• #8052
Just some of my thoughts around the E3 coverage and the next gen consoles.
Right now I would say that M$ will do better in Europe as well. The high price reflects the strength of the Xbox brand at the moment.
Sony are still paying for the security lapses and other issues that have happened over the last few years.
I don't think pricing is going to be that big an issue. Don't forget the PS2 also launched at £399, with no competitor - so that price point is totally reasonable.
Whilst I say that game pricing is an issue - still not clear what price point they are going to launch games at.
Hardware wise the two consoles are very close. Which makes developing for 'both' easier. So the third party games will come for both platforms. So we will see more of the same things happening with the current generation.
The platform specific series titles at the moment look impressive but we know nothing about playability at the moment.
Sony does seem to have won over the public because of the second hand games thing. But I bet you the publishers are on Microsoft's side - if it means that they can monetise second hand games sales in some way. Then they are going to run that way. Still not clear how XBLA is going to be on One.
Sony charging for PSN multiplayer is a good thing. If it means they can continually improve on it like Microsoft does without hurting their pocket directly.
Still digesting the coverage from the Nintendo presentation. Not interested in the Wii-U at all, though I might buy a 3DS so that I can play the Mario and Zelda re-releases - or I could just emulate them on my N7.
• #8053
Wait until it's released read reviews. Enjoy GTA 5 on the 360 (as it doesn't look as though it's getting a next gen release yet)
I'll jump in probably around this time next year, possibly even wait until next Christmas.
I'm too impatient to wait.
But GTA will be consumed in huge doses on release, on whatever platform I can get it for the quickest.
• #8054
GTA on xbox for me. It just feels much better than playing it on PC even though it'll be awesome to mod.
Time off work, energy drinks, pizza and plenty of gta.
• #8055
Am I the only one who thought the xbox looked a little bit....well, 'current gen'? Sort of looks like dead rising 3 could be a 360 game.
Not a great 'show' by sony but I think they came out on top by a country mile.
- 100 quid cheaper than the xbox
- Used games/trading/swapping
- Not always connected.
- Seems a good bit more powerful
- Half the size of the xbox (hopefully no power brick either)
- Upgradable hard drive (Xbox requires an external drive)
- 100 quid cheaper than the xbox
• #8056
the Xbox One will have some immediate success due to the strength of the Xbox 360. But once people realise the massive amount of bullshit that comes along with the Xbox One, the PS4 has a real chance of bringing Sony back on top.
• #8057
Personally one of the things I love about consoles is how independent they are. You shouldn't need to be connected to the internet to use it.
• #8058
The only thing that concerns me is how shit my internet is meaning that the one would be a bad idea. Nothing else they've announced really bothers me.
I like the idea of signing in at someone elses house and being able to play anything I own... but thats only because everyone else has good internet.
• #8059
But if you signed in at someone else's house you'd still have to redownload the game - which is absolute balls.
With PS4 cycle off with a blu ray disc and you're ready to start.
I love the xbox and think Microsoft have nailed this current gen. I had a PS2 and think Sony are moving back to core gaming as they did with the PS2, that and the fact they have said they're supporting indy games more than Microsoft.
Don't forget Gabe Newell was a big fan of implementing Steam on the PS3 - who knows with the PS4 it could be full implementation? It's a damn sight more possible than with Microsoft.
It seems like Microsfot are relying too much on the media hub. Whereas Sony have created primarily a gaming console that just so happens to play blu rays, netflix and a whole lot of other apps. Just as the PS2 was a gaming device that happened to play dvd's.
• #8060
But if you signed in at someone else's house you'd still have to redownload the game - which is absolute balls.
I'm sure that's not true. Is it?
• #8061
All games on the Xbox one are installed to the HDD - none are played off the disc, so at best you'd have to install it again.
• #8062
At the end of the day the most important thing for me is what my mates buy, I hope it's the One, for all my concerns.
What I don't understand is that there's clearly a LOT of skepticism among the gaming fraternity, most importantly among their own fans, which begs the question, would any company seriously release a product into the world already associated with so much bad will?
• #8063
I think Microsotft will back track. The internet has already claimed Sony have won, they must be mustering up some serious PR announcements currently.
• #8064
I can live with the cost, I'm not a big buyer/borrower of games, so I can live with the controversy about that, I already plug my 360 into the matrix 24/7, so no issues for me there, it's that fucking Kinect shite I don't want anywhere near my living room!
• #8065
Yeah this whole privacy thing couldn't have happened at a worse time for Microsoft.
• #8066
At the end of the day the most important thing for me is what my mates buy, I hope it's the One, for all my concerns.
Why not be the mate who helps the rest of them make up their minds rather than following them, you're probably better informed than most of them about the pro's and con's of each system.
One thing to bare in mind. Seven years into this gen Sony are about to release 'the last of us' a game people are saying is one of the best of all time. They did the same thing last gen with 'Shadow of the colossus' (actually the best game of all time :) ) They have a history of supporting their consoles with incredible games right to the end (often risky new IP's). Not something I think Microsoft will ever do.
• #8067
I think it's going to be more of a hive-mind thing.
I have to say the only games I've ever been gutted that I don't own a PS3 for are Ico / Shadow of the Colossus and The Last of Us. I'm interested in anything Edge give a 10.
• #8068
as a forum we should design and release a light/soundproof cover for the kinect funded through kickstarter. and this time next year rodders...
• #8069
All games on the Xbox one are installed to the HDD - none are played off the disc, so at best you'd have to install it again.
I still don't understand why signing in from a different location would force you to download or install anything again? This is the first I've heard it suggested, and I've been keeping up with the fallout since the launch.
• #8070
do you mean with the same machine? i.e. you took your xbox to a mates?
• #8071
Because if I go to my mates house, who doesn't have a game I have, and I sign in on their machine and want to play a game I have, I can download it and play it there.
I don't think it's a bad thing. Or I just take the disc with me...
It's still in my basket, and I just don't know any more. Forza 5 though... that's what's really making me want the one over PS4. Other than that, it's just going to be prettier graphics and tech lust.
• #8072
...would any company seriously release a product into the world already associated with so much bad will?
I think Microsotft will back track.
Windows 8!?... It doesn't even have a fucking start button.
I think you're both underestimating Microsoft's belief in the decisions they make; rightly or wrongly (almost always wrongly).
I love my Xbox 360 but i'm seriously skeptical about the DRM issues for the One.
• #8073
Windows 8!?... It doesn't even have a fucking start button.
Neither does OS X and that works just fine
• #8074
Oh I see, signing in on their machine rather than taking your own. Sorry, me being thick this morning.
I think installing to the HDD will be mandatory on the PS4 as well so they're not much different in that respect. Sony apparently have some clever shit where it will install the minimum required to start playing and then carry on doing the rest in the background. Installations on the PS3 were a right pain in the arse, was it Killzone 2 that took about 40 mins?
Apparently the digital download for The Last of Us will let you start playing when it's 50% downloaded. Probably just as well considering the whole thing is 26GB.
• #8075
as a forum we should design and release a light/soundproof cover for the kinect funded through kickstarter. and this time next year rodders...
Put camera on top of TV, take timer photo of you [alone] sat on the chair/sofa/whatever, print photo out, use some wires to hold the photo in front of the kinect camera & it's fooled isn't it? Then you just need to invite all your mates round to watch unlicensed videos!
What people expect from the PS4;
What people got from the PS4;
Taken from Tumblr.