• #227
what shenanigans led to her including this in her response to you
I would be interested in your method of touch therapy please.
You know what happened the last time you were offering touch therapy in the disabled toilets at Madame Tussauds
• #228
His real name is Ming.
• #229
what shenanigans led to her including this in her response to you
I would be interested in your method of touch therapy please.
You know what happened the last time you were offering touch therapy in the disabled toilets at Madame Tussauds
That man cured me, I walked into those toilets half a man and left a whole man.
• #230
My favourite bits:
*This ability to apply Quantum Physics to a body, Quantum Physics vibration is produced through my heart, and exits via my voice.
Therefore, any product containing my real heartbeat, and voice will be the reason a clients body becomes pliable and responsive, actually changing physically prior to your touch. After 15 minutes lying by themselves, either listening to the CD supplied, or by the more powerful DVD, your client's body is now ready to apply your own magic.**
You have shocked and stunned me today, of what you have heard about Quantum.
** Quantum is the zone (space) area that Einstein could not reach, but knew it was there.** Lee it is the doorway to heaven.
**How on the earth you heard that the doorway to heaven causes Aids, who ever told you that was not spiritual.
I| am sorry dear heart, you scare me at your spirituality to life, you may take this as an insult. I know you think your heart is in the right place . Re: Discs CANNOT be copied, this is pirating and is actually it is theft.
The Quantum vibration gets swiped so there value is gone. [!!!]
I am in the position to sue anyone who copies or pirates my work
*Even on the scale of bullshit that I've seen, this is really, really high up.
The comparison with ancient sophism is always really interesting. If we believe Plato, the person of the sophist was always absolutely key to their teachings. Sophists were often excellent, charismatic orators, but he of course contended that without them, their teachings were nothing. She sets herself up very similarly when making the claims about her voice and 'heartbeat', although of course with stuff that's far less persuasive in daylight even than claims made by ancient sophists. Many of these 'healers' seem to operate in a very similar fashion (I've encountered this in many of them now)--charismatic deception, and of course mostly of vulnerable people like those whom tynan tends to impersonate.
The refutation of Protagoras in the Theaetetus is particularly well worth reading in this regard. It isn't that easy to understand but an unsurpassed paradigm case of refutation.
Absolutely disgusting. £875 for useless crap.
• #231
That man cured me, I walked into those toilets half a man and left a whole man.
This violates man conservation
• #232
Absolutely disgusting. £875 for useless crap.
i don't think it's particularly disgusting. if people are mentally incompetant enough to buy this, let them. how is it any different from religion? i would contend that they both have the same amount of plausibility, but that doesn't mean they should be illegal.
• #233
I don't think you understand who is targeted by these people, Josh, and why the shit the charlatans peddle is so tailor-made for them.
• #234
i don't think it's particularly disgusting. if people are mentally incompetant enough to buy this, let them. how is it any different from religion?
Besides intercessory prayer religion (well most religion) tends to steer clear of medical intervention.
If you were to go to your local vicar and tell him your daughter has throat cancer he would likely point you towards the hospital - but here we have people being advised to stop their medication, stay away from 'mainstream doctors' and deal with their cancer/cerebral palsy/deep vein thrombosis /lung metastases/diabetes (etc etc) by calling a 'visionary' who claims to be able to cure you via a (very expensive) phone call.
This kind of thing is genuinely dangerous, vulnerable people who are in desperate need of help are being hoodwinked into parting with their money while their disease is left untreated.
• #235
If it is true and they have magical powers, they wouldn't be bothered about people not beleiving htem anyway, they'd just turn us into dogs and toads n stuff.
• #236
• #237
*Dear Lee.
I have been given a huge job to do on this planet, being to change the concept of body healing right now. THIS IS A HUGE RESPONSIBILITY, and when I suggest my work to be placed in the hands of practitioners only, massage therapists etc., with a very reasonable charge of my service, I can rest assured responsible hands who have been working with human bodies for years.
I value my lifetime of service to what I do and the responsibility of it, I will not have my work copied as it completely obliterates the purity of the vibration of each DVD I promote.
I honor your view point of changing the world, but Lee I do not think it is going to happen in our lifetime.
Dear Lee you are not a practitioner are you anyway.
Thank you for your kind words anyway, I cannot have my work ruined.Loving energy
Robyn*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blessings Dearest Robyn
Yes I am a practitioner, I am a natural healer, I have been gifted since the birth of me and this gift allows me to lay on hands and guide the soul energies to heal the human body, I have done a number of procedures on fairly well know people here in the UK but I prefer to work with the poor and disadvantaged as they are desperate, naive, lack basic thinking skills and pretty much allow me to do anything I wish, I really go to town on them.
You can rest assured that I will only distribute your DVD to practitioners I know and trust, these are good people Robyn so you have no need to worry about them pirating the DVD.
Would you mind if I were to put my picture on the front of the DVDs, just a small image in the corner and a blessing from me (blessing below):
I bless you with my bright white light.
Through the day and also through the night.
Let the spirits guide your heart.
And also help you paint some art.
We are one soul, beautiful and sublime.
Dancing like robots on the edge of time
Dancing like robots on the edge of time
Dancing like robots on the edge of time
Dancing like robots on the edge of time(repeat to fade)
This really is an exciting opportunity for all of us, we can change the world, with your gift and your wisdom we can change this world for the better.
