• #95052
Is there a way of identifying the exact Tacx turbo model from the unit itself? Can't see it stamped (let alone with stickers etc) anywhere.
• #95053
Need some help understanding this Shimano 5800 brake cabling diagram.
Do the cable caps with the tongue go at position A?
• #95054
Looks like whichever route you cable the answer is yes.
• #95055
are they moth-y or beetle-y?
my dad has been having a problem with food moths. you can get them inside bought packs of dry food like rice, then they get out and take up residence in your cupboard. Indian Meal Moth, I believe. they move like a cross between a moth and a fly. I've killed a flying one and about 10 caterpillar/maggot things tonight, but numbers are down from the summer since he's been keeping stuff in boxes and in the fridge. apparently freezing kills the eggs/pupae so if you suspect something you could put it in the freezer for a few days. -
• #95056
Pretty sure it is one of those:
Thankfully not to scale, and not in my food drawer... Freezing is a good tip, but I wouldn't risk it to be honest (as much as I hate food waste).
• #95057
ah, a good ol' weevil...
like the moths, they're not hazardous to eat, if you do find some in your pasta or rice just wash them out. hot water will kill them and they'll float. -
• #95058
Anyone know the size of the tiny bolt on the middleburn cranks tightness adjustment ring thingy - the thing you screw back onto the bearings, then tighten this bolt to lock everything in place. Need to find a replacement. Have a feeling it’s m2.5, but can’t get to the one I have to measure at the moment
• #95059
(New page fail...knew it!!!)
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• #95060
"Install the cap with tongue at the position(A, B) specified in the illustration". So put them at both A and B.
• #95061
That is a really unclear diagram. If the text says 'install...tongue ... at A and B' then why is a tongueless cap also pictured?
• #95062
Because there's a difference between A in a circle and A in a square ones?
• #95063
Shimano diagrams can be a bit weird but make perfect sense once someone who knows what they're meant to mean tells you what they mean. I can't help with this one, but if I have the option when cabling most internal things I'll use ferrules with a sleeve or tongue as a bunch of frames are done in a way where the cable will rub on something without them and affect shifting.
• #95064
Yeah but both are mentioned in the text, so... what gives?
• #95065
i want to write some text over a background then cut out the text so it retains the background pattern. ideally in paint.net but gimp or illustrator would do. must be pretty standard to do, but dont even know what terms to duckle...
in this case the text would have the blue/black background not pink. pink illustrative only.
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• #95066
I think you could select the text with a colour select tool or whatever, then move that selection to background layer then copy or whatever. I'm not a proper chopper but shouldn't be too difficult in gimp.
• #95067
Or just some kind of pattern fill on the text, didn't MS paint used to do that.
• #95068
In illustrator
Select bg and txt > right click > make clipping mask -
• #95069
This seems to be external cabling and not internal and I'll use the cap with tongue on both ends.
Unless you have inner cable liner then use the regular cap.
That said, no major issue with leaving the cable exposed.
• #95070
Thanks, unfortunately don't have illustrator, I meant inkscape. Which is horrible. Will investigate. And snottyotters suggestions too.
edit. progress, but probably far more efficient ways to do it.
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• #95071
^ this is really trippy
• #95072
Yeah but both are mentioned in the text, so...
...maybe they're just trollin'?
• #95073
I think they should get the guys who do IKEA instructions on board. Those are usually very easy to interpret, without the need for any text at all!
• #95074
• #95075
See, it works perfectly :D
Thanks, I think you're right. Yes, it is in the kitchen. The first time we had them (a few months ago) they were not near the food. This time some went into a bag of dried black beans but I'm quite confident that wasn't the point of origin. I put vinegar on the window seal, we'll see if they'll be back.