• #42652
The level closest to the water will cook quicker/more so just stack stuff in order of cooking time. Something else I do is put down a sheet of greaseproof paper like normal but stab lots of holes in it to let the steam come through more evenly.
• #42653
Will nobody think of the Arborio?
I love a good risotto.
• #42654
Good tip.
• #42655
my standard and what I've been brought up on. Chewier and less sticky varieties of rice seem a bit wrong to me.
For some reason this reminded me of one of the older sales guys I worked with objections to gay marriage.
• #42656
Now you've done it.
How long before someone argues it's actually all about the vialone Nano.
• #42657
Ha, I was going to put that. And carnaroli.
• #42658
Gonna look like a dick now. But this is what my folks generally use.
(I've never actually used vialone nano, I was just looking for something less mainstream than carnaroli)
• #42659
I actually came to ask roughly how much fluff do people get from their tumble dryer filter? (the little pull up thing just inside)
I seem to get about a golf balls worth every time. Is this normal, or are my clothes just exceptionally dusty?
• #42661
I'm not quite sure I know how to respond to that, without descending into innuendo about what type of rice people prefer.
• #42662
5.5 million rice cookers sold in Japan every year suggests they can do good sticky rice.
I meant like Thai sticky rice, not Japanese stickyish rice.
• #42663
Vialone nano > carnaroli > arborio
chuck that in your rice cooker...
[Edit] page fresh fail...
• #42664
Yes, should do a good job.
The stickiness mainly comes from the rice variety. sticky glutinous rice isn't the same as jasmine rice, and normally is soaked for hours, then steamed, rather than cooked in a pan.I usually soak sushi rice for an hour before I put in the rice cooker.
This is cheap, easy to compare results of cooking the rice in the main compartment, or cooking the rice in a cloth in the steamer basket. Had one like this through uni, non stick survived about 2 weeks before a housemate tried to clean it with a metal scourer.
• #42665
Sorry if covered elsewhere, but what are the kitchen cupboards?
• #42666
Sorry this is the rice thread, you can't ask about people's homes.
• #42667
Yeah let's back to rice:
What's your favourite brand?
We rate Yumenishki -
• #42668
mods pls rename the thread "Owning your own rice", thank you in advance
• #42670
Chris moaned about not wanting to dilute the thread so started a new one for kitchen/bathroom etc mods and the last 3 pages have be about rice cookers. LOLLLL
• #42671
The ONLY way to cook rice
• #42672
It's just missing the cooking part.
• #42673
Non rice related kitchen news:
Replacement filters for my hood arrived today. Noticed they were very light compared to the outgoing ones and discovered that each had absorbed over 100g of grease and whatnot.
• #42674
Can't remember if I've posted this yet, such is the state of my brain and the distraction of rice.
Started work (well, removed the first brick) on dismantling the rural pub fireplace. Won't need to hunt down those horse brasses after all.
You can sort of see just from the first brick being gone, the courses on the outside were just built up to the original ceiling/coving so is not load bearing. The original chimney breast face is about a foot behind the current face.
Plan is to take this outer layer off brick by brick leaving the original breast, then batten an board over that leaving a suitable sized pasture for either a more modest fireplace or even just a rectangular opening. We'll see.
The vertical thing you can see is a light cord. I fitted a bulb to it a while ago but it didn't work. However, I found my contactless mains tester thing and it shows it as live when the main light in the room is on. Might look to have some kind of sconce or something in the new wall. Not sure.
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• #42675
The plinths will be chopped back too.
our heating has absolutely lost its mind
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