2011-07-16/17 Sat/Sun - Dunwich Dynamo DD19

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of 112
  • Ah, moving to Hackney, Sparky?

  • Cycle hire fund

    1) Shinigami
    2) Ian (conker)
    3) dirkbang (it was my stupid idea - but we've yet to find someone stupid enough to actually do it!)
    4) fotochap - can't wait to see this in action!

  • Fotochap, details are still being fine tuned with regards to the coach and van. Katie-coo will announce once she has sorted the best/cheapest option. Priority will most likely go to the earlier people on the list but remember there are always people dropping out/ making their own way back/riding back God forbid...so no need to panic yet about missing the bus, as it were.

    Thanks for sorting this out Jaitch et al. I haven't got SC tix so holding out for this :D Incidentally, what's the coach capacity?

  • Coach capacity will be around 53; nearly there now in terms of booking coach and truck so I'll find out how and then start a poll *a la *last year for signing people up- I'm aware there are gaps on this list and people aren't signed up in chronological order (so to speak) and some have their own way home too.
    Keep an eye out early next week for coach-signing-up, I promise I won't post anything before then, and it might well be towards the end of next week..!

  • Cycle hire fund

    1) Shinigami
    2) Ian (conker)
    3) dirkbang (it was my stupid idea - but we've yet to find someone stupid enough to actually do it!)
    4) fotochap - can't wait to see this in action!
    5) Katie-Coo. Mebbe Barclays would sponsor it and provide one for free? (Actually I've got access to one for free at work, could see if we can borrow it?? Or ask Dimi3 or Ma3k who work for the cycle hire shebang?)

  • I also don't know why I just keep looking at the list and don't sign up. Time to do something about that.

    1. Sparky
    2. Branwen
    3. kboy
    4. Shinigami
    5. Cafewanda
    6. pt
    7. Digger
    8. Oliver Schick
    9. machineisbored
    10. Cg
    11. Fox
    12. Johnbobsquarepants
    13. shambolic
    14. dicki
    15. FridayMarch26th
    16. Blackforessghetto
    17. conker (riding home - from Smithfields)
    18. Ark Minor
    19. JAH tim-on-sea
    20. leifal
    21. pascalo
    22. JaRyder +1
    23. mr lunch +1
    24. Sniffy + some mates who probably wince out soon...
    25. tom k&e
    26. S/J
    27. Spenceey
    28. stupidPony
    29. stupidPonys imaginary friend G.Love.
    30. Clever Pun
    31. nneil
    32. Ramaye
    33. Bikeman
    34. Mark Cult
    35. mattty +1
    36. PaulR
    37. Rossi75
    38. TSK (silly oop norf route)
    39. upstart
    40. juanito
    41. Tiswas
    42. The Original Mexican Bob (common list fucker upper)
    43. Katie-Coo +1
    44. friar tuck
    45. laner
    46. Stonehedge (If I am ok after my 350mi ride a week before)
    47. Soul
    48. alexmckerrell + my dad is he's up for it
    49. dimi3
    50. 105champ
    51. ChainBreaker
    52. middleofnowhere
    53. Sumo - on a bmx
    54. jenny j
    55. Loafheads
    56. nelaii
    57. MissMouse
    58. FixedCheese + cheesey work colleagues
    59. MA3K
    60. KRZ
    61. Rod Munch
    62. fotochap - probably fixed, with several kilos of flapjacks
    63. KT Bee + friend
    64. fotochap's friend
    65. jcgarcia
    66. betty
    67. Carson
    68. Tomsie
    69. peterhughes
    70. Dumps
    71. Samuelson
    1. Sparky
    2. Branwen
    3. kboy
    4. Shinigami
    5. Cafewanda
    6. pt
    7. Digger
    8. Oliver Schick
    9. machineisbored
    10. Cg
    11. Fox

    12. shambolic
    13. dicki
    14. FridayMarch26th
    15. Blackforessghetto
    16. conker (riding home - from Smithfields)
    17. Ark Minor
    18. JAH tim-on-sea
    19. leifal
    20. pascalo
    21. JaRyder +1
    22. mr lunch +1
    23. Sniffy + some mates who probably wince out soon...
    24. tom k&e
    25. S/J
    26. Spenceey
    27. stupidPony
    28. stupidPonys imaginary friend G.Love.
    29. Clever Pun
    30. nneil
    31. Ramaye
    32. Bikeman
    33. Mark Cult
    34. mattty +1
    35. PaulR
    36. Rossi75
    37. TSK (silly oop norf route)
    38. upstart
    39. juanito
    40. Tiswas
    41. The Original Mexican Bob (common list fucker upper)
    42. Katie-Coo +1
    43. friar tuck
    44. laner
    45. Stonehedge (If I am ok after my 350mi ride a week before)
    46. Soul
    47. alexmckerrell + my dad is he's up for it
    48. dimi3
    49. 105champ
    50. ChainBreaker
    51. middleofnowhere
    52. Sumo - on a bmx
    53. jenny j
    54. Loafheads
    55. nelaii
    56. MissMouse
    57. FixedCheese + cheesey work colleagues
    58. MA3K
    59. KRZ
    60. Rod Munch
    61. fotochap - probably fixed, with several kilos of flapjacks
    62. KT Bee + friend
    63. fotochap's friend
    64. jcgarcia
    65. betty
    66. Carson
    67. Tomsie
    68. peterhughes
    69. Dumps
    70. Samuelson

    guess i had better finally take myself off the list. spot 12 free.

