• #9902
So this is less an argument about updates per se, more about the handsets which have still not been updated being unlikely to ever be updated.
I can't remember.
Whatever happens though, I'm right. :)
• #9903
Some manufacturers still haven't updated to 4.1 after promising they would back in July. The thing is, most non geeks don't care or even know what version they're running, as long as it works. Most people that stress about such things are more than capable of looking on xda...
Zacchary.. it was one of my points about 14 pages ago..
• #9904
Some old Android phones are shit and have not been updated to what Android is today.
This is also true of Apple devices, whilst recent ones have updated the older ones have not. iOS 6 is not on the iPhone 3.
Still... that some have updated in both camps is a good thing. It hasn't been long since phones were never updated or updateable (shy of a firmware flash if you were a developer and knew your way around Symbian).
My view has always been that the best way to avoid getting stuck on an old version of Android is to avoid OEM skinned versions of Android. I've said that from virtually day one... and hey, I'm right... but only to a point. My Nexus 1 doesn't have Android 4... but then the iPhone 3G (not S) was out at the same time and that doesn't have iOS 6 available.
I'm just glad that we're moving towards over the air continuous software updates. I will be more glad when Google can make Android updates more like Chrome updates... Chrome being the most updated browser out there, with the shortest time between an update being released and the majority of the users using that version.
• #9905
problem with Nexus 4 alarm clock function - setting volume button to activate snooze doesn't - it does however turn the fucking alarm completely off!!!
not helpful and can't find any info on forums
• #9906
does anyone know of any headphones with a built in volume control? my skull candy ones worked on my iphone but not my one x+. i know you can mod them with resistors, but i'm not good enough with a soldering iron.
• #9907
Play/Nexus stock checker: http://ludalex.soupwhale.com/n4checker/?country=uk
• #9908
My view has always been that the best way to avoid getting stuck on an old version of Android is to avoid OEM skinned versions of Android. I've said that from virtually day one... and hey, I'm right... but only to a point. My Nexus 1 doesn't have Android 4... but then the iPhone 3G (not S) was out at the same time and that doesn't have iOS 6 available.
But surely that's a good thing isn't it? the moment the iPhone 3 got iOS 4, it become slow and laggy that end up being more frustrating to use than originally.
I'd have thought the OS updates largely depend on the capacity the phone can run.
• #9909
The OS isn't necessarily that much more demanding on the hardware than it was in 2008, rather the applications are. Also, people have come to expect a certain degree of smoothness in the ui which Android has been behind on - iOS just hides loading times with animations, so its always been perceptively smoother.
Its a bit chicken and egg; the developers add animations to the os to make it feel smooth but in the process they make it more demanding on hardware. Rinse, wash and repeat. -
• #9910
Plus there are more background processes than there were..
• #9911
Planned obsoletion play a huge roles in the iOS, not sure if it can be said the same with the Nexus.
• #9912
Phones will only go so far until better battery technology is needed anyway.
• #9913
We've probably god another couple of steps to go in silicon process shrinking, which reduces power consumptions.
e.g. Today's desktop CPUs have the same power envelope as late 90s CPUs, but do a hell of a lot more with it.
• #9914
Screen technology is another big one. As is making the radios more power efficient.
• #9915
it's always going to get better, even calculator are more powerful than the computer in Apollo 11.
• #9916
Fucking 'Murica.
Email to say more Nexus 4s for US @ 12:00 PST today.
• #9917
my email said mine would be delivered this week... (basically asking me to make sure i had money in my accouunt...)
• #9918
Video won't work on the nexus 7 when I'm on skype - any ideas?
• #9919
Android 4.2 OTA tonight. New lock screen. What else I wonder. Ooh swipe keyboard is different..
• #9920
Part of what i find frustrating is that my phone could, I imagine, run 4.2 but i doubt it ever will.
• #9921
It will do with rooting.
• #9922
I'm very happy with ParanoidAndroid running on my SGS3. It's based off CM10/AOSP. Rock solid and OTA updates as well
• #9923
I'd lose all the stylus specific stuff though
• #9924
Sure? Have you checked xda for a note specific rom?
• #9925
OK so I turned off the option in alarm on Nexus 4 that allows the volume button to do snooze etc. It's the lock screen I think - the action of unlocking the phone with the lock screen turns the ruddy alarm off! This is so shit......
Some manufacturers still haven't updated to 4.1 after promising they would back in July. The thing is, most non geeks don't care or even know what version they're running, as long as it works. Most people that stress about such things are more than capable of looking on xda...