• #2252
must spread rep before repping Tiswas again etc...
• #2253
There are no nodders in categories 1-4.
Although there was a chap racing at Hog Hill with a triple and baggy shorts two weeks ago, so maybe that is wrong.
• #2254
What's wrong with riding a triple?
• #2255
What's wrong with riding a triple?
Nothing, but you don't usually see it in crit races.
• #2256
Posting such a cool story in one thread would have been enough, bro.
• #2257
FFS.. Seen this cunt twice now this week.. Cube riding Cat 5 commuter on OKR.. Ninja. No lights.. RLJing, dodging peds..
I'm conflicted. I hope he's doesn't become just another RTA statistic.. But on the other hand he'll only get what's coming to him..
• #2258
I told a strange clanking high speed stealth hybrid über nodder not to undertake me or anyone else this morning. He said he *had *to because I was riding in the middle of the lane. I explained that I had my own good reasons for doing so at that point, and that one of those was the fact I was safely passing another cyclist whilst giving them plenty of room. He said that it was safer for him to pass me on my left. I said it would have been safer, if he felt it was unsafe to do *over*take me, to wait patiently behind me until he felt it *was *safe. He just ignored me as he was in a rush to filter through a tiny space between the kerb and traffic waiting at the next lights, at fairly high speed.
He's been riding like a cock every time I've seen him this week. It's only a matter of time before I have to get off my Brompton, fold it, and then throw it in his decidedly low IQ face.
• #2259
I don't think its necessarily about gain. People often feel safer at the front. And if the ASL wasn't occupied, he probably would have been..
I really do not think many of those people think, they're on auto pilot: Monkeys seeing and doing. The amount of times I've watched riders about to, or do the squeeze down the side- despite vehicles indicating left turns and ask them why. They have that blank look, then embarrassed smile, shrug and concede they don't know.
Can any drivers confirm whether you prefer cyclists just to join the queue or filter to the front?
If the lane is wide enough then fine but often there is no cyclist box to move into.
• #2260
I have no qualms about cyclists filtering to queue in front, if it makes them feel safer. I'd rather they feel safer.
My pet hate is when the ASL is full, or there is no ASL and cyclists queue up the inside of cars that are indicating left and were there first. I've first hand seen cars stand stationary for two or more phases of traffic lights due to cyclists going straight from the inside of left-turning cars.
This morning, cyclist changing lanes right in front of a cement lorry to overtake a stationary bus without indicating or even doing any more than glancing over his shoulder. Queue skidding cement lorry and me shitting my pants thinking it was going to slide sideways into me, cyclist then notices the carnage and flicks Vs at the driver. Middle aged man riding Boardman Hybrid Pro thing... WHHHAAAAA???
• #2261
strange clanking high speed stealth hybrid über nodder
sounds like they were quite a sight!
• #2262
ASL fuck up the traffic flow, this is all.
• #2263
Walking down the right-hand side pavement of my (very quiet and car-free) road today, saw a middle-aged man on a hybrid cycling the opposite way down the street - then for some unknown reason he rides onto the pavement right in front of me (nearly into me, actually) and swerves around me. When I turn around to call him a twat, he's back on the road again.
No idea.
Also: 66.6*% of cyclists in Oxford deserve to be in this thread - 1/3 of them have literally no lights at all, 1/3 of them have piss-weak green front LEDs and a blinky rear light hidden by their gowns.
• #2264
Yeah, I counted.
• #2265
Gowns yo!
• #2266
To the guy with really long hair with a hat on, who rides a beat up sunburnt orange fixe that looks like its about to fall apart, who appears from nowhere everyday and RLJ the box junction at Southampton Row and every light to Oxford St. You are the worst cyclist I have ever seen and i am surprised that you have not knocked a pedestrian over or got hit by a bus yet.
• #2267
Thursday evening, heading up the rise from Farringdon Road toward De Beauvoir - You were on a Town bike making an earth shattering noise, like a duck squawking through a megaphone. It's plain rude pulling in front of someone when you can see they're heading up hill at a greater rate than you, I held back so I did'nt cause an accident purely of your making. And yes, that was me muttering unpleasentries behind you thanks to you idiotic move, and the fact you were so so so so so slow.
Secondly, the reason people were staring at you was'nt because of your Doctor Who-esque scarff flowing around your neck, it was the fucking noise your very badly fitted mudguards were making!! Fix it you fool.
• #2268
Scarf + Spokes = Justice?
Just sayin'
• #2269
Top marks to the idiot cyclist this morning who RLJ’ed straight into the path of a blind man crossing the road. I was gobsmacked.
• #2270
A cyclist T-boned a pizza delivery moped on Kennington Road last night, no one was hurt which was nice.
The T-boner was my pick of the bunch at the traffic lights for "most likely to be in an accident", based on his pushing to the front of the ASL.
• #2271
Rode to work just behind an older gent on a gold MTB this morning. He was on his best behaviour and a model cyclist. All safety checks and letting other road users pass and remaining calm and collected at all times and not swearing or shaking his fists at anybody, even when he was almost cut up by a car (I saw "almost" because he anticipated what the driver was about to do and modified his speed accordingly) and when some other dude zoomed through the foot-wide gap between us as we were stopping at a RED to let some pedestrians across a crossing.
When I grow up that's who I want to be. Why don't we have a thread for calling out good cyclists?
• #2272
Stay well away from gutter puddles this morning - just saw a scooter slip and go down due to ice.
• #2273
I had to go straight over a proper 5-metre patch of sheet ice in the middle of a junction this morning. Pretty hairy. Anything that looks like water is probably frozen. Don't lean, etc.
• #2274
To the guy with really long hair with a hat on, who rides a beat up sunburnt orange fixe that looks like its about to fall apart, who appears from nowhere everyday and RLJ the box junction at Southampton Row and every light to Oxford St. You are the worst cyclist I have ever seen and i am surprised that you have not knocked a pedestrian over or got hit by a bus yet.
I've seen this guy, absolute turd of a cyclist! He's seen one youtube video of couriers in NYC and suddenly thinks he is invincible.
can't wait to laugh in his face when I pass him and he is on the floor
• #2275
Is he whats the link I will have to check this out is it the same guy?
What is a CAT 5 nodder and why is he/she different from a CAT 4 or a CAT 6?
Please point us to a nodder classification table.