• #502
Motorbikes doing 200mph is not a big thing its how quick and distance.
The point is its a superbike so you can bet it goes like stink all the way there. I saw one the other day. V-nice in the flesh.
• #503
If I ever need to own a vehicles, it'll be one of those Ape, they're practical little bugger.
The original one isn't bad either;
Have some more wood...
• #504
@ B great images in that magazine and loving the wood.
• #505
ta. There's a real crossover going with the whole heritage fashion thing and the urban custom (not sure if there's actual term for all those brat, dirt track, modern cafes and bobbers) bike scene that i think might do a 'fixie' in the not too distant future. I'd be super made up if anything got more bums on motorcycles so i'm hoping so. The bubblevisor blog (http://bubblevisor.blogspot.com/) is pretty good to if you like that sort of thing too.
I'm just a bit bored with many modern machines - though i do fancy a thruxton that i think someone on here mentioned owning. So this whole thing thats growning is pretty exciting.
Keep posting any interesting finds.
• #506
love this indian (note the supercharger!)
Love all these mad xt's and sr's http://bubblevisor.blogspot.com/search?q=yamaha
This is very special too!
Great blog!
• #507
God, that Indian is a widow-maker and no mistake.
• #508
club black is amazing. obviously will be pretty different but that's the colour scheme/look the ntv's getting when i have some time on my hands.
• #509
Club Black is from Wrench Monkeys.
BubbleVisor indeed is a cool blog - guy is a great illustrator too. -
• #510
Why the tincey-wincey ikkle pipes? It's not a 125?
• #511
Look at the cones, it's a 2 stroke.
• #512
Look at the cones, it's a 2 stroke.
• #513
English not my native language, so I might not understand you correctly, but 2 strokes works different from 4stroke. The shape of the pipes is essential for the engine to run properly.
• #514
English not my native language, so I might not understand you correctly, but 2 strokes works different from 4stroke. The shape of the pipes is essential for the engine to run properly.
No no, your English is perfect, and I understand the point about 2 strokes and back-pressure, but those are like spagetti, especially if you look at the size of the down-pipes?
• #515
• #516
There'll be 2 on the other side, they're technically called expansion chambers not exhausts.
See Honda NSR500 here. -
• #518
Not sure if there are 2 on the other side though, since they race counter-clockwise and hit some pretty steep angles.
Looks like 3-1:
(I put up a replica above btw) -
• #519
Failed MOD 2 Friday because I left my indicator on on the motorway on the new self ride part.
Only got 2 minors for the rest of it fucking gutting as I had to put my bike in the van to move it the next day. -
• #520
unlucky! still I bet you won't do it again. My mate phil has failed 6 times.
Know what for?
Every time!
what's the self ride part is that like they're doing with the cars where they say take me someplace and don't direct you?
• #521
sorry to hear it scrapper, i didnt realise they were also adding the self directing part to motorcycle tests.
• #522
That'd be shit if you were used to going through cycle only areas and ended up making an illegal turn.
• #523
self ride/drive - yeah they tell you to take them somewhere for 10-15mins.
Had to go from a country lane and along the motorway.
This is the first week they have done it. -
• #524
Just missed it then, think I'd rather do that than be directed though.
• #525
are they trying to make it harder to pass and second question do they object to sat navs and bikes with self cancelling indicators being used i wonder? (sincere question)
It's a shame ski season is approaching - would love this if I had some spare pennies