• #202
Or clever enough to accept sponsorship money. Cycling is hardly the most lucrative career.
He's got a 4 year contract worth £1M a year, not sure what you think is lucrative but it's hardly the equivalent of being on the breadline, wearing that bracelet is not doing his credibility any good.
• #203
crikey... these things get everywhere!
http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2010/aug/01/sports-sensation-power-balance -
• #204
Shut up buzz_lightyear, they proved it works didnt they. I take it you missed the bit where they did the science test?
What more do you want? -
• #205
Ronaldo wears one? Cheat
• #206
He should send it back, it doesn't seem to help him keep his balance at all.
• #207
I bought one the other day, melted it down and spackled it on the inside of my tyre so I never get punctures. Dont worry, the holograms werent wasted, I chopped them into extremely fine bits, put them inside my pump and fired them into my inner tubes. This means they will spin faster, have a purer energy and double my puncture protection.
• #208
You idiot. It only resonates with organic energy fields, it won't work on your tyres! You just wasted your money. You done goofed.
• #209
Ha, jokes on you, my tyres are made from 100% organic Mylar, which is what the power bands are made of too so the resonation will be especailly poignant.
• #210
crikey... these things get everywhere!
http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2010/aug/01/sports-sensation-power-balanceWhat load of bollocks! I'm amazed that people fall for this shit.
• #211
I've had the 'test' done to me, and must say it is rather odd, the way your body reacts... and yes, it does change a bit. But so it does if I'm cycling pissed, it actually improves my balance.
• #212
it's strange how people react to these.
i was at an athletics meet a couple of months ago and theres this marshall, pretty built with muscled and shaved legs, obviously a roadie.
so i walk past him and notice he's wearing one of these things on each wrist and also some wierd sweatband thing. i stop him to ask him about them and he tells me he's sponsored by them and how amazing they are. the way he talked to me was so horrible though, i have never been so patronised. -
• #213
It's not patronising if they're talking cock.
• #214
It's criminal companies that promote shit like this, it's in the same vain as people who promote a box with some batteries and bulb in it as a cure for cancer. Obviously there is not a direct comparison on the potential effect of following this bollocks can have on your life, one may kill the other will not but it's the same kind of pure deception for monetary gain.
• #215
It's criminal companies that promote shit like this, it's in the same vain as people who promote a box with some batteries and bulb in it as a cure for cancer. Obviously there is not a direct comparison on the potential effect of following this bollocks can have on your life, one may kill the other will not but it's the same kind of pure deception for monetary gain.
Agreed, it's very simply a scam product supported by a parlour trick (the push down on your arm test).
The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 makes it an offence for a trader to apply, by any means, false or misleading statements.
• #216
Look at who's buying it though. If only idiots buy it, and the only false hope it's giving is sporting performance, then so what?
Obviously the makers are scum, but maybe we could harness the idiot market for good?
• #217
Look at who's buying it though. If only idiots buy it, and the only false hope it's giving is sporting performance, then so what?
Agreed, like Tommy says it's not a cancer cure so no big deal in that respect, but it still is fraud by misrepresentation, sure it's another idiot tax, but people are being defrauded of money by a company who knows fully well that it is a sham product.
• #218
Agreed, it's very simply a scam product supported by a parlour trick (the push down on your arm test).
How does this 'work'?
• #219
It clearly makes zeros to heroes:
"I don't usually do a lot of testimonials," says superstar American basketballer Shaquille O'Neal, "but this works." He recounts the first time he wore the bracelet in a match: "We won that game by 57 points." Grand Prix driver Barrichello is similarly effusive. "The first time I used it in a race," he says, "I won." Spain's World Cup winning team are also fans, while the two finalists at this year's Queen's tennis championships were both sporting one.
Given that each of these people are clearly untalented chancers who only stumbled into their sports by accident, it's quite some achievement for the bracelets to make them win. Just look at Spain--a worse football team has never been seen, and they only go and win the World Cup. Prior to that, they'd only managed to win the European Cup, so that's probably the best indicator of the difference the bracelets can make. And when did Shaquille O'Neal ever win anything before? Case closed.
• #220
How does this 'work'?
