• #1552
@ nailbrush - nothing promotes full body muscle growth more than heavy resistance work, and more specifically, barbell squats*. No need to join a gym though.
And I think the pros of caffeine (in an exercise / metabolic context) outweigh the cons, but I understand that's subjective.
*not necessarily the best idea if weight loss is your goal
• #1553
caffeine...can deplete Vit A, B1, B2, B3, B5, Calcium & Inositol.
and reduces iron absorption too doesn't it?
• #1554
shit. what am i doing on this thread...
• #1555
*not necessarily the best idea if weight loss is your goal
Nor if you want to keep wearing those skinny hipster jeans. Squatter's thighs and ass can leave you with a wardrobe full of trousers that you could button around your waist - if only you could get them over your thighs.
• #1556
shit. what am i doing on this thread...
Dunno. You don't look fat, but I'm sure you could pick up a complex about it if you stayed.
• #1557
all the chat about it makes me curious about logging my diet an that... currently eating a big bag of liqorice allsorts, 2nd this week. i don't think i want to know. 8 apples yesterday though. think this stuff is for people with a little more routine (any routine) than me. imma outta here.
unsubscribe -
• #1558
• #1559
fuck off the snack bar thing. More fruit there. Try and cut down on the coffee if you can. It will deplete you of some nutrients. Un-smoked fish would be better. For your salad dressing try some flax oil mixed with the olive oil.
What we don't have is how this fits in with your exercise regime. Nutrition is also about when you eat, not just what you eat.
Thanks, good points.
My exercise regime... humm "regime" is a bit of a stretch.
*Climbing twice a week, with push-up pyramid with a mate at the end, plus sit-ups.
- cycle commute (3miles x2) 3-5 days
- jog/run run 20-30mins (I would say at a steady pace) maybe 1-2 a week
- min of ~30 sit ups/press ups/ dips 5 days a week
... or something along those lines.
A lot of people are a little delusional about how much they actually eat. Calorie counting, at least at the beginning, forces them to confront the reality.
Yeap. It was only when I used that thing, that I actually thought properly about it.
Yes. Drink some water, or you will die ;)
lol. I've always naturally drunk a ton of water, just seems extreme to work that out too!
- cycle commute (3miles x2) 3-5 days
• #1560
There is no one super exercise. there is no super set 20's or 100's for squats to promote testosterone etc. All, todate, myths.
Hypertrophy dosn't actually call for super heavy weights, most common protocols ask for around 70-85% of 1RM. Strength training calls for higher relative loads yet does not promote as much muscle growth.
I don't use gyms anymore as you might have noticed. Last year I visited as a guest, I squated (full depth) 180kgs. That is with over a year of not doing any weights or barbell squats. When I did frequent a gym, I only ever managed 160kgs. How did I manage that then? :P
I didn't say 'super heavy'. Lifting 75% of 1RM is heavy enough to make your whole body grow. I squatted those sort of percentages, just 3x5 a few times a week, and even my biceps grew (but not in an 'empty' plasma-based way).
Regarding your lifting prowess after a protracted hiatus, it was probably because your CNS wasn't jaded from regular gym work :p
• #1561
• #1562
Calisthenics are so early 80s (I suppose that does make them very contemporary).
• #1563
• #1564
@ nailbrush - "180kg squat (full depth)" parallel or atg? At what bodyweight? thats impressive! Chris Hoys 1rep max is apparently around 227.5 to parallel at 92kg. Not that I dont believe you or anything but on weightlifting forums everyone can bench 2xbodyweight with a strict 1 second pause until asked for proof. Pics or it didn't happen :-)
• #1565
Anyone got any good floor/plyomteric exercises?
currently on: Press-ups (normal and spider man), Planks (front and side), bicycle crunches, reverse crunches and the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrck_p7vmac&feature=relmfu
. though only up to stage 2... -
• #1566
• #1567
Are you any good on a bike though? This is a cycling forum after all.
• #1568
• #1569
This used to be my job. Proper science mind, non of this "sport science" crap. I worked with top men. Top. Men.
It's soul-crushing to hear the same old SHITE repeated on every forum I visit. I can't be arsed trying to explain why anymore because they'd rather believe their mate that heard that Bruce Lee used to jam pomegranates up his bunghole so he could do a million cock push-ups.
Those who realise that it's much, much simpler than everyone makes out are the enlightened ones.
• #1570
ASG of course, partials are for girls.
I don't squat anymore, that was last year at about 90kg. I only ever reached 120kg on the bench. Having done over 5 years in gyms and trying body weight and some gymnastic training techniques I would only utilize olympic lifts for power training.
When I was squating 160kgs I couldn't do a single pistol/one legged squat. Now I can bang and double figures.....and of course my balance is much better also.
there was a thread on Shane Perkins the other day. I got bigger legs than him :)
Come winter I might do a months membership at a gym. Don't worry I will record it this time. When people see my legs they usually start believing ;)
I start believing when I see someone actually lift their stated PB's in strict form :-) If that strength doesn't tranfer to functional athletic ability though then, for cyclists, its a bit pointless. I'm with you on pistol squats though, I can't squat heavy due to injuries so its pistols for me too. I've got skinnier than Bradley Wiggins though.
• #1571
Call me naive, but its simple. You get out on the bike and train. You eat a balanced diet. No fads, not reading into it too much.
On June 15th i was 15st 7llbs (I'm 6'4!). Changed my diet, three times a week in the gym and doing three 45 minute cycles a week of a high intensity. I'm now down to 14st 3llbs and i feel a million times better for it.
Just remember, there is no miracle cure, no cheat. Just hard work and discipline.
Well done fella that's a great result, keep it up!
• #1572
This used to be my job. Proper science mind, non of this "sport science" crap. I worked with top men. Top. Men.
It's soul-crushing to hear the same old SHITE repeated on every forum I visit. I can't be arsed trying to explain why anymore because they'd rather believe their mate that heard that Bruce Lee used to jam pomegranates up his bunghole so he could do a million cock push-ups.
Those who realise that it's much, much simpler than everyone makes out are the enlightened ones.
Can you enlightened us? personally I figure that a natural diet and decent exercise is all that needed, but would like to hear what you have to said.
• #1573
^ Ditto.
I've still only back read half of this thread, but so far the majority of it consists of:
- eat less exercise more
- pedantic arguments over making general statements (quel surprise)
- if you eat too little in relation to the exercise you are doing there can be a negative effect of some sort
Plus to be honest the most "far-out" things that I remember reading thus far are; coffee in moderation is good for exercise; and having a high cal meal once a week to prevent your body thinking it's in famine mode.
If you're not up for repeating yourself, just post a link and your user name to another forum and I'm happy to search for those posts.
- eat less exercise more
• #1574
Anyone got any good floor/plyomteric exercises?
• #1575
Can you enlightened us? personally I figure that a natural diet and decent exercise is all that needed, but would like to hear what you have to said.
I think he just means Ed that there is no secret exercise. But at the same time I'm happy to do press ups, dips (two chairs together) and use a chin up bar.
On the subject of chin ups what bars would people recommend?