• #202
Form the article: "[B]JULY 2009: Report reveals Dundee City Council plans to spend £114,000 on hiring a team of specialists to stop the family from overeating. Three full-time professionals will advise the parents and their six children on general health issues, diet and lifestyle choices."
[/B]money well spent.
• #203
I went shopping yesterday.
Due to my keen desire to kill as many polar bears as possible I decided to drive.
I would normally go to the Sainsbury at North Greenwich, but that way madness lies due to the inability of Greenwich council to replace a simple water/gas main in under a year.
So I decided to go to Surrey Quays Tesco.
Whilst on my way there however I saw that the Greenwich traffic apocalypse had fed back, and traffic going the other way (back to my house) was FUBAR'd.
So I decided to go via the back roads past Milwall stadium and ended up at the very large Tesco on OKR.
I was looking for either some nice fresh fish or the dine in for £9 deal where you get a decent feed and a reasonable bottle of wine for the headline price. Sadly neither were to be found.
Tesco's reading of the social demographihcs of the area seemed to be conspiring against me.
OKR Tesco is massive, yet the fresh produce (meat/fish/veg) was tiny in relation to its overall size.
I went around in circles for some time before giving up and leaving- I would have been fine if I wanted a ready meal, or to feed my family for £5 with a 2kg lasagne, but I wanted neither.
It was truly saddening to see aisle after aisle of crap with no decent food anywhere.
I went to New Cross Sainsbury in the end and got what I was after- and got home one hour and fifty two minutes after getting in the car.
Epic Fail.
• #204
everyone should just eat this, it makes you thin.........and white -
• #206
i'm more concerned by that womans lack of a belly button!
• #207
Fat rights, down with salad!
• #208
I know I know, this is a serious thread and whatnot, but I just came across this and had to share it.
The Worlds Fattest Man has had a lot of criticism lately.
It's ok though, he's taken it all with a pinch of salt. And a side of bacon, eggs, sausages, chips, fried bread, hash browns, beans, mushrooms, bubble and squeak, toast, black pudding and of course a diet coke.
• #209
I know I'm sposta stop trollin this thread and all but... Fuck Yeah Skinny Bitches!
[U][/U] -
• #210
A successful troll is 'sposta' have a working link.
• #211
sorry adonis, you were saying…
• #212
Not before time, it appears that views on what a professional model should look like in the fashion industry, are slowing changing.
Gary Dakin champions beauty (I am a fan of this)
Sunday Times feaures plus models and Stephanie Zwicky (excellent article)
Mark Fast's size 12 models (pay attention, NOT size zero)My apologies to those who champion size zero as the epitome of style.
I'll be glad when its placed rightly next to fox-hunting. -
• #213
I understand the point that people have a right to consume what they want, but where's the self-respect gone? When I was a kid, there was one slightly more portly child in my school year. We all had active lives (walked to school etc) and ate as well as we possibly could. My mother would shop where the food was best with the budget that she had. Our diets today are defined by what the retailers stock, which is largely what is actually demanded by the paying public.
Whilst laziness isn't entirely to blame, I reckon there's a certain amount of it about because we're consistently reminded about just how busy our lives are.
It's such a tough choice - £2.50 for some processed death that is ready after being nuked, or try to create something both healthy and nutritional for a similar amount of money and actually learn something. It's not laziness - curiosity has left the building.
• #214
It's the sugar folks, in its various guises - sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose.
It's dirt cheap, they put that shit in everything now, even low fat foods. Dump the fat you lose the taste, therefore stick a load of sugar in there to sort the issue out.
The problem is you can't get away from it, for example do you know Special K (perceived as being healthy) now contains twice the amount of sugar as it did in 1978. This is not an isolatnd case sugar levels have increased across the board.
Sugar levels are the REAL cause of the US's, and now the UK's obesity epidemic. As someone said earlier, Coca Cola is to blame.
• #215
aside from the fashion fantasists, who live in some parallel universe anyway.
