• #77
Angle grinder?
• #78
I think that if that is the only drawback we should still give it a go. Every court has negatives, and I prefer static negatives to bike thieving, violent negatives.
• #79
Ahrgh ... i cant add notes to the locations on the map.
Does anyone know how? -
• #80
Some time back the messengers who used to hang out at the Duke of York had a lot of trouble with the kids around that area. It would be worth checking out but keeping in mind that it isn't necessarily a safer area.
• #81
now you mention it em, i have posted this court before, and bill said it's a no go cos of the kids around there. they attacked the messengers at DoY several times or something...
• #82
Something along those lines. I know the police were involved too but don't know any of the specific details.
• #83
Bourne Estate = bad children/ people.
• #84
• #85
Otters started this map http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=h&msa=0&msid=108709390759494432493.00045b6783dbaee9389d2&z=13
I've changed the settings so that everyone can edit this map. I'm not sure it's actually working. If it doesn't, just PM me your email address and I'll invite you to edit.
• #86
Another place which would be great for purpose-built courts would be the courts in Shoreditch park, with the grippy surface (to be resurfaced...)
• #87
But even in their current sorry state, they need to be booked in advance. Too close to a sports centre, they get well used especially if they resurfaced them.
• #88
There are two nice courts with lights near Waterloo here:
They do seem quite well used though.
• #89
There is a court which hardly ever seems to get used, with lights near London Bridge here:
• #90
There is a court which hardly ever seems to get used, with lights near London Bridge here:
I know this court, is use mainly for basketball here and there, no very often, but the problem is that it is very, very small. Small for 2x2
• #92
does anyone know what this is? top floor basketball court, near barbican.
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=&sll=51.515082,-0.092137&sspn=0.001292,0.002151&ie=UTF8&t=h&layer=c&cbll=51.521785,-0.092598&panoid=c1J_-_ZHO2XaOzdkvgEthw&cbp=12,293.28,,0,-2.13&ll=51.521678,-0.092582&spn=0,359.997849&z=19 -
• #93
Shh, that was part of the 'Gorilla Polo' tour.
• #94
i knows naathing
• #95
does anyone know what this is? top floor basketball court, near barbican.
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=&sll=51.515082,-0.092137&sspn=0.001292,0.002151&ie=UTF8&t=h&layer=c&cbll=51.521785,-0.092598&panoid=c1J_-_ZHO2XaOzdkvgEthw&cbp=12,293.28,,0,-2.13&ll=51.521678,-0.092582&spn=0,359.997849&z=19This is part of (i think) City University.
Its on top of their Golden Lane campus
I checked it out a while ago (briefly), it looks as if you have to go through the building to get to it but i can make further enquiries. -
• #96
Havn't cycled past them for a while and only ever did in the day time when I was working so I don't know what the court use would be like and I couldn't say about lights but seems as its on my mind... Hatfields in SE1 has 4 5-a-side courts on the one road...
(ok i offically suck at links, just google Hatfields, SE1)
I finish work at 10 tonight, will cycle past and see what there is to see.
• #97
If I remember right, those are turfed pitches. Although just down the street on the opposite side there are 2 tennis courts...
• #98
guys not sure if anyone is interested in Columbia rd still, but to cut the long story short that was the deal last time :
The court falls under Victoria Park council ( as it's in a little park bit)
The people there refuse to switch the lights on and off as they have no one working overtime past 9-5 to switch them manually off ( the argument that the lights are there to be switched on AFTER DARK, which is usually after working hours, didn't convince)
We had keys, until they changed the locks
Also, worth noting, there is an evening class of hockey ( "concrete hockey" ?) for kids, taking place there some days of the week, and the coach has the key for the lights, and operates them himself.So i don't think the neighbors were the biggest issue here, i think just at the time we were a random bunch of kids on bikes. If we contact them again under the polo association maybe that would be more favorably looked upon.
• #99
Ok, was down at HOP last night. Spoke to the bloke about these floodlit netball courts. Unfortunatly, although the lights are there in body, they are not in spirit in that there is no electricity to them. really yhtat makes the courts pretty useless as there a long was out and don't have much going for them
ah, okay. Thanks Rauri!
This is a different location to the ones I was going to look at, so I'll investigate this weekend. There's 4-5 polo players in Brockley already, maybe we could persuade a couple more to play if we find local courts :) -
• #100
They have lights on some of the courts there, I have seen them with my eyes.
Maybe it was just the astro's then. Perhaps that suggests they might be lighting the netball courts at some point?I'm 100% up for some Brockley local style.
fuckity, shame about the stupid baseketball posts.