• #27
Cuntin bunch of fixie whingers
I preferred parody posting but got a regular barrage of cease and desist pms from corny.
• #29
James don't drag me into your spasmodic teenage lurchings, I sent you a couple of pm's when you were going through your irritating michel-Paul period, which was like what a year ago. Your recent actions have bought nothing but the odd post from me about where I think you stand, and what I think you should do as others have.
If you want to jump from one extreme of behaviour and posting to the other that's your business but don't hail out my name as if I was the only one that pointed out that what you were doing, writing wasn't particularly funny and in fact was just damned irritating, all that happened was I was way ahead of the dancing James needs to calm down curve.
As maya Angelou says "if you don't like something change it, if you can't change it change your attitude".
Fix up James, fix up and don't be looking to blame anyone else for this situation, especially not me. -
• #30
I saw Dancing James eating a kebab once.
What an utter, utter bastard. -
• #31
Well I've never met Dancing James, but I'd quite like to.... he seems like a nice enough chap - does that even things up a bit? Now back to the topic in hand...
• #32
I think I shall revert to doing what I want to do
trying to appease the whingers here is impossible
"James we like your parodies" "brother don't be doing parodies"
It's a fuckin minefield trying to manage everyone elses petty sensitivities
• #33
Also the advice given by me is utterly correct and would absolve the ops conscience rather than looking around trying to find someone to do it for him by saying "that's ok"
• #34
I actually never minding all the belligerence and flaming of the new kids, I thought it was quite funny (except when taken too far)... I just found the sarcasm and then the strange attempts to be nice frankly quite creepy.
Do your thing. It's better that way
• #35
Also the advice given by me is utterly correct and would absolve the ops conscience rather than looking around trying to find someone to do it for him by saying "that's ok"
Yeah well, it's a strange thread. If you're just waiting for someone to say "yeah, don't worry, you're good" to assuage your conscience then surely you never really felt a deep sense of guilt—*probably best to just HTFU and make that decision yourself.
• #36
I actually never minded flaming of the new kids, except when taken too far.
Do your thing. It's better that way
Even more so this^
• #37
I think you have now got my point
the thread was a waste of time
it's the same whether people want Lfgss to be their moral/aesthetic compass
ffs you muppets, utfb make the decision for yourself
• #38
think we were both on the same track for a while, but only now see the light.
• #39
Sounds like more time/money was spent adding disk brake fittings then the frame was worth (hoping it was'nt vintage porn), and they've been ground off now.
ipso facto, you're already a cnut ;)
• #40
think we were both on the same track for a while, but only now see the light.
In that case I'd get the tube home if I was you.
• #41
Sorry, re-read OP.... which I didn't do properly first time... didn't realise it was only a couple of months ago, not a lot longer.
Not sure why you haven't asked the person who sold it to you about it, and where they got it from even now?
If you remain unsatisfied by response then Dancing James is right that informing the Police would be the correct option.
There's a strong argument that says we, as cyclists, oft complain that bike theft is not taken seriously enough as a crime - the only way we can do something about it is doing the right thing; and bringing these matters to the attention of the authorities when there's still a chance that doing so will make a difference.
• #42
Finally some fucking sense
zero tolerance to theft of bikes
• #43
I agree.
You never know, that frame might have been someone's pride and joy.
I'm sure anyone who's had a bike nicked would be overjoyed to get it back, even if it's just the frame. -
• #44
name and shame!
a link to the original thread might solve/answer a few questions
• #45
Dancing James is right that informing the Police would be the correct option.
I'm picturing a fecked, old, steel frame, with bits added/grinded off/stripped. It may still be of great value to someone regardless, but I cant see the popo giving a shite TBH.
Spose, morally DJ is right though (now I'm agreeing with him, bugger).
• #46
meh in 60 years its probably been nicked a few times, i say keep it, enjoy it, and most importantly ride it like you stole it.
• #47
Im gonna fuckin batter the next arsehole that says "assuage".
• #48
mmm... battered arseholes.
• #49
With your sausage?
• #50
yeah, looks like sausage too, dont it...
I think we all can. The Question is ... can James?