• #12802
Not really, I took myself off the bike for the majority- rode for fun most weekends and 1 fasted regents session per week, on average.
Deficit was (from BMR) 300kcal on average with one very low carb/calorie day per week. -
• #12803
Down to 66kg at the moment. I'm in a good routine where I have an early lunch and eat dinner as soon as I get home (~6:30pm) after a decent run home, then nothing until mid-morning the next day.
As a result my running has come on leaps and bounds - Aiming for a sub 19min 5k tomorrow if the weather plays ball. No bread and alcohol is fucking boring though. -
• #12804
Congrats! Maintenance is THE best after a hard diet :)
200 grams of protein? That's a lot!
[I'm 61.5, 1750ish maintenance. So 2.2 grams per KG bodyweight puts me at 135 grams per day]
• #12805
Boom. You’ll smash it. Good luck.
@ Jw yep, but seems ok for time being.
I’m struggling mentally and physically to eat the amount of food at the moment.
I’m also still doing 4 heavy work outs per week+ building up cardio to 4/week. So hopefully not overdoing it. -
• #12806
No bread or booze, oh lord.
Slaying it on the running though!!!
• #12807
Is the very high protein for satiety?
How are you consuming that much protein - ie what is a typical day food wise, I am intrigued as to how to consume that much protein. -
• #12808
1/1 - 78.5kg
31/1 - 79kg
7/2 - 79kg
14/2 - 77.7kg
21/2 - 77.4kg
28/2 - 74.8kg
7/3 - 74.7kg
15/3 - 75.2kg
1/5 - 76.2kg
25/5 - 76.8kgnothing to see here...
• #12809
It’s not particularly difficult to fit it in, and yes it is for satiety.
Standard day:
Egg whites- 250-300ml
150-180g chicken/ tuna
Shake/ bar/ protein pancakes
150-180g chicken/ lean steak/ veal
Protein pudding/ yoghurt/ shake.
Peanut butter x30g as snack of joy.
I’ve often found I overshoot the protein in fact. I tried to avoid bars as much as possible, and tried to get protein from actual food when possible. -
• #12810
Cheers, so average 33grams (typical max absorption amount iirc) 6 times a day - makes sense.
• #12811
Yup pretty much.
Usually 50 for meals 25 for snacks. It has been simple enough, but I miss variety like nothing else. -
• #12812
I could not eat that much protein w/o feeling sick and bored. And I LOVE meat. But not dry tuna/chicken.
But if it works for you, that's great. I just don't think you can metabolize that much, and so it won't make you build more muscle.
• #12813
The suggested figures for maximium intake would agree with you. Anecdotally- and based on the only measurable metric I have for digestion percentage (lets call it scatastitics) I would argue that my body has been nearly completely metabolizing it all. Trying to choose highly bioavailable sources of protein is key, as is understanding that without carbs included with each protein intake the amount you absorb is significantly reduced.
I'll do some actual research at some point when I've got time/ speak to my dietitian colleagues. -
• #12814
I was not very accurate I have to admit.
Any protein or food you eat gets absorbed as much as possible by the body. But after a while any additional amino acids from protein get used as fuel as you don't need them for tissue repair. Nice fuel if it's a yummy steak but also ££ fuel ;)
Now where that exact limit is probably varies per person and per day so this 2.2 is a guideline, and it seems to be the upper limit. From what I've read. Others say it's too much if you have trained for a while / are natural. Many opinions and research is done, but it's hard to call.
Bodybuilder often go on extremely high protein diets to cut weight for short periods of time, with seemingly no I'll effects. And I keep my protein higher when dieting.
And carbs have a protein sparing effect as you say. Just to complicate things. I don't know if it's a big deal to eat way more, I just couldn't do it and don't seem to need it.
• #12815
400 calories per day for 8 days. I'm unlikely to die (or arguably lose weight long term). Am on day 3. Hungry but not starving.
• #12816
Nutter! What are you eating? Miso soup and raw carrots?
I find fasting fascinating for farious reafonf. Tough to lose weight long term as you say unless you do it every week or something but it has curious effects on your health, hunger and happiness levels.
• #12817
2 ryvita with butter and marmite for breakfast
50g fage full fat yoghurt and an apple for lunch
1/2 tin butterbeans with a bit of balsamic for tea
Plus a few black coffees and water
• #12818
On doctor's/trainer's/someone else's orders or just out of interest/curiosity/personal desire/whatever?
• #12819
The 2nd set. Lose some weight, hopefully reset my bad habits of eating all the sweets and biscuits.
• #12820
Nice! Will be very curious to see how you get on then. Keep us updated if you have the time (and patience...) over the next few days!
• #12821
16 weeks. Total weight loss 7kg, BF 15% ish at start.
It was fucking hard work.
The next 6weeks of maintenance will be interesting.
Already seeing changes in strength which are nice.What was your process H? I'm in sore need of doing the same, an 8.5% BF would be nice to achieve, but I'd settle for less belly.
• #12822
Will do, I'm tracking weight but not fat. Will gauge by eye to see if belly magically disappears...
• #12823
In other news, my hair is definitely thinning/receding since I started dieting in Jan. I’ve read a few things about the shock to the system and also whey protein supplements and BCAA.
Anyone else had a similar experience?
• #12824
3-4 gym sessions, 3-4 cardio sessions of no more than 1hr (with the exception of special rides to keep the spirit up!) per week.
Carb cycling- so 100g, 60, 40, 20g (semi-fasted day
Fat at no more than 60g per day.
Protein between 150-200g per day for satiety.
1 x semi-fasted day a week at 1000 calories- with emphasis on protein.
I tried a complete fast and failed.
It was roughly a 300-400 cal deficit per day compared to BMR.Fucking hard work, track everything, and weights everyday.
Personally I don't remember you having any real belly to lose, N.@cjr No- I've kinda found the opposite.
• #12825
I tend to average getting to the gym 3 times per week, but it's generally either 2 or 4 depending on how many days I'm in the UK during said week. (Stuff gets heavy toward the end of a good week).
How important is an unchanging routine?
Any sport goals in that time? What was your calorie deficit?
No shit!