• #502
I have a bunch that I've picked up from physios for specific issues, some stuff off youtube. I dip into Yoga for Cyclists book now and then, again for specific stuff. Now and then I find enough time to do a yoga routine off youtube.
• #503
@alialias / @Cave
- keep in mind it's not a sprint, but a marathon - rushing things won't help
- 5mins daily will do you more good than half an hour once a week
- breathe more, seriously
- try to be more relaxed about the whole endeavour, don't fight your own body, chill out
- find a good yin yoga teacher if going deep into stretching is what you want
- keep in mind it's not a sprint, but a marathon - rushing things won't help
• #504
Just back from my weekly session. Had a chat with instructor beforehand telling her I'd be pushing it less, described what I thought was going on and she agreed. We did a different type of class today, my first try at ashtanga, which. Feel on the whole more satisfied with the experience, and less ruined now.
Now to pick up 15mins or so daily.
• #505
I'm off to a Gong Bath on Friday. Can I safely assume that I just lie there whilst the Gong Master does his thing?
• #506
That's the idea, yes.
• #507
Thought I'd drop this in here:
I've been doing this session a few times a week over the last three months. I rate it! -
• #508
Gong Bath on Friday
How was it?
• #509
any suggestions on yoga for cyclist for lower back
• #510
If my lower back is hurting I tend to go for hamstring stretching for a while. YMMV
• #511
Uttanasana, prasarita padottanasana, janu sirasana, adho mukha svanasana
• #512
Bless you. Gesundheit.
• #513
in English please lol
• #514
Google is your friend.
The names in Sanskrit or English mean nothing. You need someone to teach the poses to you, so you can understand the intentionality of the pose, where to lengthen, where to stabilise, the dristi or focal point for consciousness, where to direct the breath etc.
• #515
Okay, would like to give this a try. I think it might help on several fronts. Anyone have a recommendation for an online starting point? A really basic starting point. I can barely touch my toes. Any pointers welcome.
• #516
I don't know how the situation is regarding Covid in terms of regulations etc. where you are but basically my advice would be to find something locally (as opposed to doing some online class) - ask for friends' recommendations or google, check out 1-2-3 studios and see if they offer cheap trial lessons etc. -
use your gut feeling, see whether you like the place, the teacher, the crowd, the overall experience, it's more important than the "style" of the Yoga in my opinion, you really just need to make a couple of your own experiences.
Maybe if you can tell what it is you're looking for one could narrow it down a bit or give more detailled recommendations 👍 -
• #517
I’ve already posted this on another yoga thread but was recommended I post it here as well(although it’s not aimed specifically at cyclists).
My wonderful partner Lizzie has just launched her own online yoga studio as a recently qualified teacher. Focus will be on restorative practices and sexual empowerment from Tantra and Raja Dhiraja Yoga, based on Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga.
It’s mostly aimed at womxn for the time being and she’s still at the stage of creating content but there’s free online live classes as well at the mo.
Give her a follow and a share if that’s your kinda thing.
Insta@hippy - if this counts as spam I’m sorry and I’ll nuke the post.
1 Attachment
• #518
It only took 2 years but I finally got around to doing this one. Not bad. It's a bit longer and slower than the stuff I've done before and has some different bits and pieces in it so yeah, cheers. Would do again.
• #519
Another shameless plug for my partner, she’s now teaching yoga at Exotique Dance Studio in Tottenham.
Still mostly aimed at womxn but all welcome.https://instagram.com/dahlia_yoga_?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Lots of classes this autumn and a nice little studio.
Yoga classes are like music lessons, they teach technique but without regular practice won’t make a huge difference. This year I committed to home practice every day. At the beginning of the year I’d be lucky to get my finger tips to the floor in uttanasana first thing in the morning. after ten months of daily practice I can get my hands flat on the floor at the start of the day.
Also as mentioned by Hippy poses should not be agony, it’s often best to back off the point of pain and let the body relax and you will find the stretch will then occur. If you are at the point of pain the muscles will defensively contract which is not what you want when trying to relax and stretch.