• #127
anyone checked out these? the off old street was in a quiet estate, the other on columbia road looks small and in an... estate... er...
• #128
...needs lights tho.
• #129
Found this whilst milling around Islington today, Barnard Park:
Large, abandoned?
Balcony areas.
Next to a park.
In Islington.
No local use.
One floodlight.Cons:
Surface slightly uneven/bowed?
Needs walling in.
Less than 40yds from a row of houses (maybe).
One floodlight.Might be an awesome location for a tourney and might be a great location to ask the council about re-developing?
(The kids playground next to it is kaput, all the swings, etc, have been removed. It looks structurally sound, but essentially unsafe?)
• #130
great location to ask the council about re-developing?
• #131
has anyone checked out this? light-less and no seating yet...
i like it cos its close... har har har
• #132
the building close to it looks like a school... no good
• #133
Anyone want to try this? We've been here a couple of times. I don't remember what the thoughts were? I've never seen anyone use it.
• #134
(it has lights, which I never noticed in the past)
• #135
It's a nice court, but often busy I think?
• #136
As I said, never seen anyone use it when going by to Sainsbury's in the evening. That's not a definitive answer though, really.
• #137
Sainsbury's. Get you.
Court looks good.
• #138
• #139
That court looks great! No lights by the looks of things?
• #140
Looks like a nice summer court (no lights), but I think we should try to make Dog Fight Court workable this summer. I love that place (although I've only played there twice). So nice to have a park right there!
• #141
This court does not get an awful lot of use, might be the wrong side of town though.
• #142
Looks like a nice summer court (no lights), but I think we should try to make Dog Fight Court workable this summer. I love that place (although I've only played there twice). So nice to have a park right there!
where is this Dog fight park?
• #143
Where did the court map go? Anyone checked out:
(just randomly looking around)
• #144
where is this Dog fight park?
Off St Pauls Road
• #145
Dove row is sketchy.
Shoreditch Park 1 is tiny.
Shoreditch Park 2 earned me a brick thrown at my head just for riding in to have a look at 2pm one Thursday.Keep Trying Aitch.
• #146
Mitchison is sketchy, and I've been hit in the head with a rock there (albeit, a rock is not a brick!). Are they not worth checking out?
• #147
(and do they even have lights)
• #148
ah, is Dog Fight the one with the banked walls? that's whack. :D
• #149
I hate open courts, but high sealing + covered + lights = petticoat lane car park: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=shoreditch+park&sll=51.518875,-0.069377&sspn=0.000179,0.00066&gl=uk&ie=UTF8&hq=shoreditch+park&hnear=&ll=51.5153,-0.075023&spn=0.000081,0.00066&t=h&z=21&layer=c&cbll=51.515283,-0.074999&panoid=O6I4Lu1YX1un8bYZZVURTw&cbp=11,15.88,,0,4.54
No idea what kind of luck we'd have until trying...
• #150
ah, is Dog Fight the one with the banked walls? that's whack. :D
Yeah, it's only behind the goal that is a problem though.
Granville Square -
Small, big enough for 2 on 2 at the most.
In the middle of a very quiet Georgian residential square.
Not ideal by any means.
Any other courts South of Pentonville Rd you need me to check out just holler!