• #12202
Perhaps it's time to offer LFGSS funeral insurance for the very hard of hearing:
"hey I've got something for you.."
"hands leaflet"
"we have really good rates..."Cycle off ;)
• #12203
Or maybe a cycling version of youparklikeacunt.com
• #12204
^ Aren't there already stickers?
• #12205
No idea.
• #12206
I'm getting so sick of people ringing bells at pedestrians in situations where the pedestrian has right of way.
• #12207
^ very much this.
• #12208
• #12209
Yeah that too
• #12210
^ I agree.
However last night I was in just this situation and slowed to stop to let them through. The lady then admonished me for not using my bell (even patronisingly said "where's your bell?") even though I was right in front of them in full view, stopped, politely waving them across. I guess they've now been conditioned to expect all cyclists to ring their bells annoyingly at them At All Times.
• #12211
I wasn't there, but I'm about 3000% sure it was a dutch bike.
• #12212
I've never like the idea of bells on bikes in general, too easy for them to be construed as 'get out of my way'
Don't pedestrians always have right of way, at least that's the way I see it anyway.
• #12213
the bell thing.... good or bad? there is no correct answer.
i've started to shout where i am going. like turning off a main road. whilst still on the main road, on approach to my left turn i will ring bell twice and then signal left. countless times i have looked peds in the eye with my arm sticking out yet they still start to cross.as i am also about to start making my turn.
people are looking for cars and indicators flashing..,. somehow bikes dont register.
so ive started to shout 'Turning left' as i approach. I understand some peopele may think i have no right to do so and peds have a right to cross whenever they like. but you don't do it when a car is attempting to turn off a main road so why would you do it when a bike is trying to do the same.
• #12214
If somebody is already crossing then they have priority. This isn't always easily workable but that's the way it is.
Approaching a left turn shouting/bellringing doesn't change this.
• #12215
Big fan of the bell, used correctly. People seem more aware of it than a shout.
What's surprised me a couple of times recently is where I've stopped at a zebra crossing, and the waiting ped has insisted that I go.
• #12216
@spiderpie yes I understand that.
When you are a pedestrian approaching a side road and you see a car is indicating to turn down said side road, do you start crossing, stopping the car from turning off the main road?
• #12217
or learn to whistle.
• #12218
I was thinking exactly that this morning on my way up Lombard Street.
• #12219
From what I understand of the highway code it's your prerogative to do so if you wish, which is obviously annoying.
I just tend to find that if I'm going at an appropriate speed then it's never really a problem. Turning left onto Wilson St the road is always full of peds and I've not hit one yet.
• #12222
i should hope not!!
I think that's the point. just because you have the right it doesn't always mean its the best thing to do.
I haven't hit anyone either but making people aware of what manoeuvre you are planning to do is surely a good thing? i'm not saying it clears me to bowl thru no matter what. people generally don't want to get in others way. notoriously the English say sorry to a complete stranger for almost being in each others way!!!
• #12223
Edit: not useful.
• #12224
Same suspects still lacking tact, appearing to itch for a fight...yet again....
• #12225
I'm confused. I've said my piece anyway.
Avoid Hackney Road.