• #2327
If you agree that waiting in primary is better then surely you HAVE to prefer the box.
If you are in the box then primary is yours for the taking.
The VERY WORST position you can be in is on the left behind the box because sometimes that will be at a junction where the vehicle to your right might well unexpectedly turn left.
• #2328
Half of the time there is usually a car/taxi/moped/other vehicle in the ASL anyway, which makes them seem pretty useless to me.
I was once waiting in the ASL at Oval waiting to head down Brixton Road, primary position, when some tosser drove right into the ASL behind me honking his horn and pushing my rear wheel. I looked behind me to see what his problem was and he was gesturing rude signs at me and telling me I should be on the pavement?!
Anyway to cut a cool story a little bit shorter, I humoured him for a while, but I know the light phasing of that junction well, so I gave him a verbal volley of abuse explaining how I have more right to be on the road if he really is as stupid as he sounds until he opened his door to step out and lamp me. By which time the lights were changing, I pedalled away and he started getting shouted at by the motorists behind him that he was blocking as he was fully out of his car.
I didn't see him again, I didn't think about the fact he might chase me down at the time, but thankfully he didn't. I've calmed down with my reactions to poor road users since then although occasionally I might call someone a fucktard if they endanger my life.
• #2329
This was ages ago (last spring I think). I'm not sure why I didn't report it at the time, even if I could report it now I can't remember the number plate or the exact make of car. Although, judging by some peoples reports to roadsafe they don't seem to be dealing with all incidents as efficiently as I would like.
• #2330
In my fluey state, I drove to work & on New Kings Road, was forced to stop, so as to avoid a box junction infringement - then bang, a bloke on a hybrid ran into the back of the car. Fortunately, after repeatedly asking him to stop, he did & he was uninjured and had not hit the car hard enough to damage his bike/my car. He argued hard that I was at fault for stopping, but accepted that he needed a larger margin for stopping - I was shocked at the general disregard some cyclists had for their own personal safety this morning.
• #2331
I was once hit from behind by a cyclist who was adamant that I "stopped too quickly" for a pedestrian who stepped out sharply onto a crossing. So, what, you would have carried on and hit them?
• #2332
^ A female friend of mine was hit like this when she stopped at a red light.
"What did you stop for!" he cried.Put a ding in the seat stay of her 3 month old Ricky Feather frame an all. Bastard.
• #2333
I was once hit from behind by a cyclist who was adamant that I "stopped too quickly" for a pedestrian who stepped out sharply onto a crossing. So, what, you would have carried on and hit them?
^ A female friend of mine was hit like this when she stopped at a red light.
"What did you stop for!" he cried.Put a ding in the seat stay of her 3 month old Ricky Feather frame an all. Bastard.
Same rules as cars.. If you've hit me from behind you're riding too close and thus your fault..
• #2334
Put a ding in the seat stay of her 3 month old Ricky Feather frame an all. Bastard.
She should have put a ding in his nose. Did he pay for repair?
• #2335
^ he payed for the repair to the rear wheel which he buckled but not the frame
• #2336
I rode into the back of someone about four years ago, one pedestrian made a dash for it across Oxford Street and then all the other lemmings followed despite it being a red. The guy in front of me slammed on but I didn't see in time and went into him. Broke the reflector off his mudguard as well. It was clearly my fault, I was obviously too close and not paying enough attention, but he was really cool about it and wouldn't even let me give him any money towards fixing the mudguard. Hopefully I cycle a bit better now.
Interestingly, just passed a woman riding in the nodder's delight 'magic gear' on Thornhill Road. She was cycling very impressively in primary position. But in the right hand lane of a two way street, with nary a junction in sight. There wasn't actually enough room to pass her on the right so I had to quickly shoot round her left hand side. Once doored, twice shy?
• #2337
Point taken.
Sorry to cause offence, I was shaken up by the boy cycling off the pavement in front of my car and disappointed by my friend (a very experienced cyclist) jumping the red light on the same.
(been cycling on main roads for 31 years)
• #2338
Point taken.
Sorry to cause offence, I was shaken up by the boy cycling off the pavement in front of my car and disappointed by my friend (a very experienced cyclist) jumping the red light on the same day I was sent an unsolicited email about the death and made an ill judged connection.
I did not say or imply anything about the accident, only about the two examples I witnessed myself last saturday.
I've been cycling on main roads for 31 years on the same bike so my sympathy is naturally with the cyclists.
But my sympathy is waining.
• #2339
Seems far too much of an obvious question, but I'll ask it anyway. Why sympathy? In what way is it waining?
• #2340
• #2341
noted, waning.
• #2342
I love you Oliver.
• #2343
• #2344
It's annoying. It bugs me because if I'm turning left I'll park up a few yards away from the left curb to stop the car behind me getting all cosy as we go round the bend. So if someone plonks themselves to my left, they'd better be going left too or I'm going to be all up in their gubbins as we pull away.
What amazes me is that I often see another cyclist arriving, turn and indicate to them / tell them that I intend to go left and they look at me as if to say "why you telling me?" only to attempt to cycle through me when the light changes. More often than not I compensate for this by clipping in and creeping forward before the light changes which sparks a bout of lemming style light jumping... Can't win!
I leave a gap to my left too. Annoys me immensely when I'm sat waiting at a red light and someone sails through the gap I've left. Is it wrong to yawn and stretch your arms when someone might be heading down that gap?
• #2345
Why does it annoy you? Because you've stopped for the red and they haven't?
• #2346
Because it's undertaking. It's fucking dangerous.
• #2347
Because it's undertaking. It's fucking dangerous.
I hate undertakers.
• #2348
I hate undertakers.
Rolling around in their pimped up hearses...
• #2349
I hate having a bad cold & driving to work - in a week, almost 2nd cyclist knocked off - I was turning right as lights go green in my right turn filter, a lady cyclist appears on my right hand side - but there's a traffic island ahead of her, so I think where tf is she going, so I anticipate she will swing in front of me to avoid the traffic island and so she does to make her right turn - I slam on the anchors and off she goes on her merry way...... stop being lemmings please people, but for anticipation/new tyres/abs she would at the very least had a badly broken leg/ankle.... this is london, etc
• #2350
Your sympathy is waning for people that have been in accidents, on the basis of the bad cycling of others?
That's an idiotic comment.
As you say that would be idiotic. And its not what I think.
Safe and happy cycling to you.
if what I raised was "waiting in primary vs waiting on the left" there would be not much issue. everyone seems agreed that waiting in primary is best.
I was pointing out what to me seemed like variances in the views between "getting to the box vs waiting on the left" and genuinely interested in opinions as I do wait on the left (sometimes) and perhaps about as often as I get to the box (but neither of these that often tbh).
so I guess it should be the "least bad". I am however going to keep a mental eye on my riding at the moment to test the judgement of traffic etc that walm referred to, and see what I can improve on that front.