• #2227
15 years ago I recall being regarded as a freak rather than as a figure of hatred.. Fewer RLJers then I think, on bikes or in cars. Fewer people who put their bins out on the wrong day or argued about their library fines as well... Hell, handcart etc. Feeling bruised at the moment as my motoring friends regard my two very serious incidents this week as my own fault just for being on the road.
Ah, the good old "you were wearing a short skirt, so you deserved it/were asking for it".
• #2228
are short skirts more aero?
• #2229
Ah, the good old "you were wearing a short skirt, so you deserved it/were asking for it".
On the subject of short skirts, every time my girlfriend goes out on her dutch bike, short skirt or not, the catcalls, shouts, bizarre interventions at traffic lights and so on are unreal.
When I first read http://101wankers.tumblr.com/ I thought she was using a bit of poetic licence, literary creativity, whatever you want to call it, but to be honest, it pretty much sums it up.
"Aright doll, fancy riding me instead..?"
• #2230
^I am so sad that Dawn stopped writing that, I think a few of them have vanished, and now she's not cycling there won't be any more of them.
Which is good for Dawn in a way, but not so good for pulling up those idiots who need to be shown the bright light of day.
• #2231
Dawn ran a real public service there.. It was the only time I ever confided about being groped by a motorcyclist and then being asked by the PC on duty at South Norwood to strip off so he could check for bruising..
• #2232
Dawn ran a real public service there.. It was the only time I ever confided about being groped by a motorcyclist and then being asked by the PC on duty at South Norwood to strip off so he could check for bruising..
There are just no words to describe how out of line both of those things are.
Damn me. Just. No. Words. I'm not even cross about it, as I just find it so hard to take in, just stunned/shocked/appalled.
• #2233
Chapeau to the fellow with neurological problems who was cycling up Ken High St this morning. What an inspiring example of the indomitable human spirit!
Despite your complete inability to ride in a straight line, you still managed to hop up onto the pavement when it suited you. Perhaps your condition means you have to pedal with your heels, feet akimbo, but you didn't let that stop you bimbling up the inside of those buses and lorries that were turning left. Overcome with emotion, I did not mind having to overtake you again and again as you pressed on through each and every red light. Sir, I salute you.
Yours in admiration,
NJCPS: How did you get sponsorship from Altura? So much fluorobling!
• #2234
I usually bottle it too, but waiting at that light at 6:20 a.m. in the rain while he went straight through pushed me over the edge (I was already grumpy because a bus not long earlier had blocked the entire ASL box at a red so I found I had nowhere to go after I filtered past).
Why do you have the right to filter in front of people that were there before you?
This is something no one would stand for at an ATM queue yet because we're on bikes we MUST ALWAYS get to the front no matter what and 99% of the time for zero gain. IMO this is what adds to that sense of selfish cyclists.
• #2235
^ Precisely.
• #2236
^^ I agree with this to an extent but I have been beeped at for waiting behind other vehicles in primary position at lights.
• #2237
Beep back.
• #2238
Works for me.
• #2239
normal commuter this morning
approaching red light, Im braking, theres priority to the opposite lane turning across ours into the t -on our left.
this dude- carries on same speed, gives a really competant left turn signal and holds it then rljs into traffic stream turning off main road
i had to lol at the contradiction of his actions
• #2240
Why do you have the right to filter in front of people that were there before you?
This is something no one would stand for at an ATM queue yet because we're on bikes we MUST ALWAYS get to the front no matter what and 99% of the time for zero gain. IMO this is what adds to that sense of selfish cyclists.
I don't think its necessarily about gain. People often feel safer at the front. And if the ASL wasn't occupied, he probably would have been..
When i started i would always try to filter, eventually I realised was usually less hassle/risky just to stay put, but if an ASL is empty, I'll give it a go if there's time. Almost out of principle!
• #2241
I think its time to start calling them out.
• #2242
these cyclists etc...
• #2243
This morning I called someone a bellend, quite simply because they were riding like a bellend.
• #2244
I was a drivenger in rush hour last night. CARNAGE.
You don't realise just how many cyclists there are until you're driving and stuck in traffic in rush hour.
You don't realise just how many bad cyclists there are until you're driving and stuck in traffic in rush hour.
You don't realise just how fucked up the cycle network is until you're driving and stuck in traffic in rush hour.
• #2245
This morning I called someone a bellend, quite simply because they were riding like a bellend.
I have never actually seen a bellend ride..
Just saying
• #2246
Never been on the CS3 then?
• #2247
forgive me..I'm being facetious..
Past two days have seen many bellends and cunts.. Including a proper peleton of cat 5 floro nodders literally elbowing each other for space up the OKR yesterday..
• #2248
Jesus forget cyclists, last night
1). I had a man walk out in front of me when a light had JUST turned yellow and I was at the at crossing cycling at speed (sensed it was a ped angry and people running reds, but he'll get himself killed if he carries on these little protests)
2). and then a minute later I watched in horror from behind a friend as a car changed lane in front of him and almost clipped his front wheel! Only didn't because he swerved+broke.
She was apologetic after, which we appreciated, but i really don't see why she changed lane so close when there was no one in front. . ./Rant
• #2249
cat 5 floro nodders literally elbowing each other for space up the OKR yesterday..
The imagery :')
• #2250
I just GLJ'd, no-one called me out for that!!!
Any chance this structured debate could be used as energy toward better road use all round, or are we seriously going to start in-fighting/over analysing each other, when our efforts are better spent trying to improve our way of life instead of castigating each other?
I just wanna ride my bike, seems pretty bloody simple to me!