Probably an ideomotor effect / placebo effect.
YouTube- Power Balance Bracelets on Today Tonight 22/12/2009.
• #221
Jonathon Creek is one of their reporters (2.20). He's gotta find out what's going on
• #222
Probably an ideomotor effect / placebo effect.
YouTube- Power Balance Bracelets on Today Tonight 22/12/2009.
Thanks, my money would be on the 'test' being applied in different ways. As the sceptic said, even the person who has a commercial interest in the things may not be aware of doing this--although I'm rather more inclined to believe that they are, I'm sure there are lots of unrelated people out there who genuinely are not.
• #223
I buying one to improve my posting speed.
• #224
I have been on this woman's mailing list for a few years now, normally it's the usual shit you get from these idiots (sorry I mean to say Visionary Diagnostic Medical Intuitive not 'idiot') but she has recently raised the bar by inventing a whole new area of medical science 'Quantum Zone Therapy'.
Her website: www.robynwelch.com
*I am happy to announce my latest book " Exploring dimensions with the Body", as now been released in the U.S.A.
I am now seeking contact with registered touch therapists, e.g. Massage therapists, Reiki Masters, Reflexologists, etc., to combine their method of touch therapy, with my Quantum vibration healing obtained with my total successful format of 17 years.
This new revolutionary method, will be named Quantum Zone Therapy. (QZT) I truly believe by combining our methods, and positive energies, we will excelerate body mind and spirit wellness into new realms.
The basic power of my successful approach is the ability I have to attune the body prior to work, into the Quantum Vibrational Zone. It is here that atoms and molecules change, therefore boosting body health, you will be amazed at your clients body change after listening to the vibration of Quantum through a CD, or a DVD, which I will provide.
This ability to apply Quantum Physics to a body, Quantum Physics vibration is produced through my heart, and exits via my voice. It is now being proven that those constantly connected with Quantum, you find you will be diagnosing, intuitively, the intuition will increase, and possibly be practising the same method as myself, this varies greatly with everyone.
Therefore, any product containing my real heartbeat, and voice will be the reason a clients body becomes pliable and responsive, actually changing physically prior to your touch. After 15 minutes lying by themselves, either listening to the CD supplied, or by the more powerful DVD, your client's body is now ready to apply your own magic.
It is strongly advised that you do not converse with the client whilst you are performing your magic, as general conversation can bring them out of the high Quantum zone to the three earthly dimensions. It is important they stay zoned as long as possible. Once clients have experienced the Quantum vibration, they will want it more and more , this will not prevent them from needing your touch therapy, which is advised to be reduced by 30%, as your clients body once in the Quantum Zone will be very pliable, and responsive prior to your touch, there will be a phyiscal change, therefore your work time will actually be reduced, which will enable you to represent your work to more clients, as you will have more energy.
Please make absolutely certain that neither the client or the practitioner have a mobile phone, also no electrical machinery in the space also. The CD, supplied will not only perform the above vibration, but also left playing all night in your work space, will clear negative frequencies, which can collect in your space from the cleaning of clients bodies, and energy fields.
In the Quantum Zone Therapy package, that you will be receiving upon full payment price, which will contain super powerful DVD, New Book (Exploring dimensions with the Body), lecture training material from my 17 years of practice from my lectures all over the world, and direct contact with me via email. I will be setting up a helpline after the intial trial of interested practitioners, to professionals in their field to help remove major blockages some clients may have.
Other products are now in production, that you will also be able to use and sell from your practice.
There will be a deposit for the CD package, and the complete package (DVD etc) which will need to be paid in full within 6 weeks. Would you please be as kind as to inform us, if you are interested in your reply of your location please.
Would you please be kind enough to pass this email to any practitioners who you know, who would be interested in Quantum Zone Therapy (QZT) - Thank-You.*
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blessings Robyn
This sounds like a new and wonderful approach, I would be very interested in the Quantum Zone Therapy Package but I don't know much about the quantum sciences, is it safe, I thought the quantums were what cause AIDs (the disease) ?
In love and light
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
*Dear Lee,
You have shocked and stunned me today, of what you have heard about Quantum.
