• #18977
i'm reeeeeady. gonna get a whiskey on the go
• #18978
Sounds bloody spot on. Gin on route.
• #18979
Just came 10th in my first game of fortnite. I can see this becoming addictive....
• #18980
haha I started 3 weeks ago with friends after swearing to never play it. hit rank 100 last night lol
• #18981
Really enjoying it. Suspect PUBG would be much the same. Need to figure out the whole building stuff thing. So far I’ve done well from just taking cover but when there’s someone with some tower I just get shat on.
• #18982
Had absolutely insane Solo game in PUBG ending with 11 kills and Dinner.
There was 12 players left and I’ve managed to rack up 7 kills in 4 minutes.
What a great feeling at the end of game :)
• #18983
I just finished Horizon Zero Dawn. Took nearly 40 hours dead, about 80% completion. Really enjoyed it, definitely the game that's held me attention the most since MGS5.
• #18984
DLC as well ? I'm working through that, but keep getting side tracked with other games (like God of War, AssCreed: Origins etc..)
• #18985
Better than Witcher? Maybe I should try it. I have so much spare time these days! hah.
• #18986
Not the DLC, I bought just the original one for cheap. I might get it but now there's other games I want to play.
• #18987
I honestly preferred it to The Witcher. If you've got a ps4 you're welcome to my copy.
• #18988
Oh cool. I thought Witcher was amazing.
Really don't have the time though but thanks for the offer!
• #18989
Carried on playing Fortnite yesterday for a few hours. Damn that game is fun... I’m not great but I just need to learn how to use cover properly and maybe get a headset so I can play in squads and learn from others.
• #18990
New Tomb Raider has had a Sept 14 release date set. Back with the Aztecs like in old school days. Trailer looks like we're continuing the 'slaughter everybody' theme, rather than actually tomb raiding.
• #18991
Get a headset. Players footsteps are crazy loud, you can hear everything a mile off
• #18992
PUBG anyone? Same name on steam if anyone wants to add.
• #18993
Heading on now.
• #18994
I think you'll like Horizon Zero Dawn, brought it for one of my best friend and it does appear awesome and explorable.
• #18995
I wear Shure SE425s always but I need a mic for chat :-)
• #18996
finished HZD as well. maybe i'm shit at the games but some bits were nigh impossibru without lowering the difficulty below the default setting. robin hood in jurassic prak with snootch of silent running - what's not to like?
• #18997
pubg update is pretty fancy...
• #18998
Get a sneak preview of Dark Souls remastered by downloading the pre launch network test.
I am in.
• #18999
Just came second in a game of fortnite. Getting better. Learning to build properly but still nowhere near as fast as fast people. Should've won that one though. Hid underneath the guy in a bush and watched him run around me. Had no shield though and they presumably had 100 shield and 100 health. Loads of direct hits and they still won :-( it's hard to win...
• #19000
Anyone in here actually work in the games industry? My 27yo nephew wants to go into graphics of some description so looking to get him some work experience...
Yeah pretty much. A few more shots in and some country and I wanna do some shooting.