• #1502
Look, Buster!
• #1503
^&^^ Tupac
• #1504
make all ribbon caps?
you need some ultimate warrior tassels
• #1505
you first big man!
• #1506
• #1507
I've only skim read this sorry but I'm definitely interested in one as I missed the last few. I'm putting my vote toward a roundel on the back and lfgss on the underside of the peak
• #1508
I want a picture of jean-michel and his ill-fitting langster on the back of the caps
• #1509
it was paul michel
• #1510
same thing
• #1511
wait was it a tricross or a langster?
• #1512
details, mere details
• #1513
i miss his rugby top
• #1514
I'd like one if there someone is doing a run of these. only thing is my noggin is reasonably big. how do they come up?
• #1515
Has this been resolved yet?
• #1516
it was paul michel
It was Paul-Michel.
details, mere details
No tolerance for posting from phones. :)
• #1517
wait was it a tricross or a langster?
Must have been a langster. He was totally a langster rider.
• #1518
any updates?
• #1519
Lots Here -
• #1520
any updates?
Nope. Factory still closed for summer.
• #1521
What summer? Those 5 hours of sunshine today? I call shenanigans
• #1522
Leaves are falling already.
• #1523
so no caps this year?
• #1524
The factory are still closed for their summer break. That's what happens in Italy.
When they re-open, so does communication with them and then it's usually 4-6 weeks.
So the soonest they'd be made will be early/mid October.
• #1525
Have anyone got a LFGSS cap lying around for me to buy?
Would like to represent the forum riding a hipster bike to Morocco and jumping red light.
look buster...