Quantum is the zone (space) area that Einstein could not reach, but knew it was there. Lee it is the doorway to heaven.
How on the earth you heard that the doorway to heaven causes Aids, who ever told you that was not spiritual.
It is the highest zone we can reach for our earthly three dimensions absolutely amazing and pure as the driven snow, completely safe in, I would have nothing to do with it if it was not.
I would be interested in your method of touch therapy please.You may try the CD package for a deposit of £375.00, and the full price of £875.00 for the complete package to be paid in full with 6 weeks.
Loving energy
Robyn*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blessings Robyn
The Quantum zone sounds amazing, like I say I am not well versed in the Quantum sciences but a friend (he is very intelligent) has warned me that too many Quantums can bring about a weakness in your energy field and although it doesn't cause AIDs itself it can leave you more vulnerable to these kinds of diseases.
The one thing I do know about Quantums is that they are exceptionally small, less than a tenth of a millimetre wide, so you would need to come into contact with hundreds (maybe even thousands) of Quantums before they had any effect on you, so perhaps the worry about AIDs is not really warranted.
What is in the full package for the £875 ? Would I get the DVD, I have been told that is the most powerful tool in this kit ?
In love and light.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
*Dear Lee.
It seems from the fact that I omitted from the introduction letter the fact VIBRATIONAL SPACE that atoms and molecules change, however, we are talking only negative, not positive. let me answer you QUANTUM VIBRATIONAL ZONE is positive to the human system.
Lee I would not be connected with anything connected to the human body that is negative of the natural that has been sent to you.The DVD will be available when you pay your deposit and decided to go ahead with the package, which contains DVD, new book, 17 years of information that I have collected from lectures all over the world. Plus when you place your deposit of £375.00, and then the balance would be £500.00
Loving energy
Robyn*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blessing Robyn
Thank you for setting my mind at rest, I have followed your work for a while now and I knew you wouldn't have anything to do with the AIDs - I will tell my friend to do his research next time !
I am very excited to learn more about the Quantum Vibrational Zone and it's benefits to the human system and will be ordering my full kit at the weekend.
Is it ok if I copy the the DVD (my husband has a DVD copier) - it would only be for all my friends and family and a few healers I know who would be delighted at not having to fork out the £875 - isn't technology wonderful, to be able to produce such a powerful healing tool like your new DVD and then being able to so easily copy it and share it with like minded people - I bet the big corporations (BigPharma) are scared of people like you who can distribute your message so quickly, so widely and for free.
You are amazing.
In the light of love.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
*Dear Lee.
I| am sorry dear heart, you scare me at your spirituality to life, you may take this as an insult. I know you think your heart is in the right place . Re: Discs CANNOT be copied, this is pirating and is actually it is theft.
The Quantum vibration gets swiped so there value is gone.
I am in the position to sue anyone who copies or pirates my workRobyn Welch*
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blessings Dear Robyn
I am not sure I understand what it is you are saying ?
I am just suggesting that we spread your message of hope and light as far and as wide as possible, your message brings so much joy to so many souls - all I am saying is that we could really show the big corporations (like BigPharma) a thing or too, while they selfishly concentrate on wealth, power, money making and pushing their agenda to get us all on their medication - we can (using my husband's DVD copier) spread your new gift of Quantum Zone Therapy to as many people as possible - like I say I bet this new breakthrough of yours has the corporations shaking with fear.
We can do this Robyn, together we can cure and spread light where the big corporations only wish to keep everyone on their chemical medicine - have you genuinely ever heard of anyone actually being cured by mainstream medicine, I certainly haven't.
I am glad to hear that the 'Quantum Vibration gets swiped so the value is gone' (I must admit to not entirely understanding what this means, but like I say I am no scientist) - so when I start making my copies I will include a small paper note telling people if they enjoyed the DVD that they need to buy another copy from you if they want the full benefits.
You are amazing, I am amazing, we are amazing, we are all one consciousness, I am you, you are me . . . etc etc.
In the love and in the light.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I reckon I will be hearing from her lawyers before the week is out.
• #225
tynan, lose your real name unless you are coming out.
Or clever enough to accept sponsorship money. Cycling is hardly the most lucrative career.