• #3426
• #3427
Many lols
• #3428
Oh Dave. Amazing as ever.
Spotted this: I’d but the bags down. Should be put?
• #3429
pescatarians are worse than vegans
• #3430
Good to know! :)
• #3431
I love the great response Fucking Amazing Dave gets. The lad is a champ and an endless source of amusement to me!
Oh, and I made that gif myself of the very same chute that gobbled the goods!
• #3432
One of these days these are going to filter back to your co-workers and I confidently expect significant poo / fan action! Don't you dare stop writing them though!
• #3433
I fucking love Fucking Amazing Dave.
• #3434
Yeah, it'll happen and I'll likely get lynched and sacked, but until then I'll keep chugging them out! A scarey thought though...
• #3435
You know, I don't reckon Hugs and Flint are likely to concern themselves too much about the fall out if this ever gets public. Perfect accomplices for a spot of blackmail. A nice little chip every month, nothing too big and you don't put the real names down on paper.
Now of course the idea will get out there that people can't keep swinging the lead while you've got your beady eye open. So at the same time let Soulless Boss know that for a nice little bump in the pay packet, you can get productivity increased, no questions asked.
• #3436
Unfortunately Flint is retired and Hugs blew his own brains out with a shotgun. (Not kidding)
If the stories go public I'm walking, no two ways about it! -
• #3437
That'd be good, you could focus properly on your writing.
(I realise you need to earn a wage, so this is a joke really).
• #3438
If the stories go public I'm walking, no two ways about it!
With a large non-disclosure pay off?
• #3439
Good work on today's piece BTW.
• #3440
Ooh! Do you think they'd pay me a sweet wedge for my silence? I doubt it. They'd just have me run over with a work's van.
• #3441
Great stuff -B&D said it already
Nothing says Chairman of the Board like a MkII Fiesta and a hundred quid’s worth of burgers.brilliant :)
Dave is ace
• #3442
I polished them both off in one sitting at lunch today. Backbone was beautifully written but stiflingly grim, so having a Fucking Amazing Dave to cheer me up after made for one of the better lunchtimes I've had in a while. Cheers Luci.
• #3443
Light and shade, my friend. Nowadays I try not to double up on the bleak.
• #3444
lovely stuff, i get a tingle of delight each time i see "fucking amazing dave" mentioned when I scan your tales as the email arrives in my inbox, knowing much fun and games is on the way!
• #3445
Yeah, Dave is a saint. It's been really shit at work of late and he's the only ray of sunshine. I love a rebel, especially one who doesn't know he's a rebel!
• #3446
What's the name of the beautifully horrific story where @General_Lucifer goes back to some girl's house and destroys her bathroom with a horendous attack of the shots?
• #3447
Krapatoa, was the very link I sent to colleague recently as intro to Luci's work.
- Krapatoa, Beast of Java | Repro Man – stories from a reluctant reprographer.
- Krapatoa, Beast of Java | Repro Man – stories from a reluctant reprographer.
• #3448
Fantastic and shared.
• #3449
Just found this, read Backbone first, then Bronze Cortina MkIII, then Life Sucks.
Loved all of it; probably Cortina the most.
Reminded me a little of the writing I used to do, years ago, when I still did stuff like that.
So I had a look through some of my old work and it turns out that it was all about drug taking and sleeping with prostitutes. Then I remembered that I wrote a story about a guy buying a secondhand BMW from a mechanic named Seamus, but I couldn't find that one. I posted it on usenet at the time, a group called alt.writing. But usenet's all fucked up now and you can't find stuff from 15 years ago.
Great work. Keep going.
• #3450
Cheers, @ChasnotRobert!