• #3527
I'm not rational enough. I'm going to throw my toys out of the pram and sack it all off.
It was mainly apple's response to why they didn't include certain technologies that narked me. They used to try and push boundaries, and now it just seems like baby steps, with little increases to take your monies.
There's only so much of that I can stomach.
• #3528
out of curiosity, what are you missing?
• #3529
apple have always beta tested on their early-adopting customers. Nothing new there, they just do it more often now. The difference is: it used to just be your computer, now they can fuck with your whole life through a phone :)
• #3530
loads faster. I've got the 4s and tried a 4 a while ago, felt really sluggish. I very rarely have to wait for anything on my phone, everything's really smooth. Makes a huge difference and well worth the extra money imo
good to know. My GF has a 4s and I was quite impressed how usable it was - a massive step up from the 3gs I had as a work phone in my last job. I hated that.
• #3531
^ there is also a 300mb update to OSX ... 10.8.2
• #3532
I'm not updating to OS6 unless I really need to, quite happy how well my 4 is currently performing never mind updating it and making it shit the bed as seems to happen every time apple update software on a old machine....
• #3533
Not liking the new maps. Twice I've searched for something within a mile of me, and it's sent me to places in Japan and America. Not Newcastle, where I am now.
Bollocks to the new iphone. I'm happy with my 4. So many other things to spend my money on. Maybe the next one...
• #3534
out of curiosity, what are you missing?
I was really hoping for NFC, and maybe wireless charging... The new lumia's got both of those, plus a 'use in the sunshine' screen, use with gloves screen, apparently a mint camera, and some other bits and bobs.
Plus its in yellow. Who doesn't like yellow :D
In all honesty, NFC was what I really wanted to play with.
• #3535
NFC is quite an advanced feature, nothing for the regular user. Apple's products are for the masses, not the early adopters, not any more.
The screen stuff though, and camera, that just makes plain sense
• #3536
Not liking the new maps. Twice I've searched for something within a mile of me, and it's sent me to places in Japan and America. Not Newcastle, where I am now.
Bollocks to the new iphone. I'm happy with my 4. So many other things to spend my money on. Maybe the next one...
same here, just tried it on a friends phone. Doesn't seem nearly as good as google maps. I know we're comparing v1.0 with v5.0, but that's not an argument for it being shit.
• #3537
Yeah but apple could have made NFC 'easy' for the masses. It could have helped bring exciting technology to everyone, but instead it played it safe.
They've got the marketing know how to make everything easy - why not something new and exciting... instead of... panorama mode? really?
• #3538
Just got my iPhone 5, delivered to me at work no queuing involved. Have to wait to go home until I can sync it with my itunes, gah, want to use it now.
• #3539
Waiting for mine to be delivered :(
• #3540
My iPhone 5 is awesome
• #3541
Recommend me some games? I quite enjoyed Infinity Blade I and II, and I'm looking for some stuff to sink my time in to. iPhone 4s, if that removes any options. I haven't tried any of the Final Fantasy ports, but something along those lines might be decent.
• #3542
same here, just tried it on a friends phone. Doesn't seem nearly as good as google maps. I know we're comparing v1.0 with v5.0, but that's not an argument for it being shit.
I HATE google maps... never ever worked for me... I used to screen grab it at times to show people how wrong it often was. Fingers crossed Apple map will be better (I doubt it could be worse..).
Game wise GOF2 is pretty good, and I loved Assassins Creed 1 and all the Need For Speeds...
• #3543
I like my new phone :) what colour did you guys go for?
• #3544
White. To match all my other Mac stuff... (Mini ACD etc.)
• #3545
Anone running ios6 on an iphone 4, has the option to stop emeails being deleted on the server disappeared? I use hotmail and had previously set my iphone up so that if/when I deleted an email from my phone, when I logged onto hotmail account the email was still there but since updating delete on phone = delete everywhere. :(
• #3546
iOS 6 quite nice YouTube gone though
• #3547
kinda wish I went for white, because I reckon my black one will scratch. I'm happy with it though, its nice and sleek
• #3548
I have a black 32gb iPhone 5. It's lovely, much quicker and the screen is super sharp.
• #3549
^ this. Got mine yesterday and its super nice. Feels a bit like a shop dummy though as its so light!
• #3550
ive managed to scratch mine already on the back ;-(
currently enjoying being a late adopter, will wait until things settle down, before updating.
lots of crying over spilt milk over the new apple maps
not sure whether the comments and internet gnashing of teeth angers me or makes me laugh. Since when is everything piece of software going to be perfect out of the box, and despite the growth of users/consumers/acolytes, its always best with apple to wait a while for everything to settle down...