• #22202
One for sorrow.
• #22203
It all makes sense now
• #22204
Carry on!
• #22205
Actually that might be a red herring.
It's not in Slough, but apparently stationary people stopped there.
• #22206
Old: Teddington Studios
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• #22207
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• #22209
I know that road. Not in London at the mo unfortunately.
• #22210
I know that road. Not in London at the mo unfortunately.
Wait, how did they move it?
If it's not in London, I'd say it's not a valid tag until it returns.
• #22211
Oh Oliver!
• #22213
Oh I actually got the Teddington one from the clue then - was disappointed to find out it wasn't actually in Chigwell so no tag on todays Essex spin.
• #22214
Old: Teddington Studios
Also, it's mad how much this photo looks like the renders they put on the hoardings.
• #22215
This square is home to a big beast.
• #22216
I recognise that square. Around the corner from my old abode, but won't be able to get there until tomorrow, by which time I would expect this to be gone...
• #22218
I now know what borough it's in, and what CPZ zone of that borough. But I haven't found it yet.
• #22219
I am very surprised that the new tag is not Ockendon Rd
• #22220
It's what remains when all the love is gone, leaving something that just doesn't fit.
• #22221
Beautiful Clue.
Impenetrable, but beautiful.
• #22222
Less beautifully...
"Really? Even Kurt would never have called her that. She was no A-Hole."
• #22223
Ok got it now. Possible early morning expedition if I can be bothered to get out of bed.
• #22224
Old: Courtney square, Kennington. Narrowed it down by Googling the parking code and then 'Georgian Square Kennington'. Apparently home to well known tobacconist Ken Clarke.
1 Attachment
• #22225
New: you won't mind having this phrase in your browser history, will you?
1 Attachment
To sum up
So it's West somewhere South
Tide/reach suggests by the/a river
Mashton feels left out
And old people should remember something on the telly here, or there
Sounds a long way away