, he raced myself and the guy in front, but between reds caught himself out by trying to take on the biggun on the Boris Hummer. Biggun was having none of it and let his right arse cheek prove that spacial awareness and a half way normal riding position would mean your elbow runs little risk of getting lodged in a Bigguns Right Gluteous!
A side note, whispering 'ten minutes, I'm late', gives the game away everytime and allows the messers opportunity to make your ride even more arduous than you've already made it for yourself.
Leave earlier, don't ride like a chimp! -
• #6385
to the dickhead on a gery/green/duck shit colour single speed with no rear brake, wearing a duffle coat who just undertook me outside LMNH, 20 seconds after i pull out, shouting "matematematematemate", then swerving side to side on the bus lane slowing down everyone else, your a dick.
i never said it took 20 second to get me going, he said i took 20 second to get me going,
but on that note i will look 3 times the next time i set off :)i think you did say it was 20 seconds after you pulled out and you were still outside lmnh!
• #6386
Time does seem an odd concept after that much k.
• #6387
Ha! I LOLd.
• #6388
take it as the road outside LM, say further down towards old street, do you want the exact gps coordinates, or do you wana find something else to pick on?
• #6389
even if you started at that junction you'd have to be going fucking slowly to only be at LMNH after 20 seconds!
and if you know it takes you that long to get going then you need to wait for a bigger gap in the traffic so you don't pull out into the path of someone who is already moving and who has priority over you
• #6390
let it go bro. i started of LMNH, the got under took at the junction by service point, blahblahblah,
for argument sake. you are right, i am wrong, let just all get along, and no need for all this back and forth
• #6391
you posted on the bad cyclist thread, yet it appears that you pulled out when it was not safe to do so
• #6392
you kept saying that as if u saw it happen, i never said i pull out with the guy right there. in all honesty, he did undertake (while i was no where near him to start with) , and swerve like a dick,
now have proven yourself are a big man. i will stop posting -
• #6393
According to Google map it's 217 feet, and take 10 second to cover.
What happen to the remanding 10 second k? speak now! -
• #6394
What the fuck happen to ten of those seconds?
• #6395
This is serious business, 10 is missing.
• #6396
he is probably slow to speak, so will take a while to respond
• #6397
but 10 seconds James, what the fuck happen to it?
• #6398
Bullet time.
• #6399
We need to report k for the abuse of drug otherwise known as the Slo-mo.
• #6400
drugs are bad mkkkkkkkkkkkkkay
i set off, clipped in, then i was already at the speed of traffic flow, and he passed me shouting, or may be i was going really slow, but no one else over or undertook except a guy on a road bike