  • Ah, moving to Hackney, Sparky?

    No, not that close. Moving from Norwich to Finsbury Park/Manor House.

  • Before Norwich I used to live next to Hackney Empire, which was just behind the start point.

  • Coach capacity will be around 53; nearly there now in terms of booking coach and truck so I'll find out how and then start a poll *a la *last year for signing people up- I'm aware there are gaps on this list and people aren't signed up in chronological order (so to speak) and some have their own way home too.
    Keep an eye out early next week for coach-signing-up, I promise I won't post anything before then, and it might well be towards the end of next week..!

    Cheers for the update KC! I'll keep an eye out for the poll.

  • I'm still in for this, but have just found out that I will be moving house - from within a short ride of the finish to within a short ride of the start. So I'd like to sign up for the coach/truck if that's already happening?

    Can I come down to yours early Sparky? I'm still a little bit worried about this ride but should be fine.

  • Course you can, mate. The more the merrier.

  • Great stuff :)

  • Greetings folks,
    I know things being sorted for the coach, van etc – big ups all round for those sorting this logistical challenge...I am going to stay on in Suffolk, so no coach required...
    I have dreamed of doing this ride for many years, but have never got it together. Right now I am feeling a mixture of great excitement and also being utterly terrified. As long as I can get out of babyLon-don alright, then it will be steady eddie style all the way.
    See you at the start line.
    Peace and Love,

    1. Sparky
    2. Branwen
    3. kboy
    4. Shinigami
    5. Cafewanda
    6. pt
    7. Digger
    8. Oliver Schick
    9. machineisbored
    10. Cg
    11. Fox

    12. shambolic
    13. dicki
    14. FridayMarch26th
    15. Blackforessghetto
    16. conker (riding home - from Smithfields)
    17. Ark Minor
    18. JAH tim-on-sea - no coach required thanks...
    19. leifal
    20. pascalo
    21. JaRyder +1
    22. mr lunch +1
    23. Sniffy + some mates who probably wince out soon...
    24. tom k&e
    25. S/J
    26. Spenceey
    27. stupidPony
    28. stupidPonys imaginary friend G.Love.
    29. Clever Pun
    30. nneil
    31. Ramaye
    32. Bikeman
    33. Mark Cult
    34. mattty +1
    35. PaulR
    36. Rossi75
    37. TSK (silly oop norf route)
    38. upstart
    39. juanito
    40. Tiswas
    41. The Original Mexican Bob (common list fucker upper)
    42. Katie-Coo +1
    43. friar tuck
    44. laner
    45. Stonehedge (If I am ok after my 350mi ride a week before)
    46. Soul
    47. alexmckerrell + my dad is he's up for it
    48. dimi3
    49. 105champ
    50. ChainBreaker
    51. middleofnowhere
    52. Sumo - on a bmx
    53. jenny j
    54. Loafheads
    55. nelaii
    56. MissMouse
    57. FixedCheese + cheesey work colleagues
    58. MA3K
    59. KRZ
    60. Rod Munch
    61. fotochap - probably fixed, with several kilos of flapjacks
    62. KT Bee + friend
    63. fotochap's friend
    64. jcgarcia
    65. betty
    66. Carson
    67. Tomsie
    68. peterhughes
    69. Dumps
    70. Samuelson
    1. Sparky
    2. Branwen
    3. kboy
    4. Shinigami
    5. Cafewanda
    6. pt
    7. Digger
    8. Oliver Schick
    9. machineisbored
    10. Cg
    11. Fox
    12. braker
    13. shambolic
    14. dicki
    15. FridayMarch26th
    16. Blackforessghetto
    17. conker (riding home - from Smithfields)
    18. Ark Minor
    19. JAH tim-on-sea - no coach required thanks...
    20. leifal
    21. pascalo
    22. JaRyder +1
    23. mr lunch +1
    24. Sniffy + some mates who probably wince out soon...
    25. tom k&e
    26. S/J
    27. Spenceey
    28. stupidPony
    29. stupidPonys imaginary friend G.Love.
    30. Clever Pun
    31. nneil
    32. Ramaye
    33. Bikeman
    34. Mark Cult
    35. mattty +1
    36. PaulR
    37. Rossi75
    38. TSK (silly oop norf route)
    39. upstart
    40. juanito
    41. Tiswas
    42. The Original Mexican Bob (common list fucker upper)
    43. Katie-Coo +1
    44. friar tuck
    45. laner
    46. Stonehedge (If I am ok after my 350mi ride a week before)
    47. Soul
    48. alexmckerrell + my dad is he's up for it
    49. dimi3
    50. 105champ
    51. ChainBreaker
    52. middleofnowhere
    53. Sumo - on a bmx
    54. jenny j
    55. Loafheads
    56. nelaii
    57. MissMouse
    58. FixedCheese + cheesey work colleagues
    59. MA3K
    60. KRZ
    61. Rod Munch
    62. fotochap - probably fixed, with several kilos of flapjacks
    63. KT Bee + friend
    64. fotochap's friend
    65. jcgarcia
    66. betty
    67. Carson
    68. Tomsie
    69. peterhughes
    70. Dumps
    71. Samuelson
  • No, not that close. Moving from Norwich to Finsbury Park/Manor House.