Most parents now think that what they see as normal size--is actually overweight,
a couple of generations of it mean that healthy weights are seen as unhealthy.Add the fact that half this country is car addicted up to its eyeballs and there you go.
• #216
Oh please this is all a bunch of crap. I see people being being made to feel bad because they're skinny much, much more often fat people. Hell even writing that sentence I hesitated before writing "fat people" in case it offended anyone. I suspect some of you do the same, but do you do that when writing "skinny people" I doubt it. In much the same way that some fat people have less control over their body size than normal, quite a few skinny people have the same problem. I think the discrimination against skinny people needs to be taken care of before we think of further "protecting" fat people.
• #217
as an officially skinny person i concur with your observation.
however i have no desire to stop the discrimination because i don't really care what people think and suffering the trauma of these taunts means i get to legitimately laugh at fat cunts. -
• #218
this is part of the point Im making, what is an actual healthy weight, is now regarded as skinny- hence the jibing of skinnies youre talking about.
• #219
Try to be a Black Slender Woman. That's a challenge. Loads of shit on a daily basis from both men and women. "Are you alright?", "Poor you", "She lost her mind, now she'll be dating white boys"... Seriously, my wife was very depressed for a long time, because of the stupid comments from people she doesn't even know.
People assume that you are anorexic, because you are slim. Some people are slim, some are bigger. Sickly slim who starve themselves deserve some attention, so do super obese who can't help themselves but gorge on fatty food. It's all about the extremes.
• #220
this is part of the point Im making, what is an actual healthy weight, is now regarded as skinny- hence the jibing of skinnies youre talking about.
Indeed, I regularly get told that i'm too skinny, yet checking my BMI (I know, not a perfect measure but it's the best I could get) I found that I am slap bang in the middle of the healthy weight range. But like others, I couldn't actually care what people say. Nor should any of these people branded as fat/skinny.
Which brings me to my next point, am I the only one who can't fucking stand these self-righteous idiots who feel the need to defend others because they think they can't defend themselves and need protected? It's most commonly seen with males harping on about the sexism that women have to deal with. Not realising they're just as bad by assuming women are too weak to deal with it themselves.
• #221
As a slightly chubby white girl I resent all of this.
so there.
• #222
You are not skinny, Mac. Now, it's official.
You are not chubby, Nhatt. It's official too. -
• #223
Too fat.. too skinny... too fucking blah blah. Measuring health vis a vis a perception of what is normal isn't very constructive.
Everyone has a duty and a responsibility to keep themselves healthy - and let's face it it's not rocket surgery:
eat sensible amounts of fresh fruit and veg, avoid too much fatty processed food, exercise regularly, don't drink too much and don't smoke. being a bit under or over weight compared to some mythic average is irrelevant -
• #224
The fashion industry is most definitely not the reason people feel they need to conform to be a certain size or shape - mostly because the vast majority of people are so far removed from "fashion" that they assume that thin is perceived to be good. The expression "everything in moderation" appears to be somewhat lost on these people.
I consume my fair share of potentially fattening products, but make a point of knowing where to draw the line. These people just totally lack any self respect. We all look in mirrors or see ourselves in shop windows or even notice our jeans getting tighter - at which point we make a concerted effort to assess what it is we're consuming and make the necessary changes.
I say if you weigh more than your frame is built to handle then you should pay more tax. Therefore you're able to pay for the potentially long-term effects that you'll have on an already stretched health service.
• #225
Too fat.. too skinny... too fucking blah blah. Measuring health vis a vis a perception of what is normal isn't very constructive.
Everyone has a duty and a responsibility to keep themselves healthy - and let's face it it's not rocket surgery:
eat sensible amounts of fresh fruit and veg, avoid too much fatty processed food, exercise regularly,don't drink too muchand don't smoke. being a bit under or over weight compared to some mythic average is irrelevant+1
Heres the artical, I do believe that they have been let down by the system though.