• #5852
Pref by car.
• #5853
• #5854
Unless you print one of these on the door:
• #5855
Who wants to help me get a chair from my house to Nhatt's house?
When.. And where does Nhatt live now?
• #5856
Sunday, probably. Nhatt's in West Ham. I'm in Streatham.
I did have plans of putting it on a trailer and sitting on there while someone cycled me around town.
• #5857
so who will be the cycling equivalent of blaster to damo's midget master?
• #5858
Damo, pm me about the chair
• #5859
You should do a chair carrying pub crawl
a pint a mile
or maybe take it through the foot tunnel
• #5860
If the car fails, that's a winner!
• #5861
Sunday, probably. Nhatt's in West Ham. I'm in Streatham.
I did have plans of putting it on a trailer and sitting on there while someone cycled me around town.
Would have mate but at a wedding all weekend in Somerset.
• #5862
Is cool, think EEI is able to help....
:) -
• #5863
Can anyone suggest a common household item which will stop the itching caused by mosquito bites?
I must have lost a litre of blood to these little fucking parasite bastards tonight.
• #5864
• #5865
• #5866
And baby oil. Get someone to give you a rub-down with both.
• #5867
Hahahaa... .nice try.
Not exactly common household items in the UK
• #5868
• #5869
• #5870
Veronica Mozer
• #5871
Tiger balm.
• #5872
I am lathering myself in cocoa butter. Its done fuck all for the itch but I smell like awesome.
• #5873
Possible Damo. I'll have to wait and see what hire car the insurance sort me out after mash up on Saturday.
• #5874
Listerine works. It also keeps the little fuckers away.
• #5875
They are fucking massive.
Or bikes riding side by side..