• #3577
I'd avoid hacking a camera before giving it to anyone. Let her get used to it - the video features are there already so maybe start fucking about with it when it starts to become a hinderance. Good call with the 50 1.8 BTW, that's about as good as lenses get, eventhough its built like a crisp packet.
• #3578
It's a camera, I didn't think there would be anything to hack other than your own skill and knowledge of photography.
• #3579
You did good, that's a really nice setup.
• #3580
I'd avoid hacking a camera before giving it to anyone. Let her get used to it - the video features are there already so maybe start fucking about with it when it starts to become a hinderance. Good call with the 50 1.8 BTW, that's about as good as lenses get, eventhough its built like a crisp packet.
Glad to hear it, and good advice - I'll leave hacking it for now. Thanks for all yer help on this, I owe you a beer if you're ever out at drinks.
• #3581
• #3582
^Ha! Birders...
Boring shot from my new toy: the shadow recovery is unbelievable.
• #3583
Nice. Though careful with that though. Seen far too much overuse of that and photos going all HDR. Same goes for the high pass filter/clarity slider. Bleurgh.
• #3584
Yep, there's a ban on taking pictures of the cat and using HDR in this house. Especially HDR cats.
That one above was more a test to see how much headroom there is (more than enough, it turns out), but its nice to be able to pull out details in certain pictures.
The camera with the lens is surprisingly portable, probably the next smallest way of doing full frame second to the RX1 - and you can swap the lenses this way!Bosh
• #3585
...waits for Nikon to bring out a pancake...
• #3586
^^ Looks like the limiting factor is the standard AF-MF switch
• #3587
...waits for Nikon to bring out a pancake...
• #3588
or this...
Also, using my phone as a remote with liveview is amazing.
• #3589
i remember before i sold my camera shit i had endless pouches and crappy camera bags, so
does anyone have a pouch type thing that would fit a Fuji X10 so I can throw the camera in my bag without worrying about scratching the screen?
• #3590
http://madecine.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/p1120236.jpg*Well yeah... *apart from them ;-) Maybe cause I'm lazy and want the nano coating that comes on their new lenses and autofocus.
• #3591
does anyone have a pouch type thing that would fit a Fuji X10 so I can throw the camera in my bag without worrying about scratching the screen?
When I was a poor photography student I used to transport my lenses in sport socks.
• #3592
Ha, me too, weasel-chops.
• #3593
Soviet Bus Stops
• #3594
Before I drop money on more Ram I thought i'd ask what you guys are using on your computers?
Currently got 4gb but looking at buying another 8 so will have 12gb in total. Will this be enough to speed up lightroom and Sigma photo pro?
• #3595
Should make a huge different
• #3596
But if you can get more, do it
• #3597
More than 12gb? Lightroom seems OK at the moment but Sigma Photo pro isn't.
Anyone else have problems with it?
• #3598
Check your setup can accept more rammage.
• #3599
Yes can for sure.
It'll support up to 32.
• #3600
12 should go a long long way. I've got 8 on a quite new iMac at work and heavy psd's runs fine here, don't see why a photo editor wouldn't
That's kind of what I meant - are the Magic Lantern hacks worth getting? I've not really had experience with this kind of thing before.