• #77
Anyone posting that initial image ^^as a look-a-like of me; I'm slashing your tires FACT
• #78
cornylicious: if I don't see you, have a wonderful time, big man! Can't wait to hear all about it/read the book/watch the film & buy some merch :) x
• #79
Hey Big People,
Touched down safe and sound in Tokyo, just a note don't buy a cheap bike bag, its a waste of money, seeing as the strap on mine busted before I'd even got to the end of my street, though that might have had something to do with the bag containing 31 kilos of bike, and bag packed with miscellaneous shit. Travel light people, travel light.
Find below link to the blog, which I'll try to keep as updated as possible, wi-fi in hostels dependent, http://mrverte.wordpress.com/
heading over to osaka to see pete and the universal studios tour and shit, before spending a couple of days in kyoto, and back to tokyo before heading over to melbourne, where I hear they are having a bit of a heat wave 40 degrees and counting.riding in tokyo is cool, the roads are wide, and well tarmaced, some of the smoothest surfaces I've rolled over, riding across town takes about half an hour, forty mins, probably less if you cane it, but I've been quite sedate. Haven't hit many of the smaller roads, as they seem to be filled with pedestrians.
Only thing with Tokyo is the light sequences are long, and they don't have an amber light, so they go straight from red to green and you get a load of cars which try to anticipate it, and just edge forward on the red for AAAAAGES. Late at night the roads are pretty empty once you get out of the very center of tokyo, and so you can jump them to your hearts content, but I'm trying to be legal, and am refraining unless its a tumbleweed filled western road. Probably by the time I leave I'll be jumping them like it's old london town.
seen some fixed bikes out here, but haven't gone to any shops, but will be doing that tomorrow and wednesday, as I'm staying up in kuramae, which is just round the corner from one of the main ones, think it might be circus, but don't have my notes on me.
ed thanks for the hook up with your brother, he's cool, showed me another part of town last night and is going to help out with some of my bike buying bits.be well people and if you've signed up for the email thing, I'll try and ping one out in the next week or so.
• #80
you're pretty near punch! in asakusa.
picking up the language? I'm jealous man, very jealous. good to hear from you, and there's an okono restaurant nearby where you are- which is epic, and cheap.
not to mention the 24hr Dennys which is great after a night out, when you need cheap coffee. -
• #81
What i am going to miss most about Cornie, is his leaving do's
Good to see you finally found the plane man, now don't eat what you don't recognise and you'll be alright
• #82
Great to hear you've arrived safely senor.
Course you piss off and you know who pulls a lame-ass draw.
Meh... world class keeping by all accounts.Now go buy summink shiny...
• #83
love Tokyo! but never got the chance to ride there. Keep us posted with yr antics big man.
• #84
i can't stand that pickled cabbage shit!
you have brought up a good point. through all the life experiences, the flavours of the world, the cultural adn spiritial enlightenment this man will still return a filthy yid... shame
• #85
now don't eat what you don't recognise and you'll be alright
Bollocks, Greasy... he's not going to find any soggy fish and chips in Tokyo.
Eat everything you can lay your paws on Corny. The weirder the better. Wash it down with Japanese lagers.
Life win!
• #86
soggy fish and chips in Tokyo.
that a Euph?
• #87
We need photo proof or else Corny is hiding out somewhere in London and this is a big hoax ;o)))
• #88
that a Euph?
Shinjuku station, east toilets. Visit the cubicles after midnight. Tap right foot 3 times. If the left foot in the next cubicle is tapped 5 times, run your hand under the separating wall.
• #89
soper when I said circus, I meant punch, going to head up there now, after I send you people a little missive and have a quick dinner. Motherfuckers are open to eleven, madness.
Anyway by accident I came across Sexon Super Peace, whilst looking for somewhere else. The place is crazy, full of sexy frames and shiny bits. In and around shibuya, is fixed city, just sitting on the crossing for like fifteen mins, saw a whirl come through. Will post up pics in the spotted in tokyo thread and in here when I get the chance.
Think of shibuya as camden/shoreditch/angel but with more money thrown at the clothes. Everyone dressed to the nines just to stand outside shops, or to do more shopping. Intense is not even close to conveying how insane it is to see that many people moving across a crossing, not just once, but every couple of mins. You stand there and wonder where they are all going to, and what they are going to do when they get there.
Toyko feels comfortable, yet strange with a capital S all at the same time. And just when I think I know where I'm going and am navigating myself well across town, the place up and kicks me in the ass. Very disconcerting.
Anyway I'm out people, got to go and see a man about a frame.and greasy just for you, you about to start wearing socks with sandals, I'm proud to drink ale, if you ever get over to the land of the rising sun, you need to come and drink here.
http://www.lares.dti.ne.jp/~ppy/english/index.html -
• #90
^ That post is useless without prices... And pictures...
• #91
Sweet jesus.. 70 ales on tap and a beer festival on Valentines day - These little guys seriously know how to roll!
• #92
• #93
• #94
Hope the shopping mission went well for you guys. Hear you've shed some weight ready to head north.
Sucks my bro is coming back from japan this summer and I still haven't been. Fail. Still, he may be moving to Londons famous london so we shall have to get him off his motorbike/zoomer onto something proper.Good luck with the next leg of your questival.
• #95
Miss you fella.
Rich does too, 'said as much tonight.
Don't you dare hurry home tho.
• #96
Was just talking about Ramen, and then this thread popped up... So... How's it going big man? Are you having a blast? Are you bringing me back bike bits, Manga and toys? Souths misses you.
We had an idea to to do another Souths crawl on the week you come back so you can get a tonne of Souths drinking and fun crammed in to stock you up before you leave again. Lets us know if you're up for it.
• #97
So you'll be in Melbourne now? And not popping over to Adelaide?! ;)
Hope you're enjoying it mate. Livin' the dream!
• #98
He isn't really in Australia. i saw him taking a break recording a new series of ready steady cook whilst typing away on the internet with a rough guide in his hand
• #99
corny, this afternoon i swung by ric's bar in the valley, for afternoon beers. it has your name all over it. get to brisbane asap. get some thongs too.
• #100
So Ric's isn't shut yet? Has it turned skanky yet? 6kg over, eh? ;P
yep - i think it was me, too.
careful though - he got fucked right off if that one, iirc.