• #4852
approaching reasonable-ness. hmmm.
• #4853
Thanks, but this is obsolete.
(...) Apple blocks the downgrade since some days.
Upon restoring, iTunes checks with the update server, which does not accept the 'old' .ipsw-file (any more) (...)..just had a chat with apple support, to make it short he told me he 'feels my frustration' but can do fuck all.
He told me that apple is "convinced that new features work best if everybody is using the latest iOS". -
• #4854
Seriously debating paying for my own MBP for work. Just took 35 minutes to pair a bluetooth headset with my laptop.
For the record, this was NOT windows fault. It's damn Dell and their stupid fucking drivers.
• #4855
I blame Windows.
• #4856
I blame Canada.
• #4857
Canada eh... It's always Canada's fault. Damn you Canada!
• #4858
haha that's WAAAAAAAY overkill for what I need.
I just grabbed a Logitech H800 since it's bluetooth. It's very light, sounds clear. Neat that you can pack away a little dongle in one headphone, useful for computers without bluetooth. -
• #4859
anyone use this?
I can't get it to work when running dual screens (laptop + monitor)
• #4860
New iMacs looks badass... new flash storage like the Airs and Pros... dead fast...
• #4861
new as in new, or a few months ago new?
• #4862
2 days a go... lots of new bits...
• #4864
PCIe flash storage options, BOOM.
• #4866
And that, is the reason I don't use Apple Maps. It's shit.
• #4867
I spent much of this evening playing with my mac which recently developed a desire to fall asleep and then not wake up.
I'm not 100% I've fixed it, but in ever increasing steps I:
Reset the PRAM, SMC, repaired all disk utilities, wiped all the data from the computer, and reinstalled Mountain Lion.
Also my RAM update as mentioned previously had mysteriously come loose so I did that too.Fingers crossed eh?
• #4868
Need some advice...
My Mini has 2 drives, one SSD one normal, I think both might be boot drives which leads me to believe I have a load of stuff I don't need on the one that isn't used as to boot... I feel I need to clean the whole thing up, the SSD is nearly full and I don't believe I have 128GB of OS and Apps (I use the other for storage).
Anyone know where to start? Any apps that help with this kinda thing? -
• #4869
Daisy Disk is a nice app to help determine how much is on the drive and where.... http://www.daisydiskapp.com/
It also allows you to delete things from it.
• #4870
Mac App Store link: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/daisydisk/id411643860?mt=12
• #4871
I use CleanMyMac, its nice but pricey.
• #4872
I have cleanmymac as well and whilst it's nice, it costs a lot more and doesn't really offer any better features for just deleting files etc.
• #4873
^ yeah I agree, I have been using it since before daisy disk was released, i'd go daisy disk if I buy now.
• #4874
Cheers chaps... I use CleanMyMac and Onyx a fair bit... I'm tempted to back up, then wipe, set up as fusion, then restore, does that make sense?
• #4875
Oh, just read up some more.. wont be making a Fusion... just need to free clutter/duplicates etc. Had 2 iPhotos etc until recently, both the same size GB wise...
Theyre 746.40 in the edu store