In love and light.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• #238
i think she smells something wiffing a bit. Interesting to see what she says.
£875 ! some poor fucker has already paid that. I feel sorry for them. -
• #239
i don't think it's particularly disgusting. if people are mentally incompetant enough to buy this, let them. how is it any different from religion? i would contend that they both have the same amount of plausibility, but that doesn't mean they should be illegal.
religion is like a cul-de-sac where you can attribute events all to one thing. A reason and order.
this on the other hand is offering itself as a cure to something, whatever that is, which is quite different.
Despite that, someone with very little money to spend will get conned completely. -
• #240
*Dear Lee.
No matter how many emails I send you, you do not get it it do you.
I will not send you the complete package ( or any package for that matter)
I work with the Divine energy, and the Divine energy is guiding me in this, new healing format. I cannot go with anyone who goes against that, this is the way it is.
You have no right to send the DVD to anyone, poor or needy or other practitioners, and then also put your picture on also, and verse. apart from that this is a complete kit involvement of follow up DVD's which is more powerful than the first CD received.
You do not understand it is like climbing a stair gate to heaven.
I am sorry if you do not follow, I cannot include you in this pan, I am getting to the stage that I can not trust you.Loving energy
Robyn*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dearest heart Robyn
I am not sure I understand what it is you are saying ? My husband has already ordered the complete package, shall I cancel my order ?
I also work with the divine energy, and the divine energy is guiding me in this as well and it's message to me is clear, it says - Robyn Welch is a very gifted and very spiritual woman, a divine portal, a vessel for the higher powers to do their work here on earth, she is a doorway to a place inside our hearts where infinity embraces with the white light of truth, her celestial gifts are profound and not of this earth - especially this new stuff with the quantums in it - and it is important that this message of healing and hope and intuition is spread far and wide to as many souls as possible.
Like I say I have been a follower of your work for many years now and I would never go against your message, you can trust me 100%, I will ensure your message is conveyed clearly and accurately, once I have given out the DVDs I will explain that they must not be pirated and that the healers must only make copies for their clients - I will ask them to include my picture and my verse just so they know that I have also given this exciting new project my blessings.
I am so excited to be part of this, to be part of the quantum healers family, I can never thank you enough Robyn but accept this colour graphics design I have made for you as a token of my appreciation of your work, I am sure I am not the only one who appreciates all you have done for the wellness of mankind.
In love and also in light
• #241
i think she smells something wiffing a bit. Interesting to see what she says.
You'd be quite surprised at how far you can go.
• #242
freakin genius, loving this. Please please please get someone to publish this. We could get the pope to do the foreword or something.
• #243
That picture has had me literally rolling around on the sofa in laughter.
• #244
Can you mock up a DVD cover that you're going to 'distribute'?
• #245
aye, use the picture of edscoble
• #246
Not wanting to take attention away from tynan's sterling work, but here's another WTF cycling product;
Bike floss.
Yours for £5 a pack, or you could just use pipe cleaners or a rag like normal people for a lot less.
• #247
Where can I get some???
• #248
*Dear Lee.
In the great debate of everything I will put this as simple as I can.
1) Your husband has not placed an order
2) You have no right, what so ever spiritually or any other war re your self/verse on any sold product
I am sorry I am sure you are a fine upstanding person, however, I do not know these people you are planning on sending my baby to, I also believe that you have a ego problem by pirating my work and putting your name and picture on it, and believe me this is unspiritual and fraudulent.
I am enclosing a form that would have to be signed , please read sections:-
2,10, 2,11, 3.02,3.03.
Robyn*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blessings dear heart Robyn
You are quite right, I checked with my husband and he has not placed the order yet, I have talked to him and he explained that we are not able to copy the DVDs as it could be illegal and he does not want to go back to prison, he can't go back in there, it would kill him - so we won't be ordering the DVD package for the moment.
We have decided the best way forward would be to simply set up our own website promoting very similar quantum techniques to the one's you have developed, this is so exciting for us, not only will we be bringing a message of pure white light and hope and joy to those who normally cannot afford it or do not deserve it but my husband says if we play this right we can make a load of money as well.
My husband was up all night, pacing around like a hyena, he is even more excited about this project than me, he designed our new website (I have put an image of what it will look like below).
My gift is in healing and divine wisdom, just like you Robyn, but my husband's gift is in graphics design and business dealings, he designs my posters and leaflets and my website, he also collects money from people who are dragging their feet when it comes to paying up for my services, he once chased down a man in the street and battered him to within an inch of his life just using his bare fists, it was incredible to watch him at work, he was very thorough, the sheer breathless ferocity of my husband was such that even passers by were crying and screaming as they watched him work, the guy he worked over had phoned up the previous month and was given almost £180 worth of loving/healing energy and not paid for it - I bet he needed the loving/healing energy after my husband had dealt with him !
Robyn I would be grateful if you could look over our new website design, I admire your website and know it has been made from a spiritual heart, we have tried to do the same, to give out positive energy and white light, let me know what you think.
In love and with life force
• #249
Oh my, I've been in a fit of laughter for the last 3 minutes. Then I noticed the specific 'Jews' link on the left - That was me gone for another 2.
• #250
Tynan, your talents are wasted on here.
The witch extracted it from my email address.