• #13977
What's the deal with cockneys putting a 'the' at the beginning of road names? eg. the edgware road, the fulham road
People just don't do this up north
• #13978
^^ Mousey bastards.
• #13979
^^ They just put a t.
• #13980
Exactly. For example - t'York
• #13981
Why is there no black fuji track or alternatives I can buy for 300!
• #13983
Anyone know what the music is on this clip? Worth watching even if you don't know.
• #13984
Exactly. For example - t'York
I have only ever heard cockneys mimicking northeners do this, what is wrong with you people?!
Bluequinn that is proper cringeworthy
• #13985
Anyone know what the music is on this clip? Worth watching even if you don't know.
King Crimson - Epitaph
• #13986
I have only ever heard cockneys mimicking northeners do this, what is wrong with you people?!
Bluequinn that is proper cringeworthy
I shared a flat at university with a girl who had lived in Great Yarmouth. It apparently had a nightlclub called the Garibaldi. She was entirely oblivious as to why we all giggled when she told us how on friday nights her mates' boyfriends all took them up the Gary.
• #13987
Bloody King Crimson. Rubbish.
• #13989
King Crimson - Epitaph
• #13990
king crimson
• #13991
I only really like King Crimson's song 'Red', which, incidentally, is by King Crimson.
• #13992
That debut of theirs is vastly overrated I think, except '21st Century Schiziod Man', but Robert Fripp is excellent. Got 'Discipline' too, not much cop either.
• #13993
Why, when i skid stop, does my rear wheel occasionally do
some little pat pat pat hops ? -
• #13994
^you're not leaning enough.
• #13995
^cheers.I'll see if that works.
• #13996
^and i'll also give that a go... Cheers.
• #13997
Anyone know of a good mouse control company/person for a reasonable (~£100) price? I've tried contacting the council but they haven't got back to my email, nor picked up the phone.
• #13998
Bloody King Crimson. Awesome.
• #13999
There was a beautiful steel road bike with an Italian sounding name in the window of LMNH for ages, brand new, what was it?
• #14000
tried it. Tried peanut butter different traps. I've killed a couple, and we had some resbite but there's a load of them all of a sudden. I think they've bred a lot over spring.