    Close enough. Congratulations. :)

  • Close enough. Congratulations. :)

    Cheers fella. Looking forward to it.

  • I'm going to be doing this on my audax bike Sparky, which will have a triple up front with any luck.

  • Cycle hire fund

    1) Shinigami
    2) Ian (conker)
    3) dirkbang (it was my stupid idea - but we've yet to find someone stupid enough to actually do it!)
    4) fotochap - can't wait to see this in action!
    5) Katie-Coo. Mebbe Barclays would sponsor it and provide one for free? (Actually I've got access to one for free at work, could see if we can borrow it?? Or ask Dimi3 or Ma3k who work for the cycle hire shebang?)

    If you lot (or someone else) can help me not have to pay for the 24-hr hire somehow, then:

    It's going to be a lonely ride though.

  • ill stay with you econodog! no one left behind!

  • Given that my weight has gone in completely the wrong direction over the last few months you'll probably beat me on your 20kg mostrosity too.

  • ^^^^^Dude, I haven't seen you in ages (since your accident). You coming.AWWWWWWESOOOOOOME!

  • Yeah, I'm doing it :) I've only been to souths once this year, it's not as easy since I'm currently living in Sidcup. I'll try and make it again soon

    1. Sparky
    2. Branwen
    3. kboy
    4. Shinigami
    5. Cafewanda + 1 (bruv 2 now aims to do this)
    6. pt
    7. Digger
    8. Oliver Schick
    9. machineisbored
    10. Cg
    11. Fox
    12. braker
    13. shambolic
    14. dicki
    15. FridayMarch26th
    16. Blackforessghetto
    17. conker (riding home - from Smithfields)
    18. Ark Minor
    19. JAH tim-on-sea - no coach required thanks...
    20. leifal
    21. pascalo
    22. JaRyder +1
    23. mr lunch +1
    24. Sniffy + some mates who probably wince out soon...
    25. tom k&e
    26. S/J
    27. Spenceey
    28. stupidPony
    29. stupidPonys imaginary friend G.Love.
    30. Clever Pun
    31. nneil
    32. Ramaye
    33. Bikeman
    34. Mark Cult
    35. mattty +1
    36. PaulR
    37. Rossi75
    38. TSK (silly oop norf route)
    39. upstart
    40. juanito
    41. Tiswas
    42. The Original Mexican Bob (common list fucker upper)
    43. Katie-Coo +1
    44. friar tuck
    45. laner
    46. Stonehedge (If I am ok after my 350mi ride a week before)
    47. Soul
    48. alexmckerrell + my dad is he's up for it
    49. dimi3
    50. 105champ
    51. ChainBreaker
    52. middleofnowhere
    53. Sumo - on a bmx
    54. jenny j
    55. Loafheads
    56. nelaii
    57. MissMouse
    58. FixedCheese + cheesey work colleagues
    59. MA3K
    60. KRZ
    61. Rod Munch
    62. fotochap - probably fixed, with several kilos of flapjacks
    63. KT Bee + friend
    64. fotochap's friend
    65. jcgarcia
    66. betty
    67. Carson
    68. Tomsie
    69. peterhughes
    70. Dumps
    71. Samuelson

    My brother now wants to do this. Took him long enough to make up his mind!

  • Just received this

    *It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of Barry Mason, Coordinator (i.e. Chair) of Southwark Cyclists and Manager of Surrey Docks City Farm. Barry got into difficulties while swimming in the sea on holiday in Spain on 2 June and tragically drowned. Our hearts and thoughts go out to his long-term partner, Cheryl, and his two adult children.

    Barry will be hugely missed by all those who knew him, and his passing is a particular massive loss to cycling. Barry was visionary and energetic over very many years in campaigning to improve safety and security for cyclists, particularly in the Southwark area. He also helped many cyclists gain confidence and skill through the numerous cycle rides he led and his cycle maintenance classes. His enthusiasm and love of his role at Surrey Docks City Farm was typical, quickly making improvements and bringing in much-needed corporate sponsorship.

    The monthly meeting of Southwark Cyclists on 8 June will be going ahead, as we are sure this is what Barry would have wanted. For the same reason, the arrangements to get riders and bicycles back from the 120 mile overnight Dunwich Dynamo on 16 and 17 July will also be going ahead.

    In shock, disbelief and much sadness

    Colin H-P

    Secretary, Southwark Cyclists*

    I'll be making my tribute to Barry on the beach at Dunwich because it's by getting me there that I learnt what cycling can achieve. I cannot imagine where my life would be right now had I not met and been inspired by him.

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2011-07-16/17 Sat/Sun - Dunwich Dynamo DD19

Posted by Avatar for Sparky @Sparky
