• #19902
Old: Quixotic decoration at corner of Sewdly Street and Millfields Road, between Chatsworth and Chippendale. Latter clues made me realise I've been passing this for the past six weeks and not noticed it.
• #19903
New: in life, as in art, sometimes it's what's not there that counts.
• #19904
Good clue.
• #19905
I'm still keen to have a go at this however my lack of london knowledge and inability to solve these clues is somewhat hampering my experience.
• #19906
I have the advantage that I pass by there twice every day.
• #19908
I'd never bothered to work out exactly where this piece was, until you tagged it, that is. Thank you @mattioats
My tip for @GoatandTricycle is to see what's currently on at #### #######
Edit: and @ChasnotRobert :)
2nd edit: my clue too easy, oops!
• #19909
Well I'm hopeful I might get one soon.
Thanks for the clues btw -
• #19910
ahh... gotcha.
• #19912
My favourite piece by this artist.
I remember driving over to see it.
It drew crowds.
Lots of very shouty people driving past it.
Very much of its time.
I've just read up on how it was done, and like it so much more as a result. -
• #19913
And Imagine my surprise on seeing a related programme on the Beeb very recently
Repeated last night in fact
• #19914
If I get time today...
But then no idea where to go next.
• #19915
Worst bike tag of 2017.
• #19916
If this is the worst (??), Btob 2017 been a good year then?
• #19917
I think that is a joke/clue for the tag rather than an actual critique.
• #19918
I'm so shit at working out clues I don't even know which are clues. Doh!
• #19919
Old: site of Rachel Whiteread's sculpture 'House', Wennington Green, Grove rd.
1 Attachment
• #19920
New; if you find this tag you won't be able to sort out the problems on the West Bank but you will be close.
1 Attachment
• #19921
I know this one.
• #19922
Enjoyed watching this. Features the history of 'House' and her holocaust memorial in Vienna.
• #19923
^^^ London in winter is so breathtakingly pretty.
• #19924
Does your clue reference topical events or the location? I presume the latter but don't know if you're aware of the former...
• #19925
Can’t work this one out - have googled all the ‘West Bank’ road names I could think of. More clues please!
No idea where it is, but guessing it is Don